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the diary of samuel pepys-第66章

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ght before;) went and told the Duke how much he did apprehend himself wronged; in his picking out his lady of the whole Court to be the subject of his dishonor; which the Duke did answer with great calmnesse; not seeming to understand the reason of complaint; and that was all that passed:  but my Lord did presently pack his lady into the country in Derbyshire; near the Peake; which is become a proverb at Court; to send a man's wife to the Peake when she vexes him。

23rd。  Mr。 Grant and I to a coffee…house; where Sir J。 Cutler was; 'Citizen and Grocer; stigmatized by Pope for his avarice。' and he did fully make out that the trade of England is as great as ever it was; only in more hands; and that of all trades there is a greater number than ever there was; by reason of men's taking more 'prentices。  His discourse was well worth hearing。  I bought 〃Audley's Way to be Rich;〃 a serious pamphlett; and some good things worth my minding。

25th。  I understand the King of France is upon consulting his divines upon the old question; what the power of the Pope is? and do intend to make war against him; unless he do right him for the wrong his Embassador received; and banish the Cardinall Imperiall; by which I understand is not meant the Cardinall belonging or chosen by the Emperor; but the name of his family is Imperiali。  To my Lord; and I staid talking with him an hour alone in his chamber; about sundry publick and private matters。 Among others; he wonders what the project should be of the Duke's going down to Portsmouth again now with his Lady; at this time of the year:  it being no way; we think; to increase his popularity; which is not great; nor yet safe to do it; for that reason; if it would have any such effect。  Captn。 Ferrers tells me of my Lady Caslemaine's and Sir Charles Barkeley being the great favourites at Court; and growing every day more and more so; and that upon a late dispute between my Lord Chesterfield; that is the Queene's Lord Chamberlain; and Mr。 Edward Montagu her Master of the Horse; who should have the precedence in taking the Queene's upperhand abroad out of the house; which Mr。 Montagu challenges; it was given to my Lord Chesterfield。  So that I perceive he goes down the wind in honor as well as every thing else; every day。

26th。  I met with Monsieur Raby; who is lately come from France。 I had a great deal of very good discourse with him; concerning the difference between the French and the Pope; and the occasion; which he told me very particularly; and to my great content; and of most of the chief affairs of France; which I did enquire:  and that the King is a most excellent Prince; doing all business himself; and that it is true he hath a mistresse; Mademoiselle La Valiere; one of the Princess Henriette's women; that he courts for his pleasure every other day; but not so as to make him neglect his publick affairs。  He tells me how the King do carry himself nobly to the relations of the dead Cardinall; 'Cardinal Mazarine。'  and will not suffer one pasquill to come forth against him; and that he acts by what directions he received from him before his death。

30th。  My manuscript is brought home handsomely bound; to my full content; and now I think I have a better collection in reference to the Navy; and shall have by the time I have filled it; than any of my predecessors。

FEBRUARY 1; 1662…63。  This day Creed and I walking in White Hall; did see the King coming privately from my Lady Castlemaine's; which is a poor thing for a Prince to do; and so I expressed my sense of it to Creed in terms which I should not have done; but that I believe he is trusty in that point。

2nd。  With Sir J。 Minnes and Sir W。 Batten to the Duke; and after discourse as usual with him in his closet; I went to my Lord's: the King and the Duke being gone to chapel; it being a collar day; Candlemas…day; where I staid with him until towards noon; there being Jonas Moore 'Jonas Moore; a most celebrated mathematician; knighted by Charles II。; and made Surveyor of the Ordnance。  Ob。 1679。'  talking about some mathematical businesses。 With Mr。 Coventry down to his chamber; where he did tell me how he do make himself an interest by doing business truly and justly; though he thwarts others greater than himself; not striving to make himself friends by addresses; and by this he thinks and observes he do live as contentedly; (now he finds himself secured from fear of want;) and; take one time with another; as void of fear or cares; or more; than they that (as his own termes were) have quicker pleasures and sharper agonies than he。

4th。  To Paul's Schoole; it being opposition…day there。  I heard some of their speeches; and they were just as schoolboys' used to be; of the seven liberal sciences; but I think not so good as ours were in our time。  Thence to Bow Church; to the Court; of Arches; where a judge sits; and his proctors about him in their habits; and their pleadings all in Latin。  Here I was sworn to give a true answer to my uncle's libells。  And back again to Paul's Schoole; and went up to see the head forms posed in Latin; Greek; and Hebrew。  Dr。 Wilkins and Outram were examiners。  'John Wilkins; D。D。; afterwards Bishop of Chester。  William Outram; D。D。; Prebendary of Westminster。  Ob。 1679; one of the ablest and best of the Conformists; and eminent for his piety and charity; and an excellent preacher。'

6th。  To Lincoln's Inn Fields; and it being too soon to go to dinner; I walked up and down; and looked upon the outside of the new theatre building in Covent Garden; which will be very fine。 And so to a bookseller's in the Strand; and there bought Hudibras again; it being certainly some ill humour to be so against that which all the world cries up to be the example of wit; for which I am resolved once more to read him; and see whether I can find it or no。

7th; To White Hall to chapel; where there preached little Dr。 Duport; 'James Duport; D。D。; Dean of Peterborough 1664; and Master of Magdalene College; Cambridge; 1668。  Ob。 1679。'  of Cambridge; upon Josiah's words;〃But I and my house; we will serve the Lord。〃  Thence with Mr。 Creed to the King's Head ordinary。  After dinner Sir Thomas Willis 'Sir Thomas Willis; Bart。; Ob。 Nov。 1705; aged 90; and was buried at Ditton; in Cambridgeshire; where he possessed some property。  In 1679; he had been put out of the Commission of the Peace for that County; for concurring with the Fanatic party in opposing the Court。 COLE'S MSS。'  and another stranger; and Creed and I fell a… talking; they of the errours and corruption of the Navy; and great expence thereof; not knowing who I was; which at last I did undertake to confute; and disabuse them:  and they took it very well; and I hope it was to good purpose; they being Parliament… men。  Creed and I and Captn。 Ferrers to the Parke; and there walked finely; seeing people slide; we talking all the while; and Captn。 Ferrers telling me; among other Court passages; how about a month ago; at a ball at Court; a child was dropped by one of the ladies in dancing; but nobody knew who; it being taken up by somebody in their handkercher。  The next morning all the Ladies of Honour appeared early at Court for their vindication; so that nobody could t
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