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the lily of the valley(幽谷百合)-第52章

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heard my step and made me an imperious gesture; commanding me to leave
her。 I went up to her; my heart stabbed with fear; and tried to take
her handkerchief away by force。 Her face was bathed in tears and she
fled into her room; which she did not leave again until the hour for
evening prayer。 When that was over; I led her to the terrace and asked
the cause of her emotion; she affected a wild gaiety and explained it
by the news Monsieur Origet had given her。

〃Henriette; Henriette; you knew that news when I saw you weeping。
Between you and me a lie is monstrous。 Why did you forbid me to dry
your tears? were they mine?〃

〃I was thinking;〃 she said; 〃that for me this illness has been a halt
in pain。 Now that I no longer fear for Monsieur de Mortsauf I fear for

She was right。 The count's recovery was soon attested by the return of
his fantastic humor。 He began by saying that neither the countess; nor
I; nor the doctor had known how to take care of him; we were ignorant
of his constitution and also of his disease; we misunderstood his
sufferings and the necessary remedies。 Origet; infatuated with his own
doctrines; had mistaken the case; he ought to have attended only to
the pylorus。 One day he looked at us maliciously; with an air of
having guessed our thoughts; and said to his wife with a smile; 〃Now;
my dear; if I had died you would have regretted me; no doubt; but pray
admit you would have been quite resigned。〃

〃Yes; I should have mourned you in pink and black; court mourning;〃
she answered laughing; to change the tone of his remarks。

But it was chiefly about his food; which the doctor insisted on
regulating; that scenes of violence and wrangling now took place;
unlike any that had hitherto occurred; for the character of the count
was all the more violent for having slumbered。 The countess; fortified
by the doctor's orders and the obedience of her servants; stimulated
too by me; who thought this struggle a good means to teach her to
exercise authority over the count; held out against his violence。 She
showed a calm front to his demented cries; and even grew accustomed to
his insulting epithets; taking him for what he was; a child。 I had the
happiness of at last seeing her take the reins in hand and govern that
unsound mind。 The count cried out; but he obeyed; and he obeyed all
the better when he had made an outcry。 But in spite of the evidence of
good results; Henriette often wept at the spectacle of this emaciated;
feeble old man; with a forehead yellower than the falling leaves; his
eyes wan; his hands trembling。 She blamed herself for too much
severity; and could not resist the joy she saw in his eyes when; in
measuring out his food; she gave him more than the doctor allowed。 She
was even more gentle and gracious to him than she had been to me; but
there were differences here which filled my heart with joy。 She was
not unwearying; and she sometimes called her servants to wait upon the
count when his caprices changed too rapidly; and he complained of not
being understood。

The countess wished to return thanks to God for the count's recovery;
she directed a mass to be said; and asked if I would take her to
church。 I did so; but I left her at the door; and went to see Monsieur
and Madame Chessel。 On my return she reproached me。

〃Henriette;〃 I said; 〃I cannot be false。 I will throw myself into the
water to save my enemy from drowning; and give him my coat to keep him
warm; I will forgive him; but I cannot forget the wrong。〃

She was silent; but she pressed my arm。

〃You are an angel; and you were sincere in your thanksgiving;〃 I said;
continuing。 〃The mother of the Prince of the Peace was saved from the
hands of an angry populace who sought to kill her; and when the queen
asked; 'What did you do?' she answered; 'I prayed for them。' Women are
ever thus。 I am a man; and necessarily imperfect。〃

〃Don't calumniate yourself;〃 she said; shaking my arm; 〃perhaps you
are more worthy than I。〃

〃Yes;〃 I replied; 〃for I would give eternity for a day of happiness;
and you〃

〃I!〃 she said haughtily。

I was silent and lowered my eyes to escape the lightning of hers。

〃There is many an I in me;〃 she said。 〃Of which do you speak? Those
children;〃 pointing to Jacques and Madeleine; 〃are oneFelix;〃 she
cried in a heartrending voice; 〃do you think me selfish? Ought I to
sacrifice eternity to reward him who devotes to me his life? The
thought is dreadful; it wounds every sentiment of religion。 Could a
woman so fallen rise again? Would her happiness absolve her? These are
questions you force me to consider。Yes; I betray at last the secret
of my conscience; the thought has traversed my heart; often do I
expiate it by penance; it caused the tears you asked me to account for

〃Do you not give too great importance to certain things which common
women hold at a high price; and〃

〃Oh!〃 she said; interrupting me; 〃do you hold them at a lower?〃

This logic stopped all argument。

〃Know this;〃 she continued。 〃I might have the baseness to abandon that
poor old man whose life I am; but; my friend; those other feeble
creatures there before us; Madeleine and Jacques; would remain with
their father。 Do you think; I ask you do you think they would be alive
in three months under the insane dominion of that man? If my failure
of duty concerned only myself〃 A noble smile crossed her face。 〃But
shall I kill my children! My God!〃 she exclaimed。 〃Why speak of these
things? Marry; and let me die!〃

She said the words in a tone so bitter; so hollow; that they stifled
the remonstrances of my passion。

〃You uttered cries that day beneath the walnut…tree; I have uttered my
cries here beneath these alders; that is all;〃 I said; 〃I will be
silent henceforth。〃

〃Your generosity shames me;〃 she said; raising her eyes to heaven。

We reached the terrace and found the count sitting in a chair; in the
sun。 The sight of that sunken face; scarcely brightened by a feeble
smile; extinguished the last flames that came from the ashes。 I leaned
against the balustrade and considered the picture of that poor wreck;
between his sickly children and his wife; pale with her vigils; worn
out by extreme fatigue; by the fears; perhaps also by the joys of
these terrible months; but whose cheeks now glowed from the emotions
she had just passed through。 At the sight of that suffering family
beneath the trembling leafage through which the gray light of a cloudy
autumn sky came dimly; I felt within me a rupture of the bonds which
hold the body to the spirit。 There came upon me then that moral spleen
which; they say; the strongest wrestlers know in the crisis of their
combats; a species of cold madness which makes a coward of the bravest
man; a bigot of an unbeliever; and renders those it grasps indifferent
to all things; even to vital sentiments; to honor; to lovefor the
doubt it brings takes from us the knowledge of ourselves and disgusts
us with life itself。 Poor; nervous creatures; whom the very richness
of your organization delivers over to this mysterious; fatal power;
who are your peers and who your judges? Horrified by the thoughts that
rose wit
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