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the diary of samuel pepys-第79章

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ents of great antiquity。

4th。  Sir Allen Apsley 'Sir Allen Apsley; a faithful adherent to Charles I。; after the Restoration was made Falconer to the King; and Almoner to the Duke of York in whose regiment he bore a commission。  He was in 1661 M。P。 for Thetford; and died 1683。' showed the Duke the Lisbon Gazette in Spanish; where the late victory is set down particularly; and to the great honour of the English beyond measure。  They have since taken back Evora; which was lost to the Spaniards; the English making the assault; and lost not more than three men。  Here I learnt that the English foot are highly esteemed all over the world; but the horse not so much; which yet we count among ourselves the best:  but they abroad have had no great knowledge of our horse; it seems。  To the King's Head ordinary; and a pretty gentleman in our company; who confirms my Lady Castlemaine's being gone from Court; but knows not the reason; he told us of one wipe the Queene a little while ago did give her; when she come in and found the Queene under the dresser's hands; and had been so long:  〃I wonder your Majesty;〃 says she; 〃can have the patience to sit so long a… dressing?〃〃I have so much reason to use patience;〃 says the Queene; 〃that I can very well bear with it。〃  He thinks it may be the Queene hath commanded her to retire; though that is not likely。  Thence with Creed to hire a coach to carry us to Hide Parke; to…day there being a general muster of the King's Guards; horse and foot but they demand so high; that I; spying Mr。 Cutler the merchant; did take notice of him; and he going into his coach; and telling me that he was going to the muster; I asked and went along with him; where a goodly sight to see so many fine horses and officers; and the King; Duke; and others come by a… horseback; and the two Queenes in the Queene…Mother's coach; (my Lady Castlemaine not being there)。  And after long being there; I light; and walked to the place where the King; Duke; &c。 did stand to see the horse and foot march by and discharge their guns; to show a French Marquisse (for whom this muster was caused) the goodness of our firemen; which indeed was very good; though not without a slip now and then:  and one broadside close to our coach we had going out of the Park; even to the nearnesse as to be ready to burn our hairs。  Yet methought all these gay men are not the soldiers that must do the King's business; it being such as these that lost the old King all he had; and were beat by the most ordinary fellows that could be。  Thence with much ado out of the Park; and through St。 James's down the waterside over to Lambeth; to see the Archhishop's corps; (who is to be carried away to Oxford on Monday;) but come too late。  This day in the Duke's chamber there being a Roman story in the hangings; and upon the standard written these four letters S。 P。 Q。 R。; Sir G。 Carteret came to me to know what the meaning of those four letters were; which ignorance is not to be borne in a Privy Counsellor; methinks; what a schoolboy should be whipt for not knowing。

6th。  At my office all the morning; writing of a list of the King's ships in my Navy collections with great pleasure。

7th。  In Mr。 Pett's garden I eat some of the first cherries I have eat this year; off the tree where the King himself had been gathering some this morning。  Deane tells me that Mr。 Pett did to…day; that my Lord Bristoll told the King that he will impeach the Chancellor of High Treason:  but I find that my Lord Bristoll hath undone himself already in everybody's opinion; and now he endeavours to raise dust to put out other men's eyes; as well as his own; but I hope it will not take; in consideration merely that it is hard for a Prince to spare an experienced old officer; be he never so corrupt; though I hope this man is not so; as some report him to be。  He tells me that Don John is yet alive; and not killed; as was said; in the great victory against the Spaniards in Portugall of late。

9th。  Sir W。 Pen tells me; my Lady Castlemaine was at Court; for all this talk this week; but it seems the King is stranger than ordinary to her。

10th。  I met Pierce the chirurgeon; who tells me that for certain the King is grown colder to my Lady Castlemaine than ordinary; and that he believes he begins to love the Queene; and do make much of her; more than he used to do。  Mr。 Coventry tells me that my Lord Bristoll hath this day impeached my Lord Chancellor in the House of Lords of High Treason。  The chief of the articles are these:  1st。  That he should be the occasion of the peace made with Holland lately upon such disadvantageous terms; and that he was bribed to it。  2nd。  That Dunkirke was also sold by his advice chiefly; so much to the damage of England。  3rd。  That he had 6000l。 given him for the drawing…up or promoting of the Irish declaration lately; concerning the division of the lands there。  4th。  He did carry on the design of the Portugall match; so much to the prejudice of the Crown of England; notwithstanding that he knew the Queene is not capable of bearing children。  5th。 That the Duke's marrying of his daughter was a practice of his; thereby to raise his family; and that it was done by indiscreet courses。  6th。  As to the breaking…off of the match with Parma; in which he was employed at the very time when the match with Portugall was made up here; which he took as a great slur to him; and so it was; and that; indeed; is the chief occasion of all this fewde。  7th。  That he hath endeavoured to bring in Popery; and wrote to the Pope for a cap for a subject of the King of England's (my Lord Aubigny 'Brother to the Duke of Lennox; and Almoner to the King。'); and some say that he lays it to the Chancellor; that a good Protestant Secretary; (Sir Edward Nicholas) was laid aside; and a Papist; Sir H。 Bennet; put in his room:  which is very strange; when the last of these two is his own creature; and such an enemy accounted to the Chancellor; that they never did nor do agree; and all the world did judge the Chancellor to be falling from the time that Sir H。 Bennet was brought in; Besides my Lord Bristoll being a Catholique himself; all this is very strange。  These are the main of the Articles。 Upon which my Lord Chancellor desired the noble Lord that brought in these Articles; would sign to them with his hand; which my Lord Bristoll did presently。  Then the House did order that the Judges should; against Monday next; bring in their opinion; Whether these articles are treason; or no?  and next; they would know; Whether they were brought in regularly or no; without leave of the Lords' House?

11th。  By barge to St。 Mary's Creeke; where Commissioner Pett; (doubtful of the growing greatnesse of Portsmouth by the finding of those creekes there;) do design a wett docke at no great charge; and yet no little one; he thinks towards 10;000l。  And the place; indeed; is likely to be a very fit place; when the King hath money to do it with。

13th。  I walked to the Temple; and there; from my cousin Roger; hear that the Judges have this day brought in their answer to the Lords; That the articles against my Lord Chancellor are not Treason; and to…morrow they are to bring in their arguments to the House for t
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