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r twelve days。 So I without seeing the Duke of York; but Mr。 Wren showed me the order of Council about the balancing Store…keeper's accounts; passed the Council in the very terms I drew it; only I did put in my name as he that presented the book of Hosier's preparing; and that is left out; I mean my name; which is no great matter。
8th。 To White Hall; from whence the King and the Duke of York went by three in the morning; and had the misfortune to be overset with the Duke of York; the Duke of Monmouth; and the Prince; 'Rupert。' at the King's gate in Holborne; and the King all dirty; but no hurt。 How it come to pass I know not; but only it was dark; and the torches did not; they say; light the coach as they should do。 I thought this morning to have seen my Lord Sandwich before he went out of town; but I came half an hour too late; which troubles me; I having not seen him since my Lady Pall died。 And so to the Privy…Seal office; to examine what records I could find there for my help in the great business I am put upon of defending the present constitution of the Navy; but there could not have liberty without order from him that is in present; waiting; Mr。 Bickerstaffe; who is out of town。
9th。 Up; and to the Tower; and there find Sir W。 Coventry alone writing down his journall; which; he tells me; he now keeps of the material things; upon which I told him; (and he is the only man I ever told it to; I think;) that I kept it most strictly these eight or ten years; and I am sorry almost that I told it him; it not being necessary; nor maybe convenient; to have it known。 Here he showed me the petition he had sent to the King by my Lord Keeper; which was not to desire any admittance to employment; but submitting himself therein humbly to his Majesty; but prayed the removal of his displeasure; and that he might be set free。 He tells me that my Lord Keeper did acquaint the King with the substance of it; not showing him the petition; who answered; that he was disposing of his employments; and when that was done he might be led to discharge him: and this is what he expects; and what he seems to desire。 But by this discourse he was pleased to take occasion to show me and read to me his account; which he hath kept by him under his own hand; of all his discourse and the King's answers to him upon the great business of my Lord Clarendon; and how he had first moved the Duke of York with it twice at good distance; one after another; but without success; showing me thereby the simplicity and reasons of his so doing; and the manner of it; and the King's accepting it; telling him that he was not satisfied in his management; and did discover some dissatisfaction against him for his opposing the laying aside of my Lord Treasurer at Oxford; which was a secret the King had not discovered。 And really I was mighty proud to be privy to this great transaction; it giving me great conviction of the noble nature and ends of Sir W。 Coventry in it; and considerations in general of the consequences of great men's actions; and the uncertainty of their estates; and other very serious considerations。
11th。 Up; and to Sir W。 Coventry to the Tower; who tells me that he hears that the Commission is gone down to the King with a blank to fill for his place in the Treasury: and he believes it will be filled with one of our Treasurers of the Navy; but which he knows not; but he believes it will be Osborne。 We walked down to the stone…walk; which is called; it seems; my Lord of Northumberland's walk; being paved by some one of that title that was prisoner there; and at the end of it there is a piece of iron upon the wall with his arms upon it; and holes to put in a peg for every turn they make upon that walk。
12th。 With great content spent all the morning looking over the Navy accounts of several years; and the several patents of the Treasurers。 W。 Hewer carried me to Nott's; the famous bookbinder that bound for my Lord Chancellor's library: and here I did take occasion for curiosity to bespeak a book to be bound; only that I might have one of his binding。
13th。 That which put me in good humour both at noon and night; is the fancy that I am this day made a captain of one of the King's ships; Mr。 Wren having this day sent me the Duke of York's commission to be Captain of 〃The Jerzy;〃 in order to my being of a Court…martiall for examining the loss of 〃The Defyance〃 and other things; which do give me occasion of much mirth; and may be of some use to me; at least I shall get a little money for the time I have it; it being designed that I must really be a captain to be able to sit in this Court。
15th。 Up; and by water with W。 Hewer to the Temple; and thence to the Rolls; where I made enquiry for several rolls; and was soon informed in the manner of it: and so spent the whole morning with W。 Hewer; he taking little notes in short hand; while I hired a clerk there to read to me about twelve or more several rolls which I did call for。 And it was great pleasure to me to see the method wherein their rolls are kept; that when the master of the office; one Mr。 Case; do call for them; (who is a man that I have heretofore known by coming to my Lord Sandwich's;) he did most readily turn to them。 At noon they shut up; and W。 Hewer and I did walk to the Cocke; at the end of Suffolke…street; where I never was; a great ordinary mightily cried up; and there bespoke a pullet: which; while dressing; he and I walked into St。 James's Park; and thence back and dined very handsome with good soup and a pullet for 4s。 6d。 the whole。 Thence back to the Rolls; and did a little more business: and so by water to White Hall; whither I went to speak with Mr。 Williamson (that if he hath any papers relating to the Navy I might see them; which he promises me。) And so by water home with; great content for what I have this day found; having got almost as much as I desire of the history of the Navy; from 1618 to 1642; when the King and Parliament fell out。
16th。 Comes to me Mr。 Evelyn of Deptford; a worthy good man; and dined with me (but a bad dinner): who is grieved for and speaks openly to me his thoughts of the times; and our ruin approaching; and all by the folly of the King。 His business to me was about some ground of his at Deptford; next to the King's yard: and after dinner we parted。 To Woolwich; where I saw; but did not go on board; my ship 〃The Jerzy;〃 she lying at the wharf under repair。 But my business was to speak with Ackworth about some old things and passages in the Navy; for my information therein; in order to my great business now of stating the history of the Navy。 This I did; and upon the whole do find that the late times; in all their management; were not more husbandly than we; and other things of good content to me。 Thence to Greenwich by water; and there landed at the King's house; which goes on slow; but is very pretty。 I to the Park; there to see the prospect of the hill; to judge of Dancre's picture which he hath made thereof for me; and I do like it very well: and it is a very pretty place。 Thence to Deptford; but staid not; Unthwayte being out of the way。 And so home; and then to the King's Tavern (Morrice's) and staid till W。 He