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aaron trow-第6章

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accompanied them as far as the road。  There they found a negro lad
still hanging about the place; and he told them that he had seen the
man cross the road; and run down over the open ground towards the
rocks of the sea…coast。  〃He must be there;〃 said the lad; pointing
in the direction of a corner of the rocks; 〃unless he swim across
the mouth of the ferry。〃  But the mouth of that ferry is an arm of
the sea; and it was not probable that a man would do that when he
might have taken the narrow water by keeping on the other side of
the road。

At about one that night Caleb Morton reached the cottage breathless
with running; and before a word was spoken between them; Anastasia
had fallen on his shoulder and had fainted。  As soon as she was in
the arms of her lover; all her power had gone from her。  The spirit
and passion of the tiger had gone; and she was again a weak woman
shuddering at the thought of what she had suffered。  She remembered
that she had had the man's hand between her teeth; and by degrees
she found his hair still clinging to her fingers; but even then she
could hardly call to mind the nature of the struggle she had
undergone。  His hot breath close to her own cheek she did remember;
and his glaring eyes; and even the roughness of his beard as he
pressed his face against her own; but she could not say whence had
come the blood; nor till her arm became stiff and motionless did she
know that she had been wounded。

It was all joy with her now; as she sat motionless without speaking;
while he administered to her wants and spoke words of love into her
ears。  She remembered the man's horrid threat; and knew that by
God's mercy she had been saved。  And he was there caressing her;
loving her; comforting her!  As she thought of the fate that had
threatened her; of the evil that had been so imminent; she fell
forward on her knees; and with incoherent sobs uttered her
thanksgivings; while her head was still supported on his arms。

It was almost morning before she could induce herself to leave him
and lie down。  With him she seemed to be so perfectly safe; but the
moment he was away she could see Aaron Trow's eyes gleaming at her
across the room。  At last; however; she slept; and when he saw that
she was at rest; he told himself that his work must then begin。
Hitherto Caleb Morton had lived in all respects the life of a man of
peace; but now; asking himself no questions as to the propriety of
what he would do; using no inward arguments as to this or that line
of conduct; he girded the sword on his loins; and prepared himself
for war。  The wretch who had thus treated the woman whom he loved
should be hunted down like a wild beast; as long as he had arms and
legs with which to carry on the hunt。  He would pursue the miscreant
with any weapons that might come to his hands; and might Heaven help
him at his need as he dealt forth punishment to that man; if he
caught him within his grasp。  Those who had hitherto known Morton in
the island; could not recognise the man as he came forth on that
day; thirsty after blood; and desirous to thrust himself into
personal conflict with the wild ruffian who had injured him。  The
meek Presbyterian minister had been a preacher; preaching ways of
peace; and living in accordance with his own doctrines。  The world
had been very quiet for him; and he had walked quietly in his
appointed path。  But now the world was quiet no longer; nor was
there any preaching of peace。  His cry was for blood; for the blood
of the untamed savage brute who had come upon his young doe in her
solitude; and striven with such brutal violence to tear her heart
from her bosom。

He got to his assistance early in the morning some of the constables
from St。 George; and before the day was over; he was joined by two
or three of the warders from the convict establishment。  There was
with him also a friend or two; and thus a party was formed;
numbering together ten or twelve persons。  They were of course all
armed; and therefore it might be thought that there would be but
small chance for the wretched man if they should come upon his
track。  At first they all searched together; thinking from the
tidings which had reached them that he must be near to them; but
gradually they spread themselves along the rocks between St。 George
and the ferry; keeping watchman on the road; so that he should not
escape unnoticed into the island。

Ten times during the day did Anastasia send from the cottage up to
Morton; begging him to leave the search to others; and come down to
her。  But not for a moment would he lose the scent of his prey。
What! should it be said that she had been so treated; and that
others had avenged her?  He sent back to say that her father was
with her now; and that he would come when his work was over。  And in
that job of work the life…blood of Aaron Trow was counted up。

Towards evening they were all congregated on the road near to the
spot at which the path turns off towards the cottage; when a voice
was heard hallooing to them from the summit of a little hill which
lies between the road and the sea on the side towards the ferry; and
presently a boy came running down to them full of news。  〃Danny Lund
has seen him;〃 said the boy; 〃he has seen him plainly in among the
rocks。〃  And then came Danny Lund himself; a small negro lad about
fourteen years of age; who was known in those parts as the idlest;
most dishonest; and most useless of his race。  On this occasion;
however; Danny Lund became important; and every one listened to him。
He had seen; he said; a pair of eyes moving down in a cave of the
rocks which he well knew。  He had been in the cave often; he said;
and could get there again。  But not now; not while that pair of eyes
was moving at the bottom of it。  And so they all went up over the
hill; Morton leading the way with hot haste。  In his waist…band he
held a pistol; and his hand grasped a short iron bar with which he
had armed himself。  They ascended the top of the hill; and when
there; the open sea was before them on two sides; and on the third
was the narrow creek over which the ferry passed。  Immediately
beneath their feet were the broken rocks; for on that side; towards
the sea; the earth and grass of the hill descended but a little way
towards the water。  Down among the rocks they all went; silently;
Caleb Morton leading the way; and Danny Lund directing him from

〃Mr。 Morton;〃 said an elderly man from St。 George; 〃had you not
better let the warders of the gaol go first; he is a desperate man;
and they will best understand his ways?〃

In answer to this Morton said nothing; but he would let no one put a
foot before him。  He still pressed forward among the rocks; and at
last came to a spot from whence he might have sprung at one leap
into the ocean。  It was a broken cranny on the sea…shore into which
the sea beat; and surrounded on every side but the one by huge
broken fragments of stone; which at first sight seemed as though
they would have admitted of a path down among them to the water's
edge; but which; when scanned more closely; were seen to be so large
in size; that no man could climb from on
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