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the diary of samuel pepys-第206章

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to us; and there had opportunity to look over his state of his accounts of the prizes; and there saw how bountiful the King hath been to several people:  and hardly any man almost; commander of the Navy of any note; but hath had some reward or other out of them; and many sums to the Privy…purse; but not so many; I see; as I thought there had been:  but we could not look quite through it; But several Bed…chambermen and people about the Court had good sums; and; among others; Sir John Minnes and Lord Brouncker have 200l。 a…piece for looking to the East India prizes; while I did their work for them。  By and by my Lord came; and we did look over Yeabsly's business a little; and I find how prettily this cunning lord can be partial and dissemble it in this case; being privy to the bribe he is to receive。  With Sir H。 Cholmly to Westminster; who by the way told me how merry the King and Duke of York and Court were the other day; when they were abroad a… hunting。  They came to Sir G。 Carteret's house at Cranbourne; and there were entertained; and all made drunk; and being all drunk; Armerer did come to the King; and swore to him by God; 〃Sir;〃 says he; 〃you are not so kind to the Duke of York of late as you used to be。〃〃Not I?〃  says the King。  〃Why so?〃  〃Why;〃 says he; 〃if you are; let us drink his health。〃  〃Why let us;〃 says the King。  Then he fell on his knees and drank it; and having done; the King began to drink it。  〃Nay; Sir;〃 says Armerer; by God you must do it on your knees!〃  So he did; and then all the company:  and having done it; all fell a…crying for joy; being all maudlin and kissing one another; the King the Duke of York; and the Duke of York the King; and in such a maudlin pickle as never people were:  and so passed the day。  But Sir H。 Cholmly tells me; that the King hath this good luck:  that the next day he hates to have any body mention what he had done the day before; nor will suffer any body to gain upon him that way; which is a good quality。  By and by comes Captain Cocke about business; who tells me that Mr。 Brouncker is lost for ever; notwithstanding that my Lord Brouncker hath advised with him (Cocke) how he might make a peace with the Duke of York and Chancellor; upon promise of serving him in the Parliament:  but Cocke says that is base to offer; and will have no success there。  He says that Mr。 Wren hath refused a present of Tom Wilson's for his place of Store… keeper at Chatham; and is resolved never to take any thing: which is both wise in him; and good to the King's service。

25th。  With Sir H。 Cholmly (who came to me about his business) to White Hall:  and thither came also my Lord Brouncker。  And we by and by called in; and our paper read; and much discourse thereon by Sir G。 Carteret; my Lord Anglesy; Sir W。 Coventry; and my Lord Ashly; and myself:  but I could easily discern that they none of them understood the business; and the King at last ended it with saying lazily; 〃Why;〃 says he; 〃after all this discourse I now come to understand it; and that is; that there can nothing be done in this more than is possible;〃 (which was so silly as I never heard):  〃and therefore;〃 says he; 〃I would have these gentlemen do as much as possible to hasten the Treasurer's accounts; and that is all。〃   And so we broke up:  and I confess I went away ashamed; to see how slightly things are advised upon there。  Here I saw the Duke of Buckingham sit in Council again; where he was re…admitted; it seems; the last Council…day:  and it is wonderful to see how this man is come again to his places; all of them; after the reproach and disgrace done him; so that things are done in a most foolish manner quite through。  The Duke of Buckingham did second Sir W。 Coventry in the advising the King that he would not concern himself in the evening or not evening any man's accounts; or any thing else; wherein he had not the same satisfaction that would satisfy the Parliament; saying; that nothing would displease the Parliament; more than to find him defending any thing that is not right nor justifiable to the utmost degree:  but methought he spoke it but very poorly。  After this I walked up and down the Gallery till noon:  and here I met with Bishop Fuller; who; to my great joy; is made (which I did not hear before) Bishop of Lincolne。  At noon I took coach; and to Sir G。 Carteret's in Lincoln's…inn…fields; to the house that is my Lord's; which my Lord lets him have:  and this is the first day of dining there。  And there dined with him and his lady my Lord Privy…seale; 'John Lord Roberts; afterwards Earl of Radnor; filled this office from 1661 to 1669。'  who is indeed a very sober man:  who; among other talk; did mightily wonder at the reason of the growth of the credit of bankers; (since it is so ordinary a thing for citizens to break out of knavery。)  Upon this we had much discourse; and I observed therein; to the honour of this City; that I have not heard of one citizen of London broke in all this war; this plague; or this fire; and this coming up of the enemy among us; which he owned to be very considerable。  I to the King's playhouse; my eyes being so bad since last night's straining of them that I am hardly able to see; besides the pain which I have in them。  The play was a new play:  and infinitely full; the King and all the Court almost there。  It is 〃The Storme;〃 a play of Fletcher's; which is but so…so; methinks; only there is a most admirable dance at the end; of the ladies; in a military manner; which indeed did please me mightily。

27th。  Creed and Sheres come and dined with me; and we had a great deal of pretty discourse of the ceremoniousness of the Spaniards; whose ceremonies are so many and so known; that; he tells me; upon all occasions of joy or sorrow in a Grandee's family; my Lord Embassador is fain to send one with EN HORA BUENA (if it be upon a marriage or birth of a child); or a PESA ME; if it be upon the death of a child; or so。  And these ceremonies are so set; and the words of the compliment; that he hath been sent from my Lord when he hath done no more than send in word to the Grandee that one was there from the Embassador; and he knowing what was his errand; that hath been enough; and he never spoken with him; nay; several Grandees having been to marry a daughter; have wrote letters to my Lord to give him notice; and out of the greatness of his wisdom to desire his advice; though people he never saw; and then my Lord he answers by commending the greatness of his discretion in making so good an alliance; &c。 and so ends。  He says that it is so far from dishonour to a man to give private revenge for an affront; that the contrary is a disgrace; they holding that he that receives an affront is not fit to appear in the sight of the world till he hath revenged himself; and therefore; that a gentleman there that receives an affront oftentimes never appears again in the world till he hath; by some private way or other; revenged himself:  and that; on this account; several have followed their enemies privately to the Indys; thence to Italy; thence to France and back again; waiting for an opportunity to be revenged。  He says my Lord was fain to keep a letter from the Duke of York to the Queene of Spain a great whi
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