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20-the history of whittington-第2章

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of the goods he had on board; and sent some of them to

the King of the country; who was so well pleased that

he sent for the captain and the factor to come to his

palace; which was about a mile from the sea。 Here they

were placed; according to the custom of the country;

on rich carpets; flowered with gold and silver; and the

King and Queen being seated at the upper end of the

room; dinner was brought in; which consisted of many

dishes; but no sooner were the dishes put down but an

amazing number of rats and mice came from all quarters

and devoured all the meat in an instant。

The factor; in surprise; turned round to the nobles and

asked if these vermin were not offensive。 〃Oh! yes;〃

said they; 〃very offensive; and the King would give half

his treasure to be freed of them; for they not only

destroy his dinner; as you see; but they assault him in his

chamber; and even in bed; so that he is obliged to be

watched while he is sleeping; for fear of them。〃

The factor jumped for joy; he remembered poor

Whittington and his cat; and told the King he had a creature

on board the ship that would despatch all these vermin

immediately。 The King's heart heaved so high at the

joy which this news gave him that his turban dropped off

his head。 〃Bring this creature to me;〃 said he; 〃vermin

are dreadful in a court; and if she will perform what you

say I will load your ship with gold and jewels in exchange

for her。〃 The factor; who knew his business; took this

opportunity to set forth the merits of Miss Puss。 He

told his Majesty that it would be inconvenient to part

with her; as; when she was gone; the rats and mice might

destroy the goods in the shipbut to oblige his Majesty

he would fetch her。 〃Run; run;〃 said the Queen; 〃I am

impatient to see the dear creature。〃

Away flew the factor; while another dinner was

providing; and returned with the cat just as the rats and

mice were devouring that also。 He immediately put

down Miss Puss; who killed a great number of them。

The King rejoiced greatly to see his old enemies

destroyed by so small a creature; and the Queen was highly

pleased; and desired the cat might be brought near that

she might look at her。 Upon which the factor called

〃Pussy; pussy; pussy!〃 and she came to him。 He then

presented her to the Queen; who started back; and was

afraid to touch a creature who had made such havoc

among the rats and mice; however; when the factor

stroked the cat and called 〃Pussy; pussy!〃 the Queen

also touched her and cried 〃Putty; putty!〃 for she had

not learned English。

He then put her down on the Queen's lap; where she;

purring; played with her Majesty's hand; and then sang

herself to sleep。

The King; having seen the exploits of Miss Puss; and

being informed that her kittens would stock the whole

country; bargained with the captain and factor for the

whole ship's cargo; and then gave them ten times as

much for the cat as all the rest amounted to。 On which;

taking leave of their Majesties and other great personages

at court; they sailed with a fair wind for England;

whither we must now attend them。

The morn had scarcely dawned when Mr。 Fitzwarren

arose to count over the cash and settle the business for

that day。 He had just entered the counting…house; and

seated himself at the desk; when somebody came; tap;

tap; at the door。 〃Who's there?〃 said Mr。 Fitzwarren。

〃A friend;〃 answered the other。 〃What friend can come

at this unseasonable time?〃 〃A real friend is never

unseasonable;〃 answered the other。 〃I come to bring you

good news of your ship Unicorn。〃 The merchant

bustled up in such a hurry that he forgot his gout;

instantly opened the door; and who should be seen waiting

but the captain and factor; with a cabinet of jewels; and

a bill of lading; for which the merchant lifted up his eyes

and thanked heaven for sending him such a prosperous

voyage。 Then they told him the adventures of the cat;

and showed him the cabinet of jewels which they had

brought for Mr。 Whittington。 Upon which he cried out

with great earnestness; but not in the most poetical


  〃Go; send him in; and tell him of his fame;

  And call him Mr。 Whittington by name。〃

It is not our business to animadvert upon these lines;

we are not critics; but historians。 It is sufficient for us

that they are the words of Mr。 Fitzwarren; and though

it is beside our purpose; and perhaps not in our power to

prove him a good poet; we shall soon convince the reader

that he was a good man; which was a much better character;

for when some who were present told him that this

treasure was too much for such a poor boy as Whittington;

he said: 〃God forbid that I should deprive him of

a penny; it is his own; and he shall have it to a farthing。〃

He then ordered Mr。 Whittington in; who was at this

time cleaning the kitchen and would have excused himself

from going into the counting…house; saying the room

was swept and his shoes were dirty and full of hob…nails。

The merchant; however; made him come in; and ordered

a chair to be set for him。 Upon which; thinking they

intended to make sport of him; as had been too often the

case in the kitchen; he besought his master not to mock

a poor simple fellow; who intended them no harm; but

let him go about his business。 The merchant; taking

him by the hand; said: 〃Indeed; Mr。 Whittington; I am

in earnest with you; and sent for you to congratulate

you on your great success。 Your cat has procured you

more money than I am worth in the world; and may you

long enjoy it and be happy!〃

At length; being shown the treasure; and convinced

by them that all of it belonged to him; he fell upon his

knees and thanked the Almighty for his providential care

of such a poor and miserable creature。 He then laid all

the treasure at his master's feet; who refused to take any

part of it; but told him he heartily rejoiced at his

prosperity; and hoped the wealth he had acquired would be a

comfort to him; and would make him happy。 He then

applied to his mistress; and to his good friend Miss Alice;

who refused to take any part of the money; but told him

she heartily rejoiced at his good success; and wished him

all imaginable felicity。 He then gratified the captain;

factor; and the ship's crew for the care they had taken of

his cargo。 He likewise distributed presents to all the

servants in the house; not forgetting even his old enemy

the cook; though she little deserved it。

After this Mr。 Fitzwarren advised Mr。 Whittington to

send for the necessary people and dress himself like a

gentleman; and made him the offer of his house to live

in till he could provide himself with a better。

Now it came to pass when Mr。 Whittington's face was

washed; his hair curled; and he dressed in a rich suit of

clothes; that he turned out a genteel young fellow; and;

as wealth contributes much to give a man confidence; he

in a little time dropped th
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