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the lily of the valley(幽谷百合)-第74章

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Perhaps I have sometimes irritated you by the comparisons you may have
made between these cares; these thoughts; and those I gave to you。 I
have had;〃 she said; in a sinking voice; 〃a deep friendship; which no
one; not even he who has been its object; has fully known。 Though I
have continued virtuous according to all human laws; though I have
been a irreproachable wife to you; still other thoughts; voluntary or
involuntary; have often crossed my mind and; in this hour; I fear I
have welcomed them too warmly。 But as I have tenderly loved you; and
continued to be your submissive wife; and as the clouds passing
beneath the sky do not alter its purity; I now pray for your blessing
with a clean heart。 I shall die without one bitter thought if I can
hear from your lips a tender word for your Blanche; for the mother of
your children;if I know that you forgive her those things for which
she did not forgive herself till reassured by the great tribunal which
pardons all。〃

〃Blanche; Blanche!〃 cried the broken man; shedding tears upon his
wife's head; 〃Would you kill me?〃 He raised her with a strength
unusual to him; kissed her solemnly on the forehead; and thus holding
her continued: 〃Have I no forgiveness to ask of you? Have I never been
harsh? Are you not making too much of your girlish scruples?〃

〃Perhaps;〃 she said。 〃But; dear friend; indulge the weakness of a
dying woman; tranquillize my mind。 When you reach this hour you will
remember that I left you with a blessing。 Will you grant me permission
to leave to our friend now here that pledge of my affection?〃 she
continued; showing a letter that was on the mantelshelf。 〃He is now my
adopted son; and that is all。 The heart; dear friend; makes its
bequests; my last wishes impose a sacred duty on that dear Felix。 I
think I do not put too great a burden on him; grant that I do not ask
too much of you in desiring to leave him these last words。 You see; I
am always a woman;〃 she said; bending her head with mournful
sweetness; 〃after obtaining pardon I ask a giftRead this;〃 she
added; giving me the letter; 〃but not until after my death。〃

The count saw her color change: he lifted her and carried her himself
to the bed; where we all surrounded her。

〃Felix;〃 she said; 〃I may have done something wrong to you。 Often I
gave you pain by letting you hope for that I could not give you; but
see; it was that very courage of wife and mother that now enables me
to die forgiven of all。 You will forgive me too; you who have so often
blamed me; and whose injustice was so dear〃

The Abbe Birotteau laid a finger on his lips。 At that sign the dying
woman bowed her head; faintness overcame her; presently she waved her
hands as if summoning the clergy and her children and the servants to
her presence; and then; with an imploring gesture; she showed me the
desolate count and the children beside him。 The sight of that father;
the secret of whose insanity was known to us alone; now to be left
sole guardian of those delicate beings; brought mute entreaties to her
face; which fell upon my heart like sacred fire。 Before receiving
extreme unction she asked pardon of her servants if by a hasty word
she had sometimes hurt them; she asked their prayers and commended
each one; individually; to the count; she nobly confessed that during
the last two months she had uttered complaints that were not Christian
and might have shocked them; she had repulsed her children and clung
to life unworthily; but she attributed this failure of submission to
the will of God to her intolerable sufferings。 Finally; she publicly
thanked the Abbe Birotteau with heartfelt warmth for having shown her
the illusion of all earthly things。

When she ceased to speak; prayers were said again; and the curate of
Sache gave her the viaticum。 A few moments later her breathing became
difficult; a film overspread her eyes; but soon they cleared again;
she gave me a last look and died to the eyes of earth; hearing perhaps
the symphony of our sobs。 As her last sigh issued from her lips;the
effort of a life that was one long anguish;I felt a blow within me
that struck on all my faculties。 The count and I remained beside the
bier all night with the two abbes and the curate; watching; in the
glimmer of the tapers; the body of the departed; now so calm; laid
upon the mattress of her bed; where once she had suffered cruelly。 It
was my first communion with death。 I remained the whole of that night
with my eyes fixed on Henriette; spell…bound by the pure expression
that came from the stilling of all tempests; by the whiteness of that
face where still I saw the traces of her innumerable affections;
although it made no answer to my love。 What majesty in that silence;
in that coldness! How many thoughts they expressed! What beauty in
that cold repose; what power in that immobility! All the past was
there and futurity had begun。 Ah! I loved her dead as much as I had
loved her living。 In the morning the count went to bed; the three
wearied priests fell asleep in that heavy hour of dawn so well known
to those who watch。 I could then; without witnesses; kiss that sacred
brow with all the love I had never been allowed to utter。

The third day; in a cool autumn morning; we followed the countess to
her last home。 She was carried by the old huntsman; the two
Martineaus; and Manette's husband。 We went down by the road I had so
joyously ascended the day I first returned to her。 We crossed the
valley of the Indre to the little cemetery of Sachea poor village
graveyard; placed behind the church on the slope of the hill; where
with true humility she had asked to be buried beneath a simple cross
of black wood; 〃like a poor country…woman;〃 she said。 When I saw; from
the centre of the valley; the village church and the place of the
graveyard a convulsive shudder seized me。 Alas! we have all our
Golgothas; where we leave the first thirty…three years of our lives;
with the lance…wound in our side; the crown of thorns and not of roses
on our browthat hill…slope was to me the mount of expiation。

We were followed by an immense crowd; seeking to express the grief of
the valley where she had silently buried so many noble actions。
Manette; her faithful woman; told me that when her savings did not
suffice to help the poor she economized upon her dress。 There were
babes to be provided for; naked children to be clothed; mothers
succored in their need; sacks of flour brought to the millers in
winter for helpless old men; a cow sent to some poor home;deeds of a
Christian woman; a mother; and the lady of the manor。 Besides these
things; there were dowries paid to enable loving hearts to marry;
substitutes bought for youths to whom the draft had brought despair;
tender offerings of the loving woman who had said: 〃The happiness of
others is the consolation of those who cannot themselves be happy。〃
Such things; related at the 〃veillees;〃 made the crowd immense。 I
walked with Jacques and the two abbes behind the coffin。 According to
custom neither the count nor Madeleine were present; they remained
alone at Clochegourde。 But Manette insisted in coming with us。 〃Poor
madame! poor madame! sh
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