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the diary of samuel pepys-第21章

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 was the thing that he loved above all things in the world; a canopy was provided for him to stand under; which he did; and talked awhile with General Monk and others; and so into a stately coach there set for him; and so away through the towne towards Canterbury; without making any stay at Dover。  The shouting and joy expressed by all is past imagination seeing that my Lord did not stir out of his barge; I got into a boat and so into his barge。  My Lord almost transported with joy that he had done all this without any the least blur or obstruction in the world; that could give offence to any; and with the great honour he thought it would be to him。  Being overtook by the brigantine; my Lord and we went out of our barge into it;; and so were on board with Sir W。 Batten 'A Commissioner of the Navy; and in 1661 M。P。 for Rochester。'  and the Vice and Rear…Admirals。  At night I supped with the Captn。; who told me what the King had given us。  My Lord returned late; and at his coming did give me order to cause the marke to be gilded; and a Crowne and C。 R。 to be made at the head of the coach table; where the King today with his own hand did marke his height; which accordingly I caused the painter to do; and is now done as is to be seen。

28th。  My Lord dined with the Vice…Admiral to…day; (who is as officious; poor man!  as any spaniel can be; but I believe all to no purpose; for I believe he will not hold his place;) so I dined commander at the coach table to…day; and all the officers of the ship with me; and Mr。 White of Dover。  After a game or two at nine…pins; to work all the afternoon; making above twenty orders。 In the evening my Lord having been a…shore; the first time that he hath been a…shore since he come out of the Hope; (having resolved not to go till he had brought his Majesty into England; I returned on board with a great deal of pleasure。  The Captain told me that my Lord had appointed me 30l。 out of the 1000 ducats which the King had given to the ship。

27th (Lord's day)。  Called up by John Goods to see the Garter and Heralds coate; which lay in the coach; brought by Sir Edward Walker; King at Armes; this morning; for my Lord。  My Lord had summoned all the Commanders on board him; to see the ceremony; which was thus:  Sir Edward putting on his coate; and having laid the George and Garter; and the King's letter to my Lord; upon a crimson cushion; (in the coach; all the Commanders standing by;) makes three congees to him; holding the cushion in his arms。 Then laying it down with the things upon it upon a chair; he takes the letter; and delivers it to my Lord; which my Lord breaks open and gives him to read。  It was directed to our trusty and well beloved Sir Edward Montagu; Knight; one of our Generals at sea; and our Companion elect of our Noble Order of the Garter。 The contents of the letter is to show that the Kings of England have for many years made use of this honour; as a special mark of favour; to persons of good extraction and valour; (and that many Emperors; Kings and Princes of other countries have borne this honour); and that whereas my Lord is of a noble family; and hath now done the King such service by sea; at this time; as he hath done; he do send him this George and Garter to wear as Knight of the Order; with a dispensation for the other ceremonies of the habit of the Order; and other things; till hereafter; when it can be done。  So the herald putting the ribbon about his neck; and the Garter on his left leg; he saluted him with joy as Knight of the Garter。  And after that was done he took his leave of my Lord; and so to shore again to the King at Canterbury; where he yesterday gave the like honour to General Monk; who are the only two for many years that have had the Garter given them; before they had honours of Earldome; or the like; excepting only the Duke of Buckingham; who was only Sir George Villiers when he was made Knight of the Garter。  'A。D。 1616。'

29th。  Abroad to shore with my Lord; (which he offered me of himself; saying that I had a great deal of work to do this month; which was very true。) On shore we took horses; my Lord and Mr。Edward; Mr。 Hetly and I; and three or four servants; and had a great deal of pleasure in riding。  At last we came upon a very high cliffe by the sea…side and rode under it; we having laid great wagers; I and Dr。 Mathews; that it was not so high as Paul's; my Lord and Mr。 Hetly; that it was。  But we riding under it; my Lord made a pretty good measure of it with two sticks; and found it to be not thirty…five yards high; and Paul's is reckoned to be about ninety。  From thence toward the barge again; and in our way found the people of Deale going to make a bonfire for joy of the day; it being the King's birthday; and had some guns which they did fire at my Lord's coming by。  For which I did give twenty shillings among them to drink。  While we were on the top of the cliffe; we saw and heard our guns in the fleet go off for the same joy。  And it being a pretty fair day we could see above twenty miles into France。  Being returned on board; my Lord called for Mr。 Shepley's book of Paul's; by which we were confirmed in our wager。  This day; it is thought; the King do enter the City of London。

30th。  All this morning making up my accounts; in which I counted that I had made myself now worth about 80l。; at which my heart was glad; and blessed God。

JUNE 1; 1660。  At night Mr。 Cook comes from London with letters; leaving all things there very gallant and joyful。  And brought us word that the Parliament had ordered the 29th of May; the King's birth…day; to be for ever kept as a day of thanksgiving for our redemption from tyranny; and the King's return to his Government; he entering London that day。

2nd。  Being with my Lord in the morning about business in his cabbin; I took occasion to give him thanks for his love to me in the share that he had given me of his Majesty's money; and the Duke's。  He told me he hoped to do me a more lasting kindness; if all things stand as they are now between him and the King; but; says he; 〃We must have a little patience and we will rise together; in the mean time I will do yet all the good jobs I can。〃  Which was great content for me to hear from my Lord。  All the morning with the Captain; computing how much the thirty ships that come with the King from Scheveling their pay comes to for a month (because the King promised to give them all a month's pay); and it comes to 6;538l。; and the Charles particularly 777l。  I wish we had the money。

3rd。  Captaine Holland is come to get an order for the setting out of his ship; and to renew his commission。  He tells me how every man goes to the Lord Mayor to set down their names; as such as do accept of his Majesty's pardon; and showed me a certificate under the Lord Mayor's hand; that he had done so。

At sermon in the morning; after dinner into my cabbin; to cast my accounts up; and find myself to be worth near 100l。  for which I bless Almighty God; it being more than I hoped for so soon; being I believe not clearly worth 25l。 when I come to sea besides my house and goods。

4th。  This morning the King's Proclamation against drinking; swearing; and debauchery; was read to our ships compani
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