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the diary of samuel pepys-第70章

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sband being a great favourite。

8th (Lord's day)。  To White Hall to…day; I heard Dr。 King; Bishop of Chichester; make a good and eloquent sermon upon these words; 〃They that sow in tears; shall reap in joy。〃  Whence (the chapel in Lent being hung with black; and no anthem after sermon; as at other times;) to my Lord Sandwich at Sir W。 Wheeler's。  I found him out of order; thinking himself to be in a fit of ague。  After dinner up to my Lord; there being Mr。 Rumball。  My Lord; among other discourse; did tell me of his great difficultys passed in the business of the Sound; and of his receiving letters from the King there; but his sending them by Whetstone was a great folly; and the story how my Lord being at dinner with Sydney; 'The famous Algernon Sydney; one of the Ambassadors sent to Sweden and Denmark by Richard Cromwell。'  one of his fellow plenipotentiarys and his mortal enemy; did see Whetstone; and put off his hat three times to him; and the fellow would not be known; which my Lord imputed to his coxcombly humour; (of which he was full) and bid Sydney take notice of him too; when at the very time he had letters 'These letters are; in Thurloe's State Papers; vol。 vii。 One was from the King the other from Chancellor Hyde。'  in his pocket from the King; as it proved afterwards。  And Sydney afterwards did find it out at Copenhagen; the Dutch Commissioners telling him how my Lord Sandwich had desired one of their ships to carry back Whetstone to Lubeck; he being come from Flanders from the King。  But I cannot but remember my Lord's equanimity in all these affairs with admiration。

9th。  About noon Sir J。 Robinson; Lord Mayor; desiring way through the garden from the Tower; called in at the office and there invited me (and Sir W。 Pen; who happened to be in the way) to dinner; and we did go; and there had a great Lent dinner of fish; little flesh。  There dined with us to…day Mr。 Slingsby of the Mint; 'Master of the Mint; frequently mentioned by Evelyn。' who showed us all the new pieces both gold and silver (examples of them all) that were made for the King; by Blondeau's way; and compared them with those made for Oliver。  The pictures of the latter made by Symons; 'Thomas Simon; an engraver of coins and medals。'  and of the King by one Rotyr; 'There were three brothers named Rotier; all Medallists; Philip intoduced the likeness of Mrs。 Stewart in the figure of Britannia。'  a German; I think; that dined with us also。  He extolls those of Rotyr above the others; and; indeed; I think they are the better; because the sweeter of the two; but; upon my word; those of the Protector are more like in my mind; than the King's; but both very well worth seeing。  The crownes of Cromwell are now sold; it seems; for 25s。 and 30s。 a…piece。

16th。  To the Duke where we met of course; and talked of our Navy matters。  Then to the Commission of Tangier; and there had my Lord Peterborough's Commission read over; and Mr。 Secretary Bennet did make his querys upon it; in order to the drawing one for my Lord Rutherford more regularly; that being a very extravagant thing。  Here long discoursing upon my Lord Rutherford's despatch; and so broke up。  Mr。 Coventry and I discoursed how the Treasurer doth intend to come to pay in course; which is the thing of the world that will do the King the greatest service in the Navy; and which joys my heart to hear of。 He tells me of the business of Sir J。 Minnes; and Sir W。 Pen; which; he said; was chiefly to make Mr。 Pett's being joyned with Sir W。 Batten to go down the better。  And how he well sees that neither one nor the other can do their duties without help。

17th。  To St。 Margaret's Hill in Southwark; where the Judge of the Admiralty come; and the rest of the Doctors of the Civill law; and some other Commissioners; whose Commission of Oyer and Terminer was read; and then the charge; given by Dr。 Exton; 'Sir Thomas Exton; Dean of the Arches and Judge of the Admiralty Court。'  which methought was somewhat dull; though he would seem to intend it to be very rhetoricall; saying that Justice had two wings; one of which spread itself over the land; and the other over the water; which was this Admiralty Court。  I perceive that this Court is yet but in its infancy; (as to its rising again) and their design and consultation was; I could overhear them; how to proceed with the most solemnity; and spend time; there being only two businesses to do; which of themselves could not spend much time。  Sir W。 Batten and I to my Lord Mayor's; where we found my Lord with Colonel Strangways 'Giles Strangways; M。P。 for Dorsetshire。'  and Sir Richard Floyd; 'Probably Sir Richard Lloyd。; M。P。 for Radnorshire。'  Parliament…men; in the cellar drinking; were we sat with them; and then up; and by and by come in Sir Richard Ford。  We had many discourses; but from all of them I do find Sir R。 Ford a very able man of his brains and tongue; and a scholler。  But my Lord Mayor a talking; bragging; buffleheaded fellow; that would be thought to have led all the City in the great business of bringing in the King; and that nobody understood his plot; and the dark lanthorn he walked by; but led them and plowed with them as oxen and asses (his own words) to do what he had a mind:  when in every discourse I observe him to be as very a coxcombe as I could have thought had been in the City。  But he is resolved to do great matters in pulling down the shops quite through the City; as he hath done in many places; and will make a thorough passage quite through the City; through Canning…street; which indeed will be very fine。 And then his precept; which he; in vain…glory; said he had drawn up himself; and hath printed it; against coachmen and carmen affronting of the gentry in the street; it is drawn so like a fool; and some faults were openly found in it; that I believe he will have so much wit as not to proceed upon it though it be printed。  Here we staid talking till eleven at night; Sir R。 Ford breaking to my Lord our business of our patent to be Justices of the Peace in the City; which he stuck at mightily; but; however; Sir R。 Ford knows him to be a fool; and so in his discourse he made him appear; and cajoled him into a consent to it:  but so as I believe when he comes to his right mind to…morrow he will be of another opinion; and though Sir R。 Ford moved it very weightily and neatly; yet I had rather it had been spared now。  But to see how he rants; and pretends to sway all the City in the Court of Aldermen; and says plainly that they cannot do; nor will he suffer them to do; any thing but what he pleases; nor is there any officer of the City but of his putting in; nor any man that could have kept the City for the King thus well and long but him。 And if the country can be preserved; he will undertake that the City shall not dare to stir again。  When I am confident there is no man almost in the City cares for him; nor hath he brains to outwit any ordinary tradesman。

20th。  Meeting with Mr。 Kirton's kinsman in Paul's Church Yard; he and I to a coffee…house; where I hear how there had like to have been a surprizall of Dublin by some discontented protestants; and other things of like nature; and it seems the Commissioners have carried themselves so hig
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