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tell Sir Thomas; and what I am afraid to tell Blanche。 I am going

away; with a mind that misgives me。 I am persuaded I shall not

live to return to England; and; when I am dead; I believe my

husband will marry again。 Years ago your mother was uneasy; on

her death…bed; about _your_ future。 I am uneasy; now; about

Blanche's future。 I promised my dear dead friend that you should

be like my own child to meand it quieted her mind。 Quiet my

mind; Anne; before I go。 Whatever happens in years to

comepromise me to be always; what you are now; a sister to


She held out her hand for the last time。 With a full heart Anne

Silvester kissed it; and gave the promise。


In two months from that time one of the forebodings which had

weighed on Lady Lundie's mind was fulfilled。 She died on the

voyage; and was buried at sea。

In a year more the second misgiving was confirmed。 Sir Thomas

Lundie married again。 He brought his second wife to England

toward the close of eighteen hundred and sixty six。

Time; in the new household; promised to pass as quietly as in the

old。 Sir Thomas remembered and respected the trust which his

first wife had placed in Anne。 The second Lady Lundie; wisely

guiding her conduct in this matter by the conduct of her husband;

left things as she found them in the new house。 At the opening of

eighteen hundred and sixty…seven the relations between Anne and

Blanche were relations of sisterly sympathy and sisterly love。

The prospect in the future was as fair as a prospect could be。

At this date; of the persons concerned in the tragedy of twelve

years since at the Hampstead villa; three were dead; and one was

self…exiled in a foreign land。 There now remained living Anne and

Blanche; who had been children at the time; and the rising

solicitor who had discovered the flaw in the Irish marriageonce

Mr。 Delamayn: now Lord Holchester。

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