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the diary of samuel pepys-第73章

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nt that have borne arms in the late troubles against the King; excepting some persons; which; if it be so; as I hope it is not; will give great cause of discontent; and I doubt will have but bad effects。

Sir Thomas Crewe this day tells me that the Queene; hearing that there was 40;000l。 per annum brought into her account among the other expences of the Crown before the Committee of Parliament; she took order to let them know that she hath yet for the payment of her whole family received but 4000l。; which is a notable act of spirit; and I believe is true。

7th。  To my Lord Crewe's; and there dined with him。  He tells me of the order the House of Commons have made for the drawing an Act for the rendering none capable of preferment or employment in the State; but who have been loyall and constant to the King and Church; which will be fatal to a great many; and makes me doubt lest I myself; with all my innocence during the late times; should be brought in; being employed in the Exchequer; but; I hope; God will provide for me。

10th。  Put on a black cloth suit; with white lynings under all; as the fashion is to wear; to appear under the breeches。  I walked to St。 James's; and was there at masse; and was forced in the croud to kneel down:  and masse being done; to the King's Head ordinary; where many Parliament…men; and most of their talk was about the news from Scotland; that the Bishop of Galloway was besieged in his house by some women; and had like to have been outraged; but I know not how he was secured; which is bad news; and looks as it did in the beginning of the late troubles。  From thence they talked of rebellion; and I perceive they make it their great maxime to be sure to master the City of London; whatever comes of it or from it。

11th。  With Sir W。 Pen to St。 James's; where we attended the Duke of York:  and; among other things; Sir G。 Carteret and I had a great dispute about the different value of the pieces of eight rated by Mr。 Creed at 4s。 and 5d。; and by Pitts at 4s。 and 9d。; which was the greatest husbandry to the King?  he proposing that the greatest sum was; which is as ridiculous a piece of ignorance as could be imagined。  However; it is to be argued at the Board; and reported to the Duke next week; which I shall do with advantage; I hope。  I went homeward; after a little discourse with Mr。 Pierce the surgeon; who tells me that my Lady Castlemaine hath now got lodgings near the King's chamber at Court; and that the other day Dr。 Clarke and he did dissect two bodies; a man and a woman; before the King; with which the King was highly pleased。

14th。  Met Mr。 Moore; and with him to an ale…house in Holborne; where in discourse he told me that he fears the King will be tempted to endeavour the setting the Crown upon the little Duke; which may cause troubles; which God forbid; unless it be his due! He told me my Lord do begin to settle to business again; and that the King did send for him the other day to my Lady Castlemaine's; to play at cards; where he lost 50l。; for which I am sorry; though he says my Lord was pleased at it; and said he would be glad at any time to lose 50l。 for the King to send for him to play; which I do not so well like。

15th。  I walked in the Parke; discoursing with the keeper of the Pell Mell; who was sweeping of it; who told me of what the earth is mixed that do floor the Mall; and that over all there is cockle…shells powdered; and spread to keep it fast; which; however; in dry weather; turns to dust and deads the ball。 Thence to Mr。 Coventry; and sitting by his bedside; he did tell me that he did send for me to discourse upon my Lord Sandwich's allowances for his several pays; and what his thoughts are concerning his demands; which he could not take the freedom to do face to face; it being not so proper as by me:  and did give me a most friendly and ingenuous account of all; telling me how unsafe; at this juncture; while every man's; and his actions particularly; are descanted upon; it is either for him to put the Duke upon doing; or my Lord himself to desire anything extraordinary; 'specially the King having been so bountifull already; which the world takes notice of even to some repinings。 All which he did desire me to discourse to my Lord of; which I have undertaken to do。  At noon by coach to my Lord Crewe's; hearing that my Lord Sandwich dined there; where I told him what had passed between Mr。 Coventry and myself; with which he was contented; though I could perceive not very well pleased。  And I do believe that my Lord do find some other things go against his mind in the House; for in the motion made the other day in the House by my Lord Bruce; that none be capable of employment but such as have been loyal and constant to the King and Church; that the General and my Lord were mentioned to be excepted; and my Lord Bruce did come since to my Lord; to clear himself that he meant nothing to his prejudice; nor could it have any such effect if he did mean it。  After discourse with my Lord; to dinner with him; there dining there my Lord Montagu of Boughton; 'Edward; second Lord Montagu of Boughton; in 1664 succeeded his father; who had been created a Baron by James I。; and died 1684; leaving a son afterwards Duke of Montagu。'  Mr。 William Montagu his brother; the Queene's Sollicitor; &c。; and a fine dinner。  Their talk about a ridiculous falling…out two days ago at my Lord of Oxford's house; at an entertainment of his; there being there my Lord of Albemarle; Lynsey; two of the Porters; my Lord Bellasses; and others; where there were high words and some blows; and pulling off of perriwiggs; till my Lord Monk took away some of their swords; and sent for some soldiers to guard the house till the fray was ended。  To such a degree of madness the nobility of this age is come!  After dinner; I went up to Sir Thomas Crewe; who lies there not very well in his head; being troubled with vapours and fits of dizzinesse:  and there I sat talking with him all the afternoon upon the unhappy posture of things at this time; that the King do mind nothing but pleasures; and hates the very sight or thoughts of business。  If any of the sober counsellors give him good advice; and move him in any way that is to his good and honour; the other part; which are his counsellors of pleasure; take him when he is with my Lady Castlemaine; and in a humour of delight; and then persuade him that he ought not to hear or listen to the advice of those old dotards or counsellors that were heretofore his enemies when; God knows!  it is they that now…a…days do most study his honour。  It seems the present favourites now are my Lord Bristol; Duke of Buckingham; Sir H。 Bennet; my Lord Ashley; and Sir Charles Barkeley; who; among them; have cast my Lord Chancellor upon his back; past ever getting up again:  there being now little for him to do; and he waits at Court; attending to speak to the King as others do: which I pray God may prove of good effects; for it is feared it will be the same with my Lord Treasurer shortly。  But strange to hear how my Lord Ashley; by my Lord Bristol's means; (he being brought over to the Catholique party against the Bishops; whom he hates to the death; and publicly rails against them; not that
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