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the diary of samuel pepys-第212章

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y his direction。  He says the House was well satisfied with my Report yesterday; and so several others told me in the Hall that my Report was very good and satisfactory; and that I have got advantage by it in the House: I pray God it may prove so!  To the King's playhouse; and saw 〃The Black Prince;〃 which is now mightily bettered by that long letter being printed; and so delivered to every body at their going in; and some short reference made to it in the play。  But here to my great satisfaction I did see my Lord Hinchingbroke and his mistress (with her father and mother); and I am mightily pleased with the young lady; being handsome enough; and indeed to my great liking; as I would have her。  This day it was moved in the House that a day might be appointed to bring in an impeachment against the Chancellor; but it was decried as being irregular; but that if there was ground for complaint; it might be brought to the Committee for miscarriages; and; if they thought good; to present it to the House; and so it was carried。 They did also vote this day thanks to be given to the Prince and Duke of Albemarle; for their care and conduct in the last year's war; which is a strange act:  but; I know not how; the blockhead Albemarle hath strange luck to be loved; though he be (and every man must know it) the heaviest man in the world; but stout and honest to his country。  This evening late; Mr。 Moore come to me to prepare matters for my Lord Sandwich's defence; wherein I can little assist; but will do all I can; and am in great fear of nothing but the damned business of the prizes; but I fear my Lord will receive a cursed deal of trouble by it。

25th。  Up; and to make our answer ready for the Parliament this afternoon; to show how Commissioner Pett was singly concerned in the execution of all orders at Chatham; and that we did properly lodge all orders with him。  Thence with Sir W。 Pen to the Parliament Committee; and there I had no more matters asked me。 The Commissioners of the Ordnance; being examined with all severity and hardly used; did go away with mighty blame; and I am told by every body that it is likely to stick mighty hard upon them:  at which every body is glad; because of Duncomb's pride; and their expecting to have the thanks of the House; whereas they have deserved; as the Parliament apprehends; as bad as bad can be。  Here is great talk of an impeachment brought in against my Lord Mordaunt; and that another will be brought in against my Lord Chancellor in a few days。  Here I understand for certain that they have ordered that my Lord Arlington's letters; and Secretary Morrice's letters of intelligence; be consulted about the business of the Dutch fleet's coming abroad; and I do hear how Birch is the man that do examine and trouble every body with his questions。

26th。  Mrs。 Pierce tells me that the two Marshalls at the King's house are Stephen Marshall's the great Presbyterian's daughters: and that Nelly and Beck Marshall falling out the other day; the latter called the other my Lord Buckhurst's mistress。  Nell answered her; 〃I was but one man's mistress; though I was brought up in a brothel to fill strong water to the gentlemen; and you are a mistress to three or four; though a Presbyter's praying daughter!〃

27th。  This evening come Sir J。 Minnes to me; to let me know that a Parliament…man hath been with him to tell him that the Parliament intend to examine him particularly about Sir W。 Coventry's selling of places; and about my Lord Brouncker's discharging the ships at Chatham by ticket:  for the former of which I am more particularly sorry; that that business of Sir W。 Coventry should come up again; though this old man tells me; and I believe; that he can say nothing to it。

28th。  Sir W。 Coventry says he is so well armed to justify himself in every thing; unless in the old business of selling places; when be says every body did; and he will now not be forward to tell his own story; as he hath been; but tells me he is grown wiser; and will put them to prove any thing; and he will defend himself:  that he is weary of public employment; and neither ever designed; nor will ever; if his commission were brought to him wrapt in gold; accept of any single place in the State; as particularly Secretary of State:  which; he says; the world discourses Morrice is willing to resign。

29th。  To Westminster Hall; the House sitting all this day about the method of bringing in the charge against my Lord Chancellor; and at last resolved for a Committee to draw up the heads。

30th。  To the Parliament…house:  where; after the Committee was sat; I was called in:  and the first thing was upon the complaint of a dirty slut that was there; about a ticket which she had lost; and had applied herself to me for another。  I did give them a short and satisfactory answer to that; and so they sent her away; and were ashamed of their foolery; in giving occasion to 500 seamen and seamen's wives to come before them; as there were this afternoon。

31st。  I to Westminster; and there at the lobby do hear by Commissioner Pett; to my great amazement; that he is in worse condition than before; by the coming in of the Duke of Albemarle's and Prince Rupert's Narratives this day; wherein the former do most severely lay matters upon him; so as the House this day have; I think; ordered him to the Tower again; or something like it:  so that the poor man is likely to be overthrown; I doubt; right or wrong; so infinite fond they are of any thing the Duke of Albemarle says or writes to them!  I did then go down; and there met with Colonell Reames and cosen Roger Pepys:  and there they do tell me how the Duke of Albemarle and the Prince have laid blame on a great many; and particularly on our office in general; and particularly for want of provision; wherein I shall come to be questioned again in that business myself; which do trouble me。  But my cosen Pepys and I had much discourse alone:  and he do bewail the constitution of this House; and says there is a direct caball and faction as much as is possible between those for and against the Chancellor; and so in other factions; that there is nothing almost done honestly and with integrity; only some few; he says; there are; that do keep out of all plots and combinations; and when their time comes will speak and see right done if possible; and that he himself is looked upon to be a man that will be of no faction; and so they do shun to make him:  and I am glad of it。  He tells me that he thanks God that he never knew what it was to be tempted to be a knave in his life; till he did come into the House of Commons; where there is nothing done but by passion; and faction; and private interest。  I espied Sir D。 Gauden's coach; and so went out of mine into his; and there had opportunity to talk of the business of victuals; which the Duke of Albemarle and Prince did complain that they were in want of the last year:  but we do conclude we shall be able to show quite the contrary of that; only it troubles me that we must come to contend with these great persons; which will overrun us。

NOVEMBER 1; 1667。  I this morning before chapel visited Sir G。 Carteret; who is vexed to see how things are likely to go; but cannot he
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