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the lily of the valley(幽谷百合)-第42章

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as the treasures of my heart increased。 Only in petty minds or in
common hearts can absence lessen love or efface the features or
diminish the beauty of our dear one。 To ardent imaginations; to all
beings through whose veins enthusiasm passes like a crimson tide; and
in whom passion takes the form of constancy; absence has the same
effect as the sufferings of the early Christians; which strengthened
their faith and made God visible to them。 In hearts that abound in
love are there not incessant longings for a desired object; to which
the glowing fire of our dreams gives higher value and a deeper tint?
Are we not conscious of instigations which give to the beloved
features the beauty of the ideal by inspiring them with thought? The
past; dwelt on in all its details becomes magnified; the future teems
with hope。 When two hearts filled with these electric clouds meet each
other; their interview is like the welcome storm which revives the
earth and stimulates it with the swift lightnings of the thunderbolt。
How many tender pleasures came to me when I found these thoughts and
these sensations reciprocal! With what glad eyes I followed the
development of happiness in Henriette! A woman who renews her life
from that of her beloved gives; perhaps; a greater proof of feeling
than she who dies killed by a doubt; withered on her stock for want of
sap; I know not which of the two is the more touching。

The revival of Madame de Mortsauf was wholly natural; like the effects
of the month of May upon the meadows; or those of the sun and of the
brook upon the drooping flowers。 Henriette; like our dear valley of
love; had had her winter; she revived like the valley in the
springtime。 Before dinner we went down to the beloved terrace。 There;
with one hand stroking the head of her son; who walked feebly beside
her; silent; as though he were breeding an illness; she told me of her
nights beside his pillow。

For three months; she said; she had lived wholly within herself;
inhabiting; as it were; a dark palace; afraid to enter sumptuous rooms
where the light shone; where festivals were given; to her denied; at
the door of which she stood; one glance turned upon her child; another
to a dim and distant figure; one ear listening for moans; another for
a voice。 She told me poems; born of solitude; such as no poet ever
sang; but all ingenuously; without one vestige of love; one trace of
voluptuous thought; one echo of a poesy orientally soothing as the
rose of Frangistan。 When the count joined us she continued in the same
tone; like a woman secure within herself; able to look proudly at her
husband and kiss the forehead of her son without a blush。 She had
prayed much; she had clasped her hands for nights together over her
child; refusing to let him die。

〃I went;〃 she said; 〃to the gate of the sanctuary and asked his life
of God。〃

She had had visions; and she told them to me; but when she said; in
that angelic voice of hers; these exquisite words; 〃While I slept my
heart watched;〃 the count harshly interrupted her。

〃That is to say; you were half crazy;〃 he cried。

She was silent; as deeply hurt as though it were a first wound;
forgetting that for thirteen years this man had lost no chance to
shoot his arrows into her heart。 Like a soaring bird struck on the
wing by vulgar shot; she sank into a dull depression; then she roused

〃How is it; monsieur;〃 she said; 〃that no word of mine ever finds
favor in your sight? Have you no indulgence for my weakness;no
comprehension of me as a woman?〃

She stopped short。 Already she regretted the murmur; and measured the
future by the past; how could she expect comprehension? Had she not
drawn upon herself some virulent attack? The blue veins of her temples
throbbed; she shed no tears; but the color of her eyes faded。 Then she
looked down; that she might not see her pain reflected on my face; her
feelings guessed; her soul wooed by my soul; above all; not see the
sympathy of young love; ready like a faithful dog to spring at the
throat of whoever threatened his mistress; without regard to the
assailant's strength or quality。 At such cruel moments the count's air
of superiority was supreme。 He thought he had triumphed over his wife;
and he pursued her with a hail of phrases which repeated the one idea;
and were like the blows of an axe which fell with unvarying sound。

〃Always the same?〃 I said; when the count left us to follow the
huntsman who came to speak to him。

〃Always;〃 answered Jacques。

〃Always excellent; my son;〃 she said; endeavoring to withdraw Monsieur
de Mortsauf from the judgment of his children。 〃You see only the
present; you know nothing of the past; therefore you cannot criticise
your father without doing him injustice。 But even if you had the pain
of seeing that your father was to blame; family honor requires you to
bury such secrets in silence。〃

〃How have the changes at the Cassine and the Rhetoriere answered?〃 I
asked; to divert her mind from bitter thoughts。

〃Beyond my expectations;〃 she replied。 〃As soon as the buildings were
finished we found two excellent farmers ready to hire them; one at
four thousand five hundred francs; taxes paid; the other at five
thousand; both leases for fifteen years。 We have already planted three
thousand young trees on the new farms。 Manette's cousin is delighted
to get the Rabelaye; Martineau has taken the Baude。 All OUR efforts
have been crowned with success。 Clochegourde; without the reserved
land which we call the home…farm; and without the timber and
vineyards; brings in nineteen thousand francs a year; and the
plantations are becoming valuable。 I am battling to let the home…farm
to Martineau; the keeper; whose eldest son can now take his place。 He
offers three thousand francs if Monsieur de Mortsauf will build him a
farm…house at the Commanderie。 We might then clear the approach to
Clochegourde; finish the proposed avenue to the main road; and have
only the woodland and the vineyards to take care of ourselves。 If the
king returns; OUR pension will be restored; WE shall consent after
clashing a little with OUR wife's common…sense。 Jacques' fortune will
then be permanently secured。 That result obtained; I shall leave
monsieur to lay by as much as he likes for Madeleine; though the king
will of course dower her; according to custom。 My conscience is easy;
I have all but accomplished my task。 And you?〃 she said。

I explained to her the mission on which the king had sent me; and
showed her how her wise counsel had borne fruit。 Was she endowed with
second sight thus to foretell events?

〃Did I not write it to you?〃 she answered。 〃For you and for my
children alone I possess a remarkable faculty; of which I have spoken
only to my confessor; Monsieur de la Berge; he explains it by divine
intervention。 Often; after deep meditation induced by fears about the
health of my children; my eyes close to the things of earth and see
into another region; if Jacques and Madeleine there appear to me as
two luminous figures they are sure to have good health for a certain
period of time; if wrapped in mist they are equally sure to fall ill
soon after。 As 
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