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n a fine great market…place; over against the Stadt…House; and there I saw a stately tombe of the old Prince of Orange; of marble and brass; wherein among other rarities there are the angels with their trumpets expressed as it were crying。 There were very fine organs in both the churches。 It is a most sweet town; with bridges; and a river in every street。 We met with Commissioner Pett going down to the water… side with Major Harly; who is going upon a dispatch into England。
19th。 Up early and went to Scheveling; where I found no getting on board; though the Duke of York sent every day to see whether he could do it or no。 By waggon to Lausdune; where the 365 children were born; We saw the hill where they say the house stood wherein the children were born。 The basins wherein the male and female children were baptised do stand over a large table that hangs upon a wall; with the whole story of the thing in Dutch and Latin; beginning; 〃Margarita Herman Comitissa;〃 &c。 The thing was done about 200 years ago。
20th。 Commissioner Pett at last came to our lodging and caused the boats to go off; so some in one boat and some in another we all bid adieu to the shore。 But through the badness of weather we were in great danger; and a great while before we could get to the ship。 This hath not been known four days together such weather this time of year; a great while。 Indeed our fleet was thought to be in great danger; but we found all well。
21st。 The weather foul all this day also。 After dinner; about writing one thing or other all day; and setting my papers in order; hearing by letters that came hither in my absence; that the Parliament had ordered all persons to be secured; in order to a trial; that did sit as judges in the late King's death; and all the officers attending the Court。 Sir John Lenthall moving in the House; that all that had borne arms against the King should be exempted from pardon; he was called to the bar of the House; and after a severe reproof he was degraded his knighthood。 At Court I find that all things grow high。 The old clergy talk as being sure of their lands again; and laugh at the Presbytery; and it is believed that the sales of the King's and Bishops' lands will never be confirmed by Parliament; there being nothing now in any man's power to hinder them and the King from doing what they had a mind; but everybody willing to submit to any thing。 We expect every day to have the King and Duke on board as soon as it is fair。 My Lord does nothing now; but offers all things to the pleasure of the Duke as Lord High Admiral。 So that I am at a loss what to do。
22nd。 News brought that the two Dukes are coming on board; which; by and by; they did; in a Dutch boat; the Duke of York in yellow trimmings; the Duke of Gloucester in grey and red。 My Lord went in a boat to meet them; the Captain; myself; and others; standing at the entering port。 So soon as they were entered we shot the guns off round the fleet。 After that they went to view the ship all over; and were most exceedingly pleased with it。 They seem to be very fine gentlemen。 After that done; upon the quarter…deck table; under the awning; the Duke of York and my Lord; Mr。 Coventry and I; spent an hour at allotting to every ship their service; in their return to England; 'Sir William Coventry; to whom Mr。 Pepys became so warmly attached afterwards; was the youngest son of Thomas first Lord Coventry; and Lord Keeper。 He entered at Queen's College; Oxford; in 1642: and on his return from his travels was made Secretary to the Duke of York; and elected M。P。 for Yarmouth。 In 1662 he was appointed a Commissioner of the Admiralty; in 1665 knighted and sworn a privy Counsellor; and in 1667 constituted a Commissioner of the Treasury; but having been forbid the Court; on account of his challenging the Duke of Buckingham; he retired into the country; nor could he subsequently be prevailed upon to accept of any official employment。 Burnet calls Sir W。 C。 the best speaker in the House of Commons; and a man of great notions and eminent virtues: and Mr。 Pepys never omits an opportunity of paying a tribute to his public and private worth。 Ob。 1686; aged 60。' which being done; they went to dinner; where the table was very full: the two Dukes at the upper end; my Lord Opdam next on one side; and my Lord on the other。 Two guns given to every man while he was drinking the King's health; and so likewise to the Duke's health。 I took down Monsieur d'Esquier to the great cabbin below; and dined with him in state along with only one or two friends of his。 All dinner the harper belonging to Captain Sparling played to the Dukes。 After dinner; the Dukes and my Lord to sea; the Vice and Rear…Admirals and I in a boat after them。 After that done; they made to the shore in the Dutch boat that brought them; and I got into the boat with them; but the shore was full of people to expect their coming。 When we came near the shore; my Lord left them and come into his own boat; and Pen and I with him; my Lord being very well pleased with this day's work。 By the time we came on board again; news is sent us that the King is on shore; so my Lord fired all his guns round twice; and all the fleet after him。 The gun over against my cabbin I fired myself to the King; which was the first time that he had been saluted by his own ships since this change; but holding my head too much over the gun; I had almost spoiled my right eye。 Nothing in the world but giving of guns almost all this day。 In the evening we began to remove cabbins; I to the carpenter's cabbin; and Dr。 Clerke with me。 Many of the King's servants come on board to…night; and so many Dutch of all sorts come to see the ship till it was quite dark; that we could not pass by one another; which was a great trouble to us all。 This afternoon Mr。 Downing (who was knighted yesterday by the King) was here on board; and had a ship for his passage into England; with his lady and servants。 By the same token he called me to him when I was going to write the order; to tell me that I must write him Sir G。 Downing。 My Lord lay in the roundhouse to… night。 This evening I was late writing a French letter by my Lord's order to Monsieur Wragh; Embassador de Denmarke a la Haye; which my Lord signed in bed。
23rd。 In the morning come infinity of people on board from the King to go along with him。 My Lord; Mr。 Crewe; and others; go on shore to meet the King as he comes off from shore; where Sir R。 Stayner; bringing His Majesty into the boat; I hear that His Majesty did with a great deal of affection kiss my Lord upon his first meeting。 The King; with the two Dukes and Queen of Bohemia; Princesse Royalle; and Prince of Orange; come on board; where I in their coming in kissed the King's; Queen's and Princesse's hands; having done the other before。 Infinite shooting off of the guns; and that in a disorder on purpose; which was better than if it had been otherwise。 All day nothing but Lords and persons of honour on board; that we were exceeding full。 Dined in a great deal of state; the Royalle company by themselves in the coach; which was a blessed sight to see。 After dinner the King and Duke altered the name of some of t