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the diary of samuel pepys-第214章

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iness of my Lord Chancellor; the impeachment against whom is gone up to the House of Lords; and great differences there are in the Lords' House about it; and the Lords are very high one against another。 This day Mr。 Chichly told me; with a seeming trouble; that the House have stopped his son Jack (Sir John) his going to France; that he may be a witness against my Lord Sandwich:  which do trouble me; though he can; I think; say little。

15th。  A conference between the two Houses today; so I stayed: and it was only to tell the Commons that the Lords' cannot agree to the confining or sequestring of the Earle of Clarendon from the Parliament; forasmuch as they do not specify any particular crime which they lay upon him and call Treason。  This the House did receive; and so parted:  at which; I hear the Commons are like to grow very high; and will insist upon their privileges; and the Lords will own theirs; though the Duke of Buckingham; Bristoll; and others have been very high in the House of Lords to have had him committed。  This is likely to breed ill blood。  The King hath (as Mr。 Moore says Sir Thomas Crewe told him) been heard to say that the quarrel is not between my Lord Chancellor and him; but his brother and him; which will make sad work among us if that be once promoted; as to be sure it will; Buckingham and Bristoll being now the only counsel the King follows; so as Arlington and Coventry are come to signify little。  He tells me they are likely to fall upon my Lord Sandwich; but for my part sometimes I am apt to think they cannot do him much harm; he telling me that there is no great fear of the business of Resumption。  This day Poundy the waterman was with me; to let me know that he was summoned to bear witness against me to Prince Rupert's people (who have a commission to look after the business of prize…goods); about the business of the prize…goods I was concerned in:  but I did desire him to speak all he knew; and not to spare me; nor did promise nor give him any thing; but sent him away with good words。

16th。  Met Mr。 Gregory; my old acquaintance; an understanding gentleman; and he and I walked an hour together; talking of the bad prospect of the times。 And the sum of what I learn from him is this:  That the King is the most concerned in the world against the Chancellor and all people that do not appear against him; and therefore is angry with the Bishops; having said that he had one Bishop on his side (Crofts); 'Herbert Croft; Dean of Hereford; elected Bishop of that see 1661。'  and but one: that Buckingham and Bristoll are now his only Cabinet Counsel; and that; before the Duke of York fell sick; Buckingham was admitted to the King of his Cabinet; and there stayed with him several hours; and the Duke of York shut out。  That it is plain that there is dislike between the King and Duke of York; and that it is to be feared that the House will go so far against the Chancellor; that they must do something to undo the Duke of York; or will not think themselves safe。 That this Lord Vaughan that is so great against the Chancellor; is one of the lewdest fellows of the age; worse than Sir Charles Sedley; and that he was heard to swear he would do my Lord Clarendon's business。 'John Lord Vaughan; eldest surviving son to Richard Earl of Carbery; whom he succeeded。  He was well versed in literature; and President of the Royal Society from 1686 to 1689; and had been Governor of Jamaica。 He was amongst Dryden's earliest patrons Ob。 1712…13。' That he do find that my Lord Clarendon hath more friends in both Houses than he believes he would have; by reason that they do see what are the hands that pull him down; which they do not like。 That Harry Coventry was scolded at by the King severely the other day; and that his answer was; that if he must not speak what he thought in this business in Parliament; he must not come thither。 And he says that by this very business Harry Coventry hath got more fame and common esteem than any gentleman in England hath at this day; and is an excellent and able person。  That the King; who not long ago did say of Bristoll; that he was a man able in three years to get himself a fortune in any kingdom in the world; and lose all again in three months; do now hug him and commend his parts every where; above all the world。  How fickle is this man; and how unhappy we like to be!  That he fears some furious courses will be taken against the Duke of York; and that he hath heard that it was designed; if they cannot carry matters against the Chancellor; to impeach the Duke of York himself; which God forbid!  That Sir Edward Nicholas; whom he served while Secretary; is one of the best men in the world; but hated by the Queene…Mother; (for a service he did the old King against her mind and her favourites;) and that she and my Lady Castlemaine did make the King to lay him aside: but this man says that he is one of the most heavenly and charitable men in the whole world。 That the House of Commons resolve to stand by their proceedings; and have chosen a Committee to draw up the reason thereof to carry to the Lords; which is likely to breed great heat between them。 That the Parliament; after all this; is likely to give the King no money; and therefore; that it is to be wondered what makes the King give way to so great extravagancies; which do all tend to the making him less than he is; and so will every day more and more: and by this means every creature is divided against the other; that there never was so great an uncertainty in England; of what would be the event of things; as at this day; nobody being at ease; or safe。 To White Hall; and there got into the theatre room; and there heard both the vocall and instrumentall musick。 Here was the King and Queene; and some of the ladies; among whom none more jolly than my Lady Buckingham; her Lord being once more a great man。

19th。  I was told this day that Lory Hide; 'Laurence Hyde; Master of the Robes; afterwards created Earl of Rochester。'  second son of my Lord Chancellor; did some time since in the House say; that if he thought his father was guilty but of one of the things then said against him; he would be the first that should call for judgement against him:  which Mr。 Waller the poet did say was spoke like the old Roman; like Brutus; for its greatness and worthiness。

20th。  This afternoon Mr。 Mills told me how fully satisfactory my first Report was to the House in the business of Chatham:  which I am glad to hear; and the more; for that I know that he is a great creature of Sir R。 Brookes's。

21st。  Among other things of news I do hear; that upon the reading of the House of Commons' Reasons of the manner of their proceedings in the business of my Lord Chancellor; the Reasons were so bad; that my Lord Bristoll himself did declare that he would not stand; to what he had and did still advise the Lords to concur to; upon any of the Reasons of the House of Commons; but if it was put to the question whether it should be done on their Reasons; he would be against them:  and indeed it seems the Reasons; however they come to escape the House of Commons (which shows how slightly the greatest matters are done in this world; and even in Parliaments); were none of them
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