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the diary of samuel pepys-第187章

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they have cut down the trees before his house and broke his windows; and a gibbet either set up before or painted upon his gate; and these three words writ:  〃Three sights to be seen; Dunkirke; Tangier; and a barren Queene。〃  It gives great matter of talk that it is said there is at this hour; in the Exchequer; as much money as is ready to break down the floor。  This arises; I believe; from Sir G。 Downing's late talk of the greatness of the sum lying there of people's money that; they would not fetch away; which he showed me and a great many others。  Most people that I speak with are in doubt how we shall do to secure our seamen from running over to the Dutch; which is a sad but very true consideration at this day。  At noon I am told that my Lord Duke of Albemarle is made Lord High Constable; the meaning whereof at this time I know not; nor whether it be true or no。 Dined; and Mr。 Hater and Mr。 Hewer with me; where they do speak very sorrowfully of the posture of the times; and how people do cry out in the streets of their being bought and sold; and both they and every body that come to me do tell me that people make nothing of talking treason in the streets openly; as; that they are bought and sold; and governed by Papists; and that we are betrayed by people about the King; and shall be delivered up to the French; and I know not what。  At dinner we discoursed of Tom of the Wood; a fellow that lives like a hermit near Woolwich; who; as they say (and Mr。 Bodham; they tell me; affirms that he was by at the Justice's when some did accuse him there for it) did foretell the burning of the City; and now says that a greater desolation is at hand。  Thence we read and laughed at Lilly's prophecies this month; in his Almanack this year。  So to the office after dinner; and thither comes Mr。 Pierce; who tells me his condition; how he cannot get his money (about 500l。 which; he says; is a very great part of what he hath for his family and children) out of Viner's hand:  and indeed it is to be feared that this will wholly undo the bankers。  He says he knows nothing of the late affronts to my Lord Chancellor's house; as is said; nor hears of the Duke of Albemarle's being made High Constable; but says that they are in great distraction at White Hall; and that every where people do speak high against Sir W。 Coventry: 'Evelyn says it was owing to Sir W。 C。 that no fleet was fitted out in 1667。'  but he agrees with me; that he is the best Minister of State the King hath; and so from my heart I believe。 At night come home Sir W。 Batten and W。 Ben; who only can tell me that they have placed guns at Woolwich and Deptford; and sunk some ships below Woolwich and Blackwall; and are in hopes that they stop the enemy's coming up。  But strange our confusion! that among them that are sunk they have gone and sunk without consideration 〃The Franclin;〃 one of the King's ships with stores to a very considerable value; that hath been long loaded for supply of the ships; and the new ship at Bristoll; and much wanted there。  And nobody will own that they directed it; but do lay it on Sir W。 Rider。  They speak also of another ship loaded to the value of 80;000l。 sunk with the goods in her; or at least was mightily contended for by him and a foreign ship that had the faith of the nation for her security:  this Sir R。 Ford tells us。 And it is too plain a truth; that both here and at Chatham the ships that we have sunk have many; and the first of them; been ships completely fitted for fire…ships at great charge。  But most strange the backwardness and disorder of all people; especially the King's people in pay; to do any work; (Sir W。 Pen tells me); all crying out for money。  And it was so at Chatham that this night comes an order from Sir W。 Coventry to stop the pay of the wages of that Yard; the Duke of Albemarle having related; that not above three of 1100 in pay there; did attend to do any work there。  This evening having sent a messenger to Chatham on purpose; we have received a dull letter from my Lord Brouncker and Peter Pett; how matters have gone there this week; but not so much; or so particularly as we knew it by common talk before; and as true。  I doubt they will be found to have been but slow men in this business; and they say the Duke of Albemarle did tell my Lord Brouncker to his face that his discharging of the great ships there was the cause of all this; and I am told that it is become common talk against my Lord Brouncker。  But in that; he is to be justified; for he did it by verbal order from Sir W。 Coventry; and with good intent; and it was to good purpose; whatever the success be; for the men would have but spent the King so much the more in wages; and yet not attended on board to have done the King any service。  And as an evidence of that; just now; being the 15th day in the morning that I am writing yesterday's passages; one is with me; Jacob Bryan; Purser of the Princesse; who confesses to me that he hath but 180 men borne at this day in victuals and wages on that ship lying at Chatham; being lately brought in thither; of which 180 there was not above five appeared to do the King any service at this late business。 And this morning also; some of the Cambridge's men come up from Portsmouth by order from Sir Fretcheville Hollis; who boasted to us the other day that he had sent for 50; and would be hanged if 100 did not come up that would do as much as twice the number of other men:  I say some of them; instead of being at work at Deptford; where they were intended; do come to the office this morning to demand the payment of their tickets; for otherwise they would; they said; do no more work; and are; as I understand from every body that has to do with them; the most debauched; damning; swearing rogues that ever were in the Navy; just like their prophane commander。

15th。  All the morning at the office。  No news more than last night; only Purser Tyler comes and tells me that he being at all the passages in this business at Chatham; he says there have been horrible miscarriages; such as we shall shortly hear of:  that the want of boats hath undone us:  and it is commonly said; and Sir J。 Minnes under his hand tells us; that they were employed by the men of the Yard to carry away their goods; and I hear that Commissioner Pett will be found the first man that began to remove:  he is much spoken against; and Brouncker is complained of; and reproached for discharging the men of the great ships heretofore。  At noon Mr。 Hater dined with me; and tells me he believes that it will hardly be the want of money alone that will excuse to the Parliament the neglect of not setting out a fleet; it having never been done in our greatest straits; but however unlikely it appeared; yet when it was gone about; the State or King did compass it; and there is something in it。

18th。  Roger Pepys told me; that when I come to his house he will show me a decree in Chancery; wherein there was 26 men all house… keepers in the town of Cottenham; in Queene Elizabeth's time; of our name。  By and by occasion offered for my writing to Sir W。 Coventry a plain bold letter touching lack of money; which; when it was gone; I was afraid might give offence; but upon two or three readings 
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