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the lily of the valley(幽谷百合)-第56章

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Europeans; who are incapable of understanding the grandeur of the
privilege; you must admit; however; that on the dead level of our
modern customs aristocracy can rise to greatness only through
unparalleled devotions。 How can I prove to the middle classes that the
blood in my veins is not the same as theirs; unless I show them that I
can die as they cannot? Women of no birth can have diamonds and satins
and horseseven coats…of…arms; which ought to be sacred to us; for
any one can buy a name。 But to love; with our heads up; in defiance of
law; to die for the idol we have chosen; with the sheets of our bed
for a shroud; to lay earth and heaven at his feet; robbing the
Almighty of his right to make a god; and never to betray that man;
never; never; even for virtue's sake;for; to refuse him anything in
the name of duty is to devote ourselves to something that is not HE;
and let that something be a man or an idea; it is betrayal all the
same;these are heights to which common women cannot attain; they
know but two matter…of…fact ways; the great high…road of virtue; or
the muddy path of the courtesan。〃

Pride; you see; was her instrument; she flattered all vanities by
deifying them。 She put me so high that she might live at my feet; in
fact; the seductions of her spirit were literally expressed by an
attitude of subserviency and her complete submission。 In what words
shall I describe those first six months when I was lost in enervating
enjoyments; in the meshes of a love fertile in pleasures and knowing
how to vary them with a cleverness learned by long experience; yet
hiding that knowledge beneath the transports of passion。 These
pleasures; the sudden revelation of the poetry of the senses;
constitute the powerful tie which binds young men to women older than
they。 It is the chain of the galley…slave; it leaves an ineffaceable
brand upon the soul; filling it with disgust for pure and innocent
love decked with flowers only; which serves no alcohol in curiously
chased cups inlaid with jewels and sparkling with unquenchable fires。

Recalling my early dreams of pleasures I knew nothing of; expressed at
Clochegourde in my 〃selams;〃 the voice of my flowers; pleasures which
the union of souls renders all the more ardent; I found many
sophistries by which I excused to myself the delight with which I
drained that jewelled cup。 Often; when; lost in infinite lassitude; my
soul disengaged itself from the body and floated far from earth; I
thought that these pleasures might be the means of abolishing matter
and of rendering to the spirit its power to soar。 Sometimes Lady
Dudley; like other women; profited by the exaltation in which I was to
bind me by promises; under the lash of a desire she wrung blasphemies
from my lips against the angel at Clochegourde。 Once a traitor I
became a scoundrel。 I continued to write to Madame de Mortsauf; in the
tone of the lad she had first known in his strange blue coat; but; I
admit it; her gift of second…sight terrified me when I thought what
ruin the indiscretion of a word might bring to the dear castle of my
hopes。 Often; in the midst of my pleasure a sudden horror seized me; I
heard the name of Henriette uttered by a voice above me; like that in
the Scriptures; demanding: 〃Cain; where is thy brother Abel?〃

At last my letters remained unanswered。 I was seized with horrible
anxiety and wished to leave for Clochegourde。 Arabella did not oppose
it; but she talked of accompanying me to Touraine。 Her woman's wit
told her that the journey might be a means of finally detaching me
from her rival; while I; blind with fear and guilelessly unsuspicious;
did not see the trap she set for me。 Lady Dudley herself proposed the
humblest concessions。 She would stay near Tours; at a little country…
place; alone; disguised; she would refrain from going out in the day…
time; and only meet me in the evening when people were not likely to
be about。 I left Tours on horseback。 I had my reasons for this; my
evening excursions to meet her would require a horse; and mine was an
Arab which Lady Hester Stanhope had sent to the marchioness; and which
she had lately exchanged with me for that famous picture of Rembrandt
which I obtained in so singular a way; and which now hangs in her
drawing…room in London。 I took the road I had traversed on foot six
years earlier and stopped beneath my walnut…tree。 From there I saw
Madame de Mortsauf in a white dress standing at the edge of the
terrace。 Instantly I rode towards her with the speed of lightning; in
a straight line and across country。 She heard the stride of the
swallow of the desert and when I pulled him up suddenly at the
terrace; she said to me: 〃Oh; you here!〃

Those three words blasted me。 She knew my treachery。 Who had told her?
her mother; whose hateful letter she afterwards showed me。 The feeble;
indifferent voice; once so full of life; the dull pallor of its tones
revealed a settled grief; exhaling the breath of flowers cut and left
to wither。 The tempest of infidelity; like those freshets of the Loire
which bury the meadows for all time in sand; had torn its way through
her soul; leaving a desert where once the verdure clothed the fields。
I led my horse through the little gate; he lay down on the grass at my
command and the countess; who came forward slowly; exclaimed; 〃What a
fine animal!〃 She stood with folded arms lest I should try to take her
hand; I guessed her meaning。

〃I will let Monsieur de Mortsauf know you are here;〃 she said; leaving

I stood still; confounded; letting her go; watching her; always noble;
slow; and proud;whiter than I had ever seen her; on her brow the
yellow imprint of bitterest melancholy; her head bent like a lily
heavy with rain。

〃Henriette!〃 I cried in the agony of a man about to die。

She did not turn or pause; she disdained to say that she withdrew from
me that name; but she did not answer to it and continued on。 I may
feel paltry and small in this dreadful vale of life where myriads of
human beings now dust make the surface of the globe; small indeed
among that crowd; hurrying beneath the luminous spaces which light
them; but what sense of humiliation could equal that with which I
watched her calm white figure inflexibly mounting with even steps the
terraces of her chateau of Clochegourde; the pride and the torture of
that Christian Dido? I cursed Arabella in a single imprecation which
might have killed her had she heard it; she who had left all for me as
some leave all for God。 I remained lost in a world of thought;
conscious of utter misery on all sides。 Presently I saw the whole
family coming down; Jacques; running with the eagerness of his age。
Madeleine; a gazelle with mournful eyes; walked with her mother。
Monsieur de Mortsauf came to me with open arms; pressed me to him and
kissed me on both cheeks crying out; 〃Felix; I know now that I owed
you my life。〃

Madame de Mortsauf stood with her back towards me during this little
scene; under pretext of showing the horse to Madeleine。

〃Ha; the devil! that's what women are;〃 cried the count; 〃admiring
your horse!〃

Madeleine turned; came up to me; and I kissed her hand; lookin
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