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the diary of samuel pepys-第196章

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Hall so; and owned for the King's; as other Kings have done; or she will bring it into White Hall gallery; and dash the brains of it out before the King's face。  He tells me that the King and Court were never in the world so bad as they are now for gaming; swearing; women; and drinking; and the most abominable vices that ever were in the world; so that all must come to nought。  He told me that Sir G。 Carteret was at this end of the town:  so I went to visit; him in Broad…street。  And there he and I together:  and he is mightily pleased with my Lady Jem's having a son; and a mighty glad man he is。  He tells me; as to news; that; the peace is now confirmed; and all that over。  He says it was a very unhappy motion in the House the other day about the land…army; for whether the King hath a mind of his own to do the thing desired; or no; his doing it will be looked upon as a thing done only in fear of the Parliament。  He says that the Duke of York is suspected to be the great man that is for raising this army; and bringing things to be commanded by an army; but that he do know that he is wronged therein。  He do say that the Court is in a way to ruin all for their pleasures; and says that he himself hath once taken the liberty to tell the King the necessity of having at least a show of religion in the Government; and sobriety; and that it was that that did set up and keep up Oliver; though he was the greatest rogue in the world。  He tells me the King adheres to no man; but this day delivers himself up to this and the next to that; to the ruin of himself and business:  that he is at the command of any woman like a slave; though he be the best man to the Queene in the world; with so much respect; and never lies a night from her; but yet cannot command himself in the presence of a woman he likes。 It raining this day all day to our great joy; it having not rained; I think; this month before; so as the ground was every where so burned and dry as could be; and no travelling in the road or streets in London; for dust。

28th。  All the morning close to draw up a letter to Sir W。 Coventry upon the tidings of peace; taking occasion (before I am forced to it) to resign up to his Royall Highness my place of the Victualling; and to recommend myself to him by promise of doing my utmost to improve this peace in the best manner we may; to save the kingdom from ruin。

29th。  Up; and with Sir W。 Batten to St。 James's; to Sir W。 Coventry's chamber; where; among other things; he came to me and told me that he had received my yesterday's letters; and that we concurred very well in our notions; and that as to my place which I had offered to resign of the Victualling; he had drawn up a letter at the same time for the Duke of York's signing for the like places in general raised during this war; and that he had done me right to the Duke of York; to let him know that I had of my own accord offered to resign mine。  The letter do bid us to do all things; particularizing several; for the laying up of the ships and easing the King of charge; so that the war is now professedly over。  By and by up to the Duke of York's chamber; and there all the talk was about Jordan's coming with so much indiscretion; with his four little frigates and sixteen fire… ships from Harwich; to annoy the enemy。  His failures were of several sorts; I know not which the truest:  that he came with so strong a gale of wind that his grapplings would not hold; that he did come by their lee; whereas if he had come athwart their hawse; they would have held; that they did not stop a tide; and ebb up with a windward tide; and then they would have come so fast。  Now there happened to be Captain Jenifer by; who commanded the Lily in this business; and thus says:  that finding the Dutch not so many as they expected; they did not know that there were more of them above; and so were not so earnest to the setting upon these; that they did do what they could to make the fire… ships fall in among the enemy; and for their lives Sir J。 Jordan nor others could; by shooting several times at them; make them go in:  and it seems they were commanded by some idle fellows; such as they could of a sudden gather up at Harwich; which is a sad consideration; that at such a time as this; where the saving the reputation of the whole nation lay at stake; and after so long a war; the King had not credit to gather a few able men to command these vessels。  He says; that if they had come up slower; the enemy would (with their boats and their great sloops; which they have to row with a great many men;) and did come and cut up several of our fire…ships; and would certainly have taken most of them; for they do come with a great provision of these boats on purpose; and to save their men; which is bravely done of them; though they did on this very occasion show great fear; as they say; by some men leaping overboard out of a great ship (as these were all of them of sixty and seventy guns a…piece) which one of our fire…ships laid on board; though the fire did not take。  But yet it is brave to see what care they do take to encourage their men to provide great stores of boats to save them; while we have not credit to find one boat for a ship。  And further; he told us that this new way used by Deane (and this Sir W。 Coventry observed several times) of preparing of fire…ships do not do the work; for the fire not being strong and quick enough to flame up; so as to take the rigging and sails; lies smothering a great while; half an hour before it flames; in which time they can get the fire…ship off safely; though (which is uncertain; and did fail in one or two this bout) it do serve to burn our own ships。 But what a shame it is to consider how two of our ships' companies did desert their ships for fear of being taken by their boats; our little frigates being forced to leave them; being chased by their greater!  And one more company did set their ship on fire; and leave her; which afterwards a Feversham fisherman came up to; and put out the fire; and carried safe into Feversham; where she now is。  Which was observed by the Duke of York; and all the company with him; that it was only want of courage; and a general dismay and abjectness of spirit upon all our men; and others did observe our ill management; and God Almighty's curse upon all that we have in hand; for never such an opportunity was of destroying so many good ships of theirs as we now had。  But to see how negligent we were in this business; that our fleet of Jordan's should not have any notice where:  Spragg was; nor Spragg of Jordan's so as to be able to meet and join in the business; and help one another; but Jordan; when he saw Spragg's fleet above; did think them to be another part of the enemy's fleet!  while; on the other side; notwithstanding our people at Court made such a secret of Jordan's design that nobody must know it; and even this office itself must not know it; nor for my part; I did not; though Sir W。 Batten says by others' discourse to him he had heard something of it; yet De Ruyter (or he that commanded this fleet) had notice of it; and told it to a fisherman of ours that he took and released on Thursday last; which was the day before our fleet came to him。  Bu
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