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the diary of samuel pepys-第203章

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between him and his wife; the King held his peace; and said no more; but wished him to do what he pleased with him; which was very noble。  I met with Fenn; and he tells me; as I do hear from some others; that the business of the Chancellor's had proceeded from something of a mistake; for the Duke of York did first tell the King that the Chancellor had a desire to be eased of his great trouble:  and that the King; when the Chancellor came to him; did wonder to hear him deny it; and the Duke of York was forced to deny to the King that ever he did tell him so in those terms:  but the King did answer that he was sure that he did say some such things to him; but; however; since it had gone so far; did desire him to be contented with it; as a thing very convenient for him as well as for himself (the King:) and so matters proceeded; as we find。  Now it is likely the Chancellor might some time or other; in a compliment or vanity; say to the Duke of York; that he was weary of this burden; and I know not what; and this comes of it。  Some people; and myself among them; are of good hope from this change that things are reforming; but there are others that do think it is a bit of chance; as all other our greatest matters are; and that there is no general plot or contrivance in any number of people what to do next; (though; I believe; Sir W。 Coventry may in himself have further designs;) and so that though other changes may come; yet they shall be accidental and laid upon good principles of doing good。  Mr。 May showed me the King's new buildings; in order to their having of some old sails for the closing of the windows this winter。  I dined with Sir G。 Carteret; with whom dined Mr。 Jack Ashburnham and Dr。 Creeton; who I observe to be a most good man and scholar。 In discourse at dinner concerning the change of men's humours and fashions touching meats; Mr。 Asburnham told us; that he remembers since the only fruit in request; and eaten by the King and Queene at table as the best fruit; was the Katharine payre; though they knew at the time other fruits of France and our own country。 After dinner comes in Mr。 Townsend:  and there I was witness of a horrid rateing which Mr。 Ashburnham; as one of the Grooms of the King's Bedchamber; did give him for want of linen for the King's person; which he swore was not to be endured; and that the King would not endure it; and that the King his father would have hanged his Wardrobe…man should he have been served so; the King having at this day no hankerchers; and but three bands to his neck; he swore。  Mr。 Townsend pleaded want of money and the owing of the linendraper 5000l。; and that he hath of late got many rich things made; beds and sheets and saddles; without money; and that he can go no further:  but still this old man (indeed like an old loving servant) did cry out for the King's person to be neglected。  But when he was gone; Townsend told me that it is the Grooms taking away the King's linen at the quarter's end; as their fees; which makes this great want; for whether the King can get it or no; they will run away at the quarter's end with what he hath had; let the King get more as he can。  All the company gone; Sir G。 Carteret and I to talk:  and it is pretty to observe how already he says that he did always look upon the Chancellor indeed as his friend; though he never did do him any service at all; nor ever got any thing by; nor was a man apt (and that; I think; is true) to do any man any kindness of his own nature; though I do know he was believed by all the world to be the greatest support of Sir G。 Carteret with the King of any man in England:  but so little is now made of it!  He observes that my Lord Sandwich will lose a great friend in him; and I think so too; my Lord Hinchingbroke being about a match calculated purely out of respect to my Lord Chancellor's family。  By and by Sir G。 Carteret; and Townsend; and I to consider of an answer to the Commissioners of the Treasury about my Lord Sandwich's profits in the Wardrobe; which seem as we make them to be very small; not 1000l。 a…year; but only the difference in measure at which he buys and delivers out to the King; and then 6d。 in the pound from the tradesman for what money he receives for him; but this; it is believed; these Commissioners will endeavour to take away。  From him I went to see a great match at tennis; between Prince Rupert and one Captain Cooke against Bab。 May and the elder Chichly; where the King was; and Court; and it seems they are the best players at tennis in the nation。  But this puts me in mind of what I observed in the morning; that the King playing at tennis had a steele…yard carried to him; and I was told it was to weigh him after he had done playing; and at noon Mr。 Ashburnham told me that it is only the King's curiosity; which he usually hath of weighing himself before and after his play; to see how much he loses in weight by playing; and this day he lost 4 1/2lbs。  I to Sir W。 Batten and Sir W。 Pen; and there discoursed of Sir W。 Coventry's leaving the Duke of York; and Mr。 Wren's succeeding him。  They told me both seriously that they had long cut me out for Secretary to the Duke of York; if ever Sir W。 Coventry left him; which agreeing with what I have heard from other hands heretofore; do make me not only think that something of that kind hath been thought on; but do comfort me to see that the world hath such an esteem of my qualities as to think me fit for any such thing:  though I am glad with all my heart that I am not so; for it would never please me to be forced to the attendance that that would require; and leave my wife and family to themselves; as I must do in such a case; thinking myself now in the best place that ever man was in to please his own mind in; and therefore I will take to preserve it。

3rd。  Attended the Duke of York about the list of ships that we propose to sell:  and here there attended Mr。 Wren the first time; who hath not yet; I think; received the Duke of York's seal and papers。  At our coming hither we found the Duke and Duchesse all alone at dinner; methought melancholy:  or else I thought so; from the late occasion of the Chancellor's fall; who; they say; however; takes it very contentedly。

4th。  By coach to White Hall to the Council…chamber; and there met with Sir W。 Coventry going in; who took me aside; and told me that he was just come from delivering up his seal and papers to Mr。 Wren; and told me he must now take his leave of me as a naval man; but that he shall always bear respect to his friends there; 'The officers of the Navy。'  and particularly to myself with great kindness; which I returned to him with thanks; and so with much kindness parted; and he into the Council。  Staid and heard Alderman Barker's case of his being abused by the Council of Ireland; touching his lands there。  All I observed there is the silliness of the King; playing with his dog all the while; and not minding the business; and what he said was mighty weak:  but my Lord Keeper I observed to be a mighty able man。  To the Duke of York's playhouse; and there saw 〃Mustapha;〃 which the more I see the more I like; and is a most admirable poem; and bravely acted; only both Betterton and Harris could not con
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