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the lily of the valley(幽谷百合)-第39章

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  man among his peers。 I behold you now armed with a youth that
  pleases; grace which attracts; and wisdom with which to preserve
  your conquests。 All that I have now told you can be summed up in
  two words; two old…fashioned words; 〃Noblesse oblige。〃

  Now apply these precepts to the management of life。 You will hear
  many persons say that strategy is the chief element of success;
  that the best way to press through the crowd is to set some men
  against other men and so take their places。 That was a good system
  for the Middle Ages; when princes had to destroy their rivals by
  pitting one against the other; but in these days; all things being
  done in open day; I am afraid it would do you ill…service。 No; you
  must meet your competitors face to face; be they loyal and true
  men; or traitorous enemies whose weapons are calumny; evil…
  speaking; and fraud。 But remember this; you have no more powerful
  auxiliaries than these men themselves; they are their own enemies;
  fight them with honest weapons; and sooner or later they are
  condemned。 As to the first of them; loyal men and true; your
  straightforwardness will obtain their respect; and the differences
  between you once settled (for all things can be settled); these
  men will serve you。 Do not be afraid of making enemies; woe to him
  who has none in the world you are about to enter; but try to give
  no handle for ridicule or disparagement。 I say TRY; for in Paris a
  man cannot always belong solely to himself; he is sometimes at the
  mercy of circumstances; you will not always be able to avoid the
  mud in the gutter nor the tile that falls from the roof。 The moral
  world has gutters where persons of no reputation endeavor to
  splash the mud in which they live upon men of honor。 But you can
  always compel respect by showing that you are; under all
  circumstances; immovable in your principles。 In the conflict of
  opinions; in the midst of quarrels and cross…purposes; go straight
  to the point; keep resolutely to the question; never fight except
  for the essential thing; and put your whole strength into that。
  You know how Monsieur de Mortsauf hates Napoleon; how he curses
  him and pursues him as justice does a criminal; demanding
  punishment day and night for the death of the Duc d'Enghien; the
  only death; the only misfortune; that ever brought the tears to
  his eyes; well; he nevertheless admired him as the greatest of
  captains; and has often explained to me his strategy。 May not the
  same tactics be applied to the war of human interests; they would
  economize time as heretofore they economized men and space。 Think
  this over; for as a woman I am liable to be mistaken on such
  points which my sex judges only by instinct and sentiment。 One
  point; however; I may insist on; all trickery; all deception; is
  certain to be discovered and to result in doing harm; whereas
  every situation presents less danger if a man plants himself
  firmly on his own truthfulness。 If I may cite my own case; I can
  tell you that; obliged as I am by Monsieur de Mortsauf's condition
  to avoid litigation and to bring to an immediate settlement all
  difficulties which arise in the management of Clochegourde; and
  which would otherwise cause him an excitement under which his mind
  would succumb; I have invariably settled matters promptly by
  taking hold of the knot of the difficulty and saying to our
  opponents: 〃We will either untie it or cut it!〃

  It will often happen that you do a service to others and find
  yourself ill…rewarded; I beg you not to imitate those who complain
  of men and declare them to be all ungrateful。 That is putting
  themselves on a pedestal indeed! and surely it is somewhat silly
  to admit their lack of knowledge of the world。 But you; I trust;
  will not do good as a usurer lends his money; you will do itwill
  you not?for good's sake。 Noblesse oblige。 Nevertheless; do not
  bestow such services as to force others to ingratitude; for if you
  do; they will become your most implacable enemies; obligations
  sometimes lead to despair; like the despair of ruin itself; which
  is capable of very desperate efforts。 As for yourself; accept as
  little as you can from others。 Be no man's vassal; and bring
  yourself out of your own difficulties。

  You see; dear friend; I am advising you only on the lesser points
  of life。 In the world of politics things wear a different aspect;
  the rules which are to guide your individual steps give way before
  the national interests。 If you reach that sphere where great men
  revolve you will be; like God himself; the sole arbiter of your
  determinations。 You will no longer be a man; but law; the living
  law; no longer an individual; you are then the Nation incarnate。
  But remember this; though you judge; you will yourself be judged;
  hereafter you will be summoned before the ages; and you know
  history well enough to be fully informed as to what deeds and what
  sentiments have led to true grandeur。

  I now come to a serious matter; your conduct towards women。
  Wherever you visit make it a principle not to fritter yourself
  away in a petty round of gallantry。 A man of the last century who
  had great social success never paid attention to more than one
  woman of an evening; choosing the one who seemed the most
  neglected。 That man; my dear child; controlled his epoch。 He
  wisely reckoned that by a given time all women would speak well of
  him。 Many young men waste their most precious possession; namely;
  the time necessary to create connections which contribute more
  than all else to social success。 Your springtime is short;
  endeavor to make the most of it。 Cultivate influential women。
  Influential women are old women; they will teach you the
  intermarriages and the secrets of all the families of the great
  world; they will show you the cross…roads which will bring you
  soonest to your goal。 They will be fond of you。 The bestowal of
  protection is their last form of lovewhen they are not devout。
  They will do you innumerable good services; sing your praises and
  make you desirable to society。 Avoid young women。 Do not think I
  say this from personal self…interest。 The woman of fifty will do
  all for you; the woman of twenty will do nothing; she wants your
  whole life while the other asks only a few attentions。 Laugh with
  the young women; meet them for pastime merely; they are incapable
  of serious thought。 Young women; dear friend; are selfish; vain;
  petty; ignorant of true friendship; they love no one but
  themselves; they would sacrifice you to an evening's success。
  Besides; they all want absolute devotion; and your present
  situation requires that devotion be shown to you; two
  irreconcilable needs! None of these young women would enter into
  your interests; they would think of themselves and not of you;
  they would injure you more by their emptiness and frivolity than
  they could serve you by their love; they will waste your time
  unscrupulously; hinder your advance to fortune; and end by
  destroying your future with the best grace possi
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