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the diary of samuel pepys-第81章

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e hath been censured for laying out so much money; but he tells me that he built it for his brother; who is since dead; (the Bishop 'Of Exeter。')  who when he should come to be Bishop of Winchester; which he was promised; (to which bishopricke at present there is no house); he did intend to dwell here。  By and by to dinner; and in comes Mr。 Creed; I saluted his lady and the young ladies; and his sister; the Bishop's widow; who was; it seems; Sir W。 Russel's daughter; the Treasurer of the Navy; who I find to be very well…bred; and a woman of excellent discourse。  Towards the evening we bade them adieu!  and took horse; being resolved that; instead of the race which fails us; we would go to Epsom。  When we come there we could hear of no lodging the town so full; but which was better; I went toward Ashsted; and there we got a lodging in a little hole we could not stand upright in。  While supper was getting I walked up and down behind my cosen Pepys's house that was; which I find comes little short of what I took it to be when I was a little boy。

26th (Lord's day)。  Up and to the Wells; where a great store of citizens; which was the greatest part of the company; though there were some others of better quality。  Thence I walked to Mr。 Minnes's house; and thence to Durdan's and walked within the Court Yard and to the Bowling…green; where I have seen so much mirth in my time; but now no family in it; (my Lord Barkeley; whose it is; being with his family at London。)  Then rode through Epsom; the whole town over; seeing the various companys that were there walking; which was very pleasant to see how they are there without knowing what to do; but only in the morning to drink waters。  But Lord!  to see how many I met there of citizens; that I could not have thought to have seen there; that they had ever had it in their heads or purses to go down thither。  We went through Nonesuch Parke to the house; and there viewed as much as we could of the outside; and looked through the great gates; and found a noble court; and altogether believe it to have been a very noble house; and a delicate parke about it; where just now there was a doe killed for the King to carry up to Court。

27th。  We rode hard home; and see up our horses at Fox Hall; and I by water (observing the King's barge attending his going to the House this day) home; it being about one o'clock。  By water to Westminster; and there come most luckily to the Lords' House; as the House of Commons were going into the Lords' House; and there I crowded in along with the Speaker; and got to stand close behind him; where he made his speech to the King (who sat with his crown on and robes; and so all the Lords in their robes; a fine sight); wherein he told his Majesty what they have done this Parliament; and now offered for his royall consent。  The greatest matters were a bill for the Lord's day; (which it seems the Lords have lost; and so cannot be passed; at which the Commons are displeased。)  The bills against Conventicles and Papists (but it seems the Lords have not passed them); and giving his Majesty four entire subsidys; which last; with about twenty smaller Acts; were passed with this form:  The Clerk of the House reads the title of the bill; and then looks at the end and there finds (writ by the King I suppose) 〃Le Roy le veult;〃 and that he reads。  And to others he reads; 〃Soit fait comme vous desirez。〃 And to the Subsidys as well that for the Commons; I mean the layety; as for the Clergy; the King writes; 〃Le Roy remerciant les Seigneurs et Prelats et accepte leur benevolences。〃  The Speaker's speech was far from any oratory; but was as plain (though good matter) as any thing could be; and void of elocution。  After the bills passed; the King; sitting on his throne; with his speech writ in a paper which he held in his lap; and scarce looked off of it all the time he made his speech to them; giving them thanks for their subsidys; of which; had he not need; he would not have asked or received them; and that need; not from any extravagancys of his; he was sure; in any thing; but the disorders of the times compelling him to be at greater charge than he hoped for the future; by their care in their country; he should be:  and that for his family expenses and others; he would labour however to retrench in many things convenient; and would have all others to do so too。  He desired that nothing of old faults should be remembered; or severity for the same used to any in the country; it being his desire to have all forgot as well as forgiven。  But; however; to use all care in suppressing any tumults; &c。; assuring them that the restless spirits of his and their adversaries have great expectations of something to be done this summer。  And promised that though the Acts about Conventicles and Papists; were not ripe for passing this Sessions; yet he would take care himself that neither of them should in this intervall be encouraged to the endangering of the peace; and that at their next meeting he would himself prepare two bills for them concerning them。  So he concluded; that for the better proceeding of justice he did think fit to make this a Sessions; and to prorogue them to the 16th of March next。  His speech was very plain; nothing at all of spirit in it; nor spoke with any; but rather on the contrary imperfectly; repeating many times his words though he read all:  which I am sorry to see; it having not been hard for him to have got all the speech without booke。  So they all went away; the King out of the House at the upper end; he being by and by to go to Tunbridge to the Queene; and I in the Painted Chamber spoke with my Lord Sandwich while he was putting off his robes; who tells me he will now hasten down into the country。  By water to White Hall; and walked over the Parke to St。 James's; but missed Mr。 Coventry; and so out again; and there the Duke was coming along the Pell…Mell。  It being a little darkish; I staid not to take notice of him; but went directly back again。  And in our walk over the Parke; one of the Duke's footmen come running behind us; and come looking just in our faces to see who we were; and went back again。  What his meaning is I know not; but was fearful that I might not go far enough with my hat off。

29th。  To Deptford; reading by the way a most ridiculous play; a new one; called 〃The Politician cheated。〃  'A comedy by Alexander Green。'

30th。  To Woolwich; and there come Sir G。 Carteret; and then by water back to Deptford; where we dined with him at his house。  I find his little daughter Betty; 'Her name was Caroline。 Elizabeth died unmarried。'  that was in hanging sleeves but a month or two ago; and is a very little young child; married; and to whom; but to young Scott; 'Thomas; eldest son of Sir Thomas Scott; of Scott's Hall; in the parish of Smeeth; Kent。'  son to Madam Catharine Scott; 'Prince Rupert was supposed to have intrigued with Mrs。 Scott; and was probably the father of the child。'  that was so long in law; and at whose trial I was with her husband; he pleading that it was unlawfully got and would not own it; but it seems a little before his death he did owne the child; and hath left him his estate; not long since。  So Sir G。 Carteret hath struck up
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