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cold; and plenty of brave wine; and above all Bristol milk: where comes in another poor woman; who hearing that Deb。 was here did come running hither; and with her eyes so full of tears and heart so full of joy that she could not speak when she come in; that it made me weep too: I protest that I was not able to speak to her; which I would have done; to have diverted her tears。 His wife a good woman; and so sober and substantiall as I was never more pleased any where; Servant…maid; 2s。 So thence took leave and he with us through the city; where in walking I find the city pay him great respect; and he the like to the meanest; which pleased me mightily。 He showed us the place where the merchants meet here; and a fine cross yet standing; like Cheapside。 And so to the Horse…shoe; where paid the reckoning; 2s。 6d。 We back; and by moonshine to the Bath again about ten o'clock: bad way; and giving the coachman 1s。 went all of us to bed。
14th。 (Sunday)。 Up; and walked up and down the town; and saw a pretty good market…place; and many good streets; and very fair stone…houses。 And so to the great church; and there saw Bishop Montagu's tomb; and; when placed; did there see many brave people come; and among others two men brought in litters; and set down in the chancel to hear: but I did not know one face。 Here a good organ; but a vain pragmatical fellow preached a ridiculous; affected sermon; that made me angry; and some gentlemen that sat next me; and sang well。 So home; walking round the walls of the City; which are good; and the battlements all whole。 To this church again; to see it and look over the monuments; where; among others; Dr。 Venner and Pelling; and a lady of Sir W。 Waller's; 'Jane; sole daughter of Sir Richard Reynell。' he lying with his face broken。 My landlord did give me a good account of the antiquity of this town and Wells; and of two heads; on two pillars; in Wells church。
15th。 Monday。 looked into the baths; and find the King and Queene's full of a mixed sort of good and bad; and the Cross only almost for the gentry。 So home with my wife; and did pay my guides; two women; 5s。; one man; 2s。 6d。; poor; 6d。; woman to lay my foot…cloth; 1s。 So to our inne; and there eat and paid reckoning; 1l。 8s。 6d。; servants; 3s。; poor; 1s。; lent the coachman; 10s。 Before I took coach; I went to make a boy dive in the King's bath; 1s。 I paid also for my coach and a horse to Bristoll; 1l。 1s。 6d。 Took coach; and away without any of the company of the other stage…coaches that go out of this town to… day; and rode all day with some trouble; for fear of our being out of our way; over the Downes; (where the life of the shepherds is; in fair weather only; pretty)。 In the afternoon come to Abury; where seeing great stones like those of Stonehenge standing up; I stopped and took a countryman of that town; and he carried me and showed me a place trenched in; like Old Sarum almost; with great stones pitched in it some bigger than those at Stonehenge in figure; to my great admiration: and he told me that most people of learning coming by do come and view them; and that the King did so; and the mount cast hard by is called Selbury; from one King Seall buried there; as tradition says。 I did give this man 1s。 So took coach again; seeing one place with great high stones pitched round; which I believe was once some particular building; in some measure like that of Stonehenge。 But; about a mile off; it was prodigious to see how full the Downes are of great stones; and all along the vallies stones of considerable bigness; most of them growing certainly out of the ground; so thick as to cover the ground; which makes me think the less of the wonder of Stonehenge; for hence they might undoubtedly supply themselves with stones; as well as those at Abury。 In my way did give to the poor and menders of the highway 3s。 Before night come to Marlborough; and lay at the Hart; a good house; and a pretty fair town for a street or two; and what is most singular is; their houses on one side having their pent… houses supported with pillars; which makes it a good walk。 All the five coaches that come this day from Bath; as well as we; were gone out of the town before six。
16th。 Tuesday。 After paying the reckoning; 14s。 4d。 and servants 2s。; poor 1s。; set out; and passing through a good part of this country of Wiltshire; saw a good house 'Littlecote。' of Alexander Popham's; 'M。P。 for Bath。' and another of my Lord Craven's; 'Hampstead Marshal; since destroyed by fire。' I think; in Barkeshire。 Come to Newbery; and there dined; and musick: a song of the old courtier of Queene Elizabeth's; and how he was changed upon the coming in of the King; did please me mightily; and I did cause W。 Hewer to write it out。 Then comes the reckoning; (forced to change gold;) 8s。 7d。; servants and poor; 1s。 6d。 So out; and lost our way; but come into it again; and in the evening betimes come to Reding; and I to walk about the town; which is a very great one; I think bigger than Salisbury: a river runs through it in seven branches; (which unite in one; in one part of the town;) and runs into the Thames half…a…mile off: one odd sign of the Broad Face。 Then to my inn; and so to bed。
17th (Wednesday)。 Rose; and paying the reckoning; 12s。 8d。; servants and poor; 2s。 6d。; musick; the worst we have had; coming to our chamber…door; but calling us by wrong names; so set out with one coach in company; and through Maydenhead; which I never saw before; to Colebrooke by noon; the way mighty good; and there dined; and fitted ourselves a little to go through London anon。 Thence pleasant way to London before night; and and all very well to great content; and saw Sir W。 Pen; who is well again。 I hear of the ill news by the great fire at Barbadoes。
18th。 I did receive a hint or two from my Lord Anglesy; as if he thought much of my taking the ayre as I have done; but I care not: but whatever the matter is; I think he hath some ill…will to me; or at least an opinion that I am more the servant of the Board than I am。 To my Lady Peterborough's; who tells me; among other things; her Lord's good words to the Duke of York lately about my Lord Sandwich; and that the Duke of York is kind to my Lord Sandwich; which I am glad to hear。
19th。 Between two and three in the morning we were waked with the maids crying out; 〃Fire; fire; in Marke…lane!〃 So I rose and looked out; and it was dreadful; and strange apprehensions in me and us all of being presently burnt。 So we all rose; and my care presently was to secure my gold and plate and papers; and could quickly have done it; but I went forth to see where it was; and the whole town was presently in the streets; and I found it in a new…built house that stood alone in Minchin…lane; over against the Cloth…workers'…hall; which burned furiously: the house not yet quite finished; and the benefit of brick was well seen; for it burnt all inward and fell down within itself; so no fear of doing more hurt。 Yesterday I heard how my Lord Ashly is like to die; having some imposthume in his breast; that he hath been fain to be cut into the body。 To White Hall; were we attended the Duke of York in his closet upon our usual busine