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the diary of samuel pepys-第238章

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11th; so imperfect a speaker he is。  So the Commons went to their House; and forthwith adjourned; and the Lords resumed their House; the King being gone; and sat an hour or two after:  but what they did; I cannot tell; but every body expected they would commit Sir Andrew Rickard; Sir Samuel Barnardiston; 'Wood mentions Sir S。 Barnadiston as a leading Fanatic; CIRC。 1683。' Mr。 Boone; and Mr。 Wynne; who were all there; and called in upon their knees to the bar of the House:  and Sir John Robinson I left there; endeavouring to prevent their being committed to the Tower; lest he should thereby be forced to deny their order; because of this vote of the Commons; whereof he is one; which is an odde case。

12th。  Lord Anglesy; in talk about the late difference between the two Houses; do tell us that he thinks the House of Lords may be in an error; at least it is possible they may; in this matter of Skinner; and did declare his judgement in the House of Lords against their proceedings therein; he having hindered 100 originall causes being brought into their House; notwithstanding that he was put upon defending their proceedings:  but that he is confident that the House of Commons are in the wrong; in the method they take to remedy an error of the Lords; for no vote of theirs can do it; but in all like cases the Commons have done it by petition to the King; sent up to the Lords; and by them agreed to and so redressed; as they did in the petition of Right。  He says that he did tell them indeed; which is talked of; and which did vex the Commons; that the Lords were 〃JUDICES NATI ET CONCILIARII NATI;〃 but all other Judges among us are under salary; and the Commons themselves served for wages; and therefore the Lords; in reason; the freer Judges。

13th。  To attend the Council about the business of Hemskirke's project of building a ship that sails two feet for one of any other ship; which the Council did agree to be put in practice; the King to give him; if it proves good; 5000l。 in hand; and 15;000l。 more in seven years:  which for my part I think a piece of folly for them to meddle with; because the secret cannot be long kept。  This morning I hear that last night Sir Thomas Teddiman; poor man!  did die by a thrush in his mouth:  a good man; and stout and able; and much lamented; though people do make a little mirth; and say; as I believe it did in good part; that the business of the Parliament did break his heart; or at least put him into this fever and disorder that; caused his death。

15th。  To a Committee for Tangier; where God knows how my Lord Bellasses' accounts passed:  understood by nobody but my Lord Ashly; who; I believe; was allowed to let them go as he pleased。 But here Sir H。 Cholmly had his propositions read about a greater price for his work of the Molle; or to do it upon account; which being read; he was bid to withdraw。  But; Lord!  to see how unlucky a man may be by chance!  for; making an unfortunate motion when they were almost tired with the other business; the Duke of York did find fault with it; and that made all the rest; that I believe he had better have given a great deal and had nothing said to it to…day; whereas I have seen other things more extravagant passed at first hearing; without any difficulty。  To Loriner's…hall; by Mooregate; (a hall I never heard of before;) to Sir Thomas Teddiman's burial; where most people belonging to the sea; were。  And here we had rings:  and here I do hear that some of the last words that he said were; that he had a; very good King; God bless him!  but that the Parliament had very ill rewarded him for all the service he had endeavoured to do them and his country:  so that for certain this did go far towards his death。  But; Lord!  to see among the company the young commanders; and Thomas Killigrew and others that came; how unlike a burial this was; O'Brian taking out some ballads out of his pocket; which I read; and the rest come about me to hear!  And there very merry we were all; they being new ballads。  By and by the corpse went; and I; with my Lord Brouncker; and Dr。 Clerke; and Mr。 Pierce; as far as the foot of London…bridge; and there we struck off into Thames…street; the rest going to Redriffe; where he is to be buried。  The Duchesse of Monmouth's hip is; I hear; now set again; after much pain。  I am told also that the Countesse of Shrewsbery is brought home by the Duke of Buckingham to his house; where his Duchesse saying that it was not for her and the other to live together in a house; he answered; 〃Why; Madam; I did think so; and therefore have ordered your coach to be ready to carry you to your father's;〃 which was a devilish speech; but; they say; true; and my Lady Shrewsbery is there; it seems。

18th。  To the King's playhouse; and there saw the best part of 〃The Sea Voyage;〃 'A comedy; by Beaumont and Fletcher。'  where Knipp did her part of sorrow very well。

17th (Lord's day)。  Up; and put on my new stuff…suit; with a shoulder…belt according to the new fashion; and the hands of my vest and tunique laced with silk…lace of the colour of my suit: and so very handsome to church。

18th。  To my Lord Bellasses; at his new house by my late Lord Treasurer's; which indeed is mighty noble; and good pictures; indeed not one bad one in it。  It being almost twelve o'clock; or little more; to the King's playhouse; where the doors were not then open; but presently they did open; and we in; and find many people already come in by private ways into the pit; it being the first day of Sir Charles Sedley's new play so long expected; 〃The Mulbery Garden;〃 of whom; being so reputed a wit; all the world do expect great matters。  I having sat here awhile and eat nothing to…day; did slip out; getting a boy to keep my place; and to the Rose Tavern; and there got half a breast of mutton off of the spit; and dined all alone。  And so to the play again; where the King and Queene by and by come; and all the Court; and the house infinitely full。  But the play; when it come; though there was here and there a pretty saying; and that not very many neither; yet the whole of the play had nothing extraordinary in it all; neither of language nor design; insomuch that the King I did not see laugh nor pleased from the beginning to the end; nor the company; insomuch that I have not been less pleased at a new play in my life; I think。

19th。  Pierce tells me that for certain Mr。 Vaughan is made Lord Chief Justice; which I am glad of。  He tells me too; that since my Lord of Ormond's coming over; the King begins to be mightily reclaimed; and sups every night with great pleasure with the Queene:  and yet; it seems; he is mighty hot upon the Duchesse of Richmond; insomuch that; upon Sunday was se'nnight at night; after he had ordered his Guards and coach to be ready to carry him to the Park; he did on a sudden take a pair of oars or sculler; and all alone; or but one with him; go to Somerset House; and there; the garden…door not being open; himself clamber over the wall to make a visit to her; which is a horrid shame。

20th。  To the Council…chamber; where the Committee of the Navy sat; and here we discoursed several things; but; Lord!  like fools; so as it was a shame to see things of this importance
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