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great severity; if not tyranny; have proceeded against poor Carr; who only erred in the manner of the presenting his petition against my Lord Gerard; it being first printed before it was presented: which was; it seems; by Colonell Sands's going into the country; into whose hands he had put it: the poor man is ordered to stand in the pillory two or three times; and to have his eares cut; and be imprisoned I know not how long。 But it is believed that the Commons; when they meet; will not be well pleased with it; and they have no reason; I think。
21st。 The Nonconformists are mighty high; and their meetings frequented and connived at; and they do expect to have their day now soon; for my Lord of Buckingham is a declared friend to them; and even to the Quakers; who had very good words the other day from the King himself: and; what is more; the Archbishop of Canterbury 'Gilbert Sheldon。' is called no more to the Caball; nor; by the way; Sir W。 Coventry: which I am sorry for; the Caball at present being; as he says; the King; and Duke of Buckingham; and Lord Keeper; the Duke of Albemarle; and Privy Seale。 The Bishops differing from the King in the late business in the House of Lords; have caused this and what is like to follow; for every body is encouraged now…a…days to speak; and even to preach (as I have heard one of them); as bad things against them as ever in the year 1640; which is a strange change。
23rd。 I to the Exchange; and there I saw Carr stand in the pillory for the business of my Lord Gerard; and there hear by Creed that the Bishops of Winchester 'George Morley。' and of Rochester; 'John Dolben。' and the Dean of the Chapel; and some other great prelates; are suspended: and a cloud upon the Archbishop ever since the late business in the House of Lords; and I believe it will be a heavy blow to the Clergy。
24th。 By coach to St。 James's; it being about six at night; my design being to see the ceremonys; this night being the eve of Christmas; at the Queene's chapel。 I got in almost up to the rail; and with a good deal of patience staid from nine at night to two in the morning in a very great crowd: and there expected but found nothing extraordinary; there being nothing but a high masse。 The Queene was there; and some high…ladies。 All being done; I was sorry for my coming; and missing of what I expected; which was; to have had a child born and dressed there; and a great deal of do; but we broke up; and nothing like it done。 And there I left people receiving the Sacrament: and the Queene gone; and ladies; only my Lady Castlemaine; who looked prettily in her night…clothes。 And so took my coach; which waited; and drank some burnt wine at the Rose Tavern door while the constables came; and two or three bellmen went by; it being a fine light moonshine morning: and so home round the City。
26th。 With my wife to the King's playhouse; and there saw 〃The Surprizall;〃 'A comedy; by Sir Robert Howard。' which did not please me to…day; the actors not pleasing me; and especially Nell's acting of a serious part; which she spoils。 I hear this day that Mrs。 Stewart do at this day keep a great court at Somerset House with her husband the Duke of Richmond; she being visited for her beauty's sake by people as the Queene is at nights; and they say also that she is likely to go to Court; again; and there put my Lady Castlemaine's nose out of joynt。
27th。 A Committee of Tangier met; the Duke of York there。 And there I did discourse over to them their condition as to money; which they were all mightily as I could desire satisfied with; but the Duke of Albemarle; who takes the part of the Guards against us in our supplies of money; which is an odd consideration for a dull; heavy blockhead as he is; understanding no more of either than a goose: but the ability and integrity of Sir W。 Coventry; in all the King's concernments; I do and must admire。 After the Committee; Sir W。 Coventry tells me that the businesse of getting the Duchesse of Richmond to Court is broke off; the Duke not suffering it; and thereby great trouble is brought among the people that endeavoured it; and thought they had compassed it。 But Lord! to think that at this time the King should mind no other cares but these! We tells me that my Lord of Canterbury is a mighty stout man; and a man of a brave; high spirit; and cares not for this disfavour that he is under at Court; knowing that the King cannot take away his profits during his life; and therefore do not value it。
28th。 To the King's house; and there saw 〃The Mad Couple;〃 which is but an ordinary play; but only Nell's and Hart's mad parts are most excellent done; but especially her's: which makes it a miracle to me to think how ill she do any serious part; as the other day; just like a fool or changeling; and; in a mad part; do beyond all imitation almost。 It pleased us mightily to see the natural affection of a poor woman; the mother of one of the children brought on the stage: the child crying she by force got upon the stage; and took up her child and carried it away off of the stage from Hart。 Many fine faces here to…day。 I am told to… day; which troubles me; that great complaint is made upon the 'Change; among our merchants; that the very Ostend little pickaroon men…of…war do offer violence to our merchant…men and search them; beat our masters; and plunder them; upon pretence of carrying Frenchmen's goods。
29th。 At night comes Mrs。 Turner to see us; and there; among other talk; she tells me that Mr。 William Pen; who is lately come over from Ireland; is a Quaker again; or some very melancholy thing; that he cares for no company; nor comes into any which is a pleasant thing; after his being abroad so long; and his father such a hypocritical rogue; and at this time an atheist。
30th。 Sir G。 Carteret and I alone did talk of the ruinous condition we are in; the King being going to put out of the Council so many able men; such as my Lord Anglesy; Ashly; Hollis; Secretary Morrice (to bring in Mr。 Trevor; 'John Trevor; knighted by Charles II。 who made him Secretary of State; 1668; which office he held till his death in 1672。') and the Archbishop of Canterbury and my Lord Bridgewater。 He tells me that this is true; only the Duke of York do endeavour to hinder it; and the Duke of York himself did tell him so; that the King and the Duke of York do not in company disagree; but are friendly; but that there is a core in their hearts; he doubts; which is not to be easily removed; for these men so suffer only for their constancy to the Chancellor; or at least from the King's ill…will against him。 He do suggest that something is intended for the Duke of Monmouth; and; it may be; against the Queene also: that we are in no manner sure against an invasion the next year: that the Duke of Buckingham do rule all now; and the Duke of York comes indeed to the Caball; but signifies little there。 That this new faction do not endure; nor the King; Sir W。 Coventry; but yet that he is so usefull that they cannot be without him; but that he is not now called to the Caball。 That my Lord of Buckingham; Bristoll; and Arlington do seem to agree in these things; but that they do not in their hearts t