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aaron trow-第3章

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people are quiet and well…mannered; lacking much energy; but being;
in the same degree; free from any propensity to violence。

〃So you are going;〃 she said to her lover; one evening; as he rose
from the chair on which he had been swinging himself at the door of
the cottage which looks down over the creek of the sea。  He had sat
there for an hour talking to her as she worked; or watching her as
she moved about the place。  It was a beautiful evening; and the sun
had been falling to rest with almost tropical glory before his feet。
The bright oleanders were red with their blossoms all around him;
and he had thoroughly enjoyed his hour of easy rest。  〃So you are
going;〃 she said to him; not putting her work out of her hand as he
rose to depart。

〃Yes; and it is time for me to go。  I have still work to do before I
can get to bed。  Ah; well; I suppose the day will come at last when
I need not leave you as soon as my hour of rest is over。〃

〃Come; of course it will come。  That is; if your reverence should
choose to wait for it another ten years or so。〃

〃I believe you would not mind waiting twenty years。〃

〃Not if a certain friend of mine would come down and see me of
evenings when I'm alone after the day。  It seems to me that I
shouldn't mind waiting as long as I had that to look for。〃

〃You are right not to be impatient;〃 he said to her; after a pause;
as he held her hand before he went。  〃Quite right。  I only wish I
could school myself to be as easy about it。〃

〃I did not say I was easy;〃 said Anastasia。  〃People are seldom easy
in this world; I take it。  I said I could be patient。  Do not look
in that way; as though you pretended that you were dissatisfied with
me。  You know that I am true to you; and you ought to be very proud
of me。〃

〃I am proud of you; Anastasia〃 on hearing which she got up and
courtesied to him。  〃I am proud of you; so proud of you that I feel
you should not be left here all alone; with no one to help you if
you were in trouble。〃

〃Women don't get into trouble as men do; and do not want any one to
help them。  If you were alone in the house you would have to go to
bed without your supper; because you could not make a basin of
boiled milk ready for your own meal。  Now; when your reverence has
gone; I shall go to work and have my tea comfortably。〃  And then he
did go; bidding God bless her as he left her。  Three hours after
that he was disturbed in his own lodgings by one of the negro girls
from the cottage rushing to his door; and begging him in Heaven's
name to come down to the assistance of her mistress。

When Morton left her; Anastasia did not proceed to do as she had
said; and seemed to have forgotten her evening meal。  She had been
working sedulously with her needle during all that last
conversation; but when her lover was gone; she allowed the work to
fall from her hands; and sat motionless for awhile; gazing at the
last streak of colour left by the setting sun; but there was no
longer a sign of its glory to be traced in the heavens around her。
The twilight in Bermuda is not long and enduring as it is with us;
though the daylight does not depart suddenly; leaving the darkness
of night behind it without any intermediate time of warning; as is
the case farther south; down among the islands of the tropics。  But
the soft; sweet light of the evening had waned and gone; and night
had absolutely come upon her; while Anastasia was still seated
before the cottage with her eyes fixed upon the white streak of
motionless sea which was still visible through the gloom。  She was
thinking of him; of his ways of life; of his happiness; and of her
duty towards him。  She had told him; with her pretty feminine
falseness; that she could wait without impatience; but now she said
to herself that it would not be good for him to wait longer。  He
lived alone and without comfort; working very hard for his poor
pittance; and she could see; and feel; and understand that a
companion in his life was to him almost a necessity。  She would tell
her father that all this must be brought to an end。  She would not
ask him for money; but she would make him understand that her
services must; at any rate in part; be transferred。  Why should not
she and Morton still live at the cottage when they were married?
And so thinking; and at last resolving; she sat there till the dark
night fell upon her。

She was at last disturbed by feeling a man's hand upon her shoulder。
She jumped from her chair and faced him;not screaming; for it was
especially within her power to control herself; and to make no
utterance except with forethought。  Perhaps it might have been
better for her had she screamed; and sent a shrill shriek down the
shore of that inland sea。  She was silent; however; and with awe…
struck face and outstretched hands gazed into the face of him who
still held her by the shoulder。  The night was dark; but her eyes
were now accustomed to the darkness; and she could see indistinctly
something of his features。  He was a low…sized man; dressed in a
suit of sailor's blue clothing; with a rough cap of hair on his
head; and a beard that had not been clipped for many weeks。  His
eyes were large; and hollow; and frightfully bright; so that she
seemed to see nothing else of him; but she felt the strength of his
fingers as he grasped her tighter and more tightly by the arm。

〃Who are you?〃 she said; after a moment's pause。

〃Do you know me?〃 he asked。

〃Know you!  No。〃  But the words were hardly out of her mouth before
it struck her that the man was Aaron Trow; of whom every one in
Bermuda had been talking。

〃Come into the house;〃 he said; 〃and give me food。〃  And he still
held her with his hand as though he would compel her to follow him。

She stood for a moment thinking what she would say to him; for even
then; with that terrible man standing close to her in the darkness;
her presence of mind did not desert her。  〃Surely;〃 she said; 〃I
will give you food if you are hungry。  But take your hand from me。
No man would lay his hands on a woman。〃

〃A woman!〃 said the stranger。  〃What does the starved wolf care for
that?  A woman's blood is as sweet to him as that of a man。  Come
into the house; I tell you。〃  And then she preceded him through the
open door into the narrow passage; and thence to the kitchen。  There
she saw that the back door; leading out on the other side of the
house; was open; and she knew that he had come down from the road
and entered on that side。  She threw her eyes around; looking for
the negro girls; but they were away; and she remembered that there
was no human being within sound of her voice but this man who had
told her that he was as a wolf thirsty after her blood!

〃Give me food at once;〃 he said。

〃And will you go if I give it you?〃 she asked。

〃I will knock out your brains if you do not;〃 he replied; lifting
from the grate a short; thick poker which lay there。  〃Do as I bid
you at once。  You also would be like a tiger if you had fasted for
two days; as I have done。〃

She could see; as she moved across the kitchen; that he had already
searched there for something that he might eat; but that he had
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