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the diary of samuel pepys-第61章

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9th。  (Lord's…day。) Walked to my brother's; where my wife is; calling at many churches; and then to the Temple; hearing a bit there too; and observing that in the streets and churches the Sunday is kept in appearance as well as I have known it at any time。

10th。  A little to the office; and so with Sir J。 Minnes; Sir W。 Batten; and myself by coach to White Hall; to the Duke; who; after he was ready; did take us into his closett。  Thither come my Lord General Monk; and did privately talk with the Duke about having the life…guards pass through the City to…day only for show and to fright people; for perceive there are great fears abroad; for all which I am troubled and full of doubt that things will not go well。  He being gone; we fell to business of the Navy。 Among other things; how to pay off this fleet that is now come from Portugall; the King of Portugall sending them home; he having no more use for them; which we wonder at; that his condition should be so soon altered。  And our landmen also are coming back; being almost starved in that poor country。  To my Lord Crewe's; and dined with him and his brother; I know not his name。  Where very good discourse。  Among others; of France's intention to make a patriarch of his own; independent from the Pope; by which he will be able to cope with the Spaniard in all councils; which hitherto he has never done。  My Lord Crewe told us how he heard my Lord of Holland 'Henry Rich; Earl of Holland。' say; that being Embassador about the match with the Queene…Mother that now is; the King of France insisted upon a dispensation from the Pope; which my Lord Holland making a question of; as he was commanded to yield to nothing to the prejudice of our religion; says the King of France; 〃You need not fear that; for if the Pope will not dispense with the match; my Bishop of Paris shall。〃  By and by come in the great Mr。 Swinfen; 'John Swinfen; M。P。 for Tamworth。'  the Parliament…man; who; among other discourse of the rise and fall of familys; told us of Bishop Bridgeman 'John Bridgeman; Bishop of Chester。' (father of Sir Orlando) who lately hath bought a seat anciently of the Levers; and then the Ashtons; and so he hath in his great hall window (having repaired and beautified the house) caused four great places to be left for coates of armes。  In one he hath put the Levers; with this motto; 〃Olim。〃  In another the Ashtons; with this; 〃Heri。〃 In the next his own; with this; 〃Hodie。〃 In the fourth nothing but this motto; 〃Cras nescio cujus。〃  The towne I hear is full of discontents; and all know of the King's new bastard by Mrs。 Haslerigge; and as far as I can hear will never be contented with Episcopacy; they are so cruelly set for Presbytery; and the Bishops carry themselves so high; that they are never likely to gain anything upon them。  To the Dolphin Tavern near home; by appointment; and there met with Wade and Evett; and have resolved to make a new attempt upon another discovery; in which God give us better fortune than in the other; but I have great confidence that there is no cheat in these people; but that they go upon good grounds; though they have been mistaken in the place of the first。

13th。  To my office; and there this afternoon me had our first meeting upon our commission of inspecting the Chest。  Sir Francis Clerke; 'M。P。 for Rochester。'  Mr。 Heath; Atturney of the Dutchy; Mr。 Prinn; Sir W。 Rider; Captn。 Cooke; and myself。  Our first work was to read over the Institution; which is a decree in Chancery in the year 1617; upon an inquisition made at Rochester about that time into the revenues of the Chest; which had then; from the year 1588 or 1590; by the advice of the Lord High Admiral and principal officers then being; by consent of the seamen; been settled; paying sixpence per month; according to their wages then; which was then but 10s。 which is now 24s。

17th。  To the Duke's to…day; but he is gone a…hunting。  At White Hall by appointment; Mr。 Creed carried my wife and I to the Cockpitt; and we had excellent places; and saw the King; Queene; Duke of Monmouth; his son; and my Lady Castlemaine; and all the fine ladies; and 〃The Scornfull Lady;〃 well performed。  They had done by eleven o'clock; and it being fine moonshine; we took coach and home。

18th。  Late at my office; drawing up a letter to my Lord Treasurer; which we have been long about。

20th。  After dinner to the Temple; to Mr。 Thurland; 'Edward Thurland; M。P。 for Ryegate; afterwards knighted。'  and thence to my Lord Chief Baron; Sir Edward Hale's; 'Sir Matthew Hale succeeded Sir Orlando Bridgeman as Chief Baron of the Exchequer (according to Beatson;) in 1666; there is consequently some mistake。'  and take Mr。 Thurland to his chamber; where he told us that Field will have the better of us; and that we must study to make up the business as well as we can; which do much vex and trouble us:  but I am glad the Duke is concerned in it。

21st。  This day come the King's pleasure…boats from Calais; with the Dunkirke money; being 400;000 pistolles。

22nd。  This day Mr。 Moore told me; that for certain the Queene… Mother is married to my Lord St。 Albans; and he is like to be made Lord Treasurer。  News that Sir J。 Lawson hath made up a peace now with Tunis and Tripoli; as well as Argiers; by which he will come home very highly honoured。

23rd。  I hear to…day old rich Audley 'There is an old Tract called; 〃The Way to be Rich; according to the Practice of the great Audley; who began with 200l。 in 1605; and dyed worth 400;000l。  November; 1662。〃  London; printed for E。 Davis。 1662。'  is lately dead; and left a very great estate; and made a great many poor familys rich; not all to one。  Among others; one Davis; my old schoolfellow at Paul's; and since a bookseller in Paul's Church Yard:  and it seems do forgive one man 6000l。 which he had wronged him of; but names not his name; but it is well known to be the scrivener in Fleete…streete; at whose house he lodged。  There is also this week dead a poulterer; in Gracious… street; which was thought rich; but not so rich; that hath; left 800l。 per annum; taken in other men's names; and 40;000 Jacobs in gold。

24th。  Sir J。 Minnes; Sir W。 Batten; and I; going forth toward White Hall; we hear that the King and Duke are come this morning to the Tower to see the Dunkirke money。  So we by coach to them; and there went up and down all the magazines with them; but methought it was but poor discourse and frothy that the King's companions (young Killigrew among the rest;) had with him。  We saw none of the money; but Mr。 Slingslby did show the King; and I did see; the stamps of the new money that is now to be made by Blondeau's fashion; which are very neat; and like the King。 Thence the King to Woolwich; though a very cold day; and the Duke to White Hall; commanding us to come after him; and in his closet; my Lord Sandwich being there; did discourse with us about getting some of this money to pay off the Fleets; and other matters。

25th。  Great talk among people how some of the Fanatiques do say that the end of the world is at hand; and that next Tuesday is to be the day。  Against which; whenever it shall be; good God fit us all。

27th。  At my waking; I found the tops of the houses covere
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