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the diary of samuel pepys-第80章

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rd Chancellor are not Treason; and to…morrow they are to bring in their arguments to the House for the same。  This day also the King did send by my Lord Chamberlain to the Lords; to tell them from him; that the most of the articles against my Lord Chancellor he himself knows to be false。  I met the Queene…Mother walking in the Pell Mell; led by my Lord St。 Alban's。  And finding many coaches at the Gate; I found upon enquiry that the Duchesse is brought to bed of a boy; and hearing that the King and Queene are rode abroad with the Ladies of Honour to the Parke; and seeing a great crowd of gallants staying here to see their return; I also staid walking up and down。  By and by the King and Queene; who looked in this dress (a white laced waistcoate and a crimson short pettycoate; and her hair dressed A LA NEGLIGENCE) mighty pretty; and the King rode hand in hand with her。  Here was also my Lady Castlemaine rode among the rest of the ladies; but the King took; methought; no notice of her; nor when she light; did any body press (as she seemed to expect; and staid for it;) to take her down; but was taken down by her own gentlemen。  She looked mighty out of humour; and had a yellow plume in her hat; (which all took notice of;) and yet is very handsome; but very melancholy:  nor did any body speak to her; or she so much as smile or speak to any body。 I followed them up into White Hall; and into the Queene's presence; where all the ladies walked; talking and fiddling with their hats and feathers; and changing and trying one another's by one another's heads; and laughing。  But it was the finest sight to me; considering their great beautys; and dress; that ever I did see in all my life。  But; above all; Mrs。 Stewart in this dresse; with her hat cocked and a red plume; with her sweet eye; little Roman nose; and excellent taille; is now the greatest beauty I ever saw; I think; in my life; and; if ever woman can; do exceed my Lady Castlemaine; at least in this dress:  nor do I wonder if the King changes; which I verily believe is the reason of his coldness to my Lady Castlemaine。

14th。  This day I hear the Judges; according to order yesterday; did bring into the Lords' House their reasons of their judgments in the business between my Lord Bristoll and the Chancellor; and the Lords do concur with the Judges that the articles are not Treason; nor regularly brought into the House; and so voted that a Committee should be chosen to examine them; but nothing to be done therein till the next sitting of this Parliament; (which is likely to be adjourned in a day or two;) and in the mean time the two Lords to remain without prejudice done to either of them。

15th。  Captain Grove come and dined with me。  He told me of discourse very much to my honour; both as to my care and ability; happening at the Duke of Albemarle's table the other day; both from the Duke and the Duchesse themselves; and how I paid so much a year to him whose place it was of right; and that Mr。 Coventry did report this of me。

21st。  This day the Parliament kept a fast for the present unseasonable weather。

22nd。  To my Lord Crewe's。  My Lord not being come home; I met and staid below with Captn。 Ferrers; who was come to wait upon my Lady Jemimah to St。 James's; she being one of the four ladies that hold up the mantle at the christening this afternoon of the Duke's child (a boy)。  In discourse of the ladies at Court; Captn。 Ferrers tells me that my Lady Castlemaine is now as great again as ever she was; and that her going away was only a fit of her own upon some slighting words of the King; so that she called for her coach at a quarter an hour's warning; and went to Richmond; and the King the next morning; under pretence of going a…hunting; went to see her and make friends; and never was a… hunting at all。  After which she came back to Court; and commands the King as much as ever; and hath and doth what she will。  No longer ago than last night; there was a private entertainment made for the King and Queene at the Duke of Buckingham's; and she was not invited:  but being at my Lady Suffolk's; 'Barbara; second wife of James Earl of Suffolk; eldest daughter of Sir Edward Villiers; and widow of Sir Richard Wentworth。  She died Dec。 1681; leaving one daughter; Elizabeth; who married Sir Thomas Felton; Bart。'  her aunt's (where my Lady Jemimah and Lord Sandwich dined;) yesterday; she was heard to say; 〃Well; much good may it do them; and for all that I will be as merry as they:〃  and so she went home and caused a great supper to be prepared。  And after the King had been with the Queene at Wallingford House; 'Wallingford House stood on the site of the present Admiralty:  it originally belonged to the Knollys family; and during the Protectorate the office for granting passes to persons going abroad was kept there。'  he come to my Lady Castlemaine's; and was there all night; and my Lord Sandwich with him。  He tells me he believes that; as soon as the King can get a husband for Mrs。 Stewart; however; my Lady Castlemaine's nose will be out of joynt; for that she comes to be in great esteem; and is more handsome than she。  Wotten tells me the reason of Harris's 'Joseph Harris; a celebrated actor; who first appeared at the Theatre in Lincoln's inn Fields; 1662。  He probably died or left the stage about 1679。'  going from Sir Wm。 Davenant's house is; that he grew very proud and demanded 20l。 for himself extraordinary; more than Betterton or any body else; upon every new play; and 10l。 upon every revive which with other things Sir W。 Davenant would not give him; and so he swore he would never act there more; in expectation of being received in the other House; but the King will not suffer it; upon Sir W。 Davenant's desire that he would not; for then he might shut up house; and that is true。  We tells me that his going is at present a great loss to the House; and that he fears he hath a stipend from the other House privately。  He tells me that the fellow grew very proud of late; the King and every body else crying him up so high; and that above Betterton he being a more ayery man; as he is indeed。  But yet Betterton; he says; they all say do act some parts that none but himself can do。  I hear that the Moores have made some attaques upon the outworks of Tangier; but my Lord Teviott; with the loss of about; 200 men; did beat them of and killed many of them。  To…morrow the King and Queene for certain go down to Tunbridge。  But the King comes back again against Monday to raise the Parliament。

25th。  Having intended this day to go to Banstead Downes to see a famous race; I sent Will。 to get himself ready to go with me: but I hear it is put off; because the Lords do sit in Parliament to…day。  After some debate; Creed and I resolved to go to Clapham; to Mr。 Gauden's。  'Dennis Gauden; Victualler to the Navy; subsequently knighted when Sheriff of London。'  When I come there; the first thing was to show me his house; which is almost built。  I find it very regular and finely contrived; and the gardens and offices about it as convenient and as full of good variety as ever I saw in my life。  It is true he hath been censured for laying out so much money; but he tells me that he built it for his brother;
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