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the diary of samuel pepys-第186章

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ighted; that the ships at Chatham should not be carried up higher。  They look upon us as lost; and remove their families and rich goods in the City; and do think verily that the French being come down with an army to Dunkirke; it is to invade us; and that we shall be invaded。  Mr。 Clerke; the solicitor; comes to me about business; and tells me that he hears that the King hath chosen Mr。 Pierpoint and Vaughan of the West; Privy…councillors; that my Lord Chancellor was affronted in the Hall this day; by people telling him of his Dunkirke House; and that there are regiments ordered to be got together; whereof to be commanders my Lord Fairfax; Ingolsby; Bethell; Norton; and Birch; and other Presbyterians; and that Dr。 Bates will have liberty to preach。  Now; whether this be true or not; I know not; but do think that nothing but this will unite us together。  Late at night comes Mr。 Hudson the cooper; my neighbour; and tells me that he come from Chatham this evening at five o'clock; and saw this afternoon 〃The Royal James;〃 〃Oake;〃 and 〃London;〃 burnt by the enemy with their fire…ships:  that two or three men…of…war come up with them; and made no more of Upner Castle's shooting than of a fly; that those ships lay below Upner…Castle; (but therein; I conceive; he is in an error;) that the Dutch are fitting out 〃The Royall Charles;〃 that we shot; so far as from the Yard thither; so that the shot did no good; for the bullets grazed on the water; that Upner played hard with their guns at first; but slowly afterwards; either from the men's being beat off; or their powder spent。  But we hear that the fleet in the Hope is not come up any higher the last flood。  And Sir W。 Batten tells me that ships are provided to sink in the River; about Woolwich; that will prevent their coming up higher if they should attempt it。  I made my will also this day; and did give all I had equally between my father and wife。

14th。  Up; and to the office; where Mr。 Fryer comes and tells me that there are several Frenchman and Flemish ships in the River with passes from the Duke of York for carrying of prisoners; that ought to be parted from the rest of the ships; and their powder taken; lest they do fire themselves when the enemy comes; and so spoil us; which is good advice; and I think I will give notice of it; and did so。  But it is pretty odd to see how every body; even at this high time of danger; puts business off of their own hands!  He says that he told this to the Lieutenant of the Tower; (to whom I; for the same reason; was directing him to go); and the Lieutenant of the Tower bade him come to us; for he had nothing to do with it。  And yesterday comes Captain Crew; of one of the fire…ships; and told me that the officers of the Ordnance would deliver his gunner's materials; but not compound them; but that we must do it; whereupon I was forced to write to them about it:  and one that like a great many come to me this morning。  By and by comes Mr。 Willson; and; by direction of his; a man of Mr。 Gauden's; who are come from Chatham last night; and saw the three ships burnt; they lying all dry; and boats going from the men…of… war to fire them。  But that that he tells me of worst consequence is; that he himself (I think he said) did hear many Englishmen on board the Dutch ships speaking to one another in English; and that they did cry and say; 〃We did heretofore fight for tickets; now we fight for dollars!〃 and did ask how such and such a one did; and would commend themselves to them:  which is a sad consideration。  And Mr。 Lewes (who was present at this fellow's discourse to me) did tell me; that he is told that when they took 〃The Royal Charles;〃 they said that they had their tickets signed (and showed some); and that now they come to have them paid; and would have them paid before they parted。  And several seamen come this morning to me; to tell me that if I would get their tickets paid they would go and do all they could against the Dutch; but otherwise they would not venture being killed; and lose all they have already fought for:  so that I was forced to try what I could do to get them paid。  This man tells me that the ships burnt last night did lie above Upner Castle; over against the Docke; and the boats come from the ships of war and burnt them: all which is very sad。  And masters of ships that are lately taken up; do keep from their ships all their stores; or as much as they can; so that we can dispatch them; having not time to appraise them; nor secure their payment。  Only some little money we have; which we are fain to pay the men we have with every night; or they will not work。  And indeed the hearts as well as affections of the seamen are turned away; and in the open streets in Wapping; and up and down; the wives have cried publickly; 〃This comes of your not paying our husbands; and now your work is undone; or done by hands that understand it not。〃  And Sir W。 Batten told me that he was himself affronted with a woman; in language of this kind; on Tower Hill publickly yesterday; and we are fain to bear it; and to keep one at the office door to let no idle people in; for fear of firing of the office and doing us mischief。  The City is troubled at their being put upon duty: summoned one hour; and discharged two hours after:  and then again summoned two hours after that; to their great charge as well as trouble。  And Pelling; the Potticary; tells me the world says all over; that less charge than what the kingdom is put to; of one kind or other; by this business; would have set out all our great ships。 It is said they did in open streets yesterday; at Westminster; cry; 〃 A Parliament!  a Parliament!〃 and I do believe it will cost blood to answer for these miscarriages。  We do not hear that the Dutch are come to Gravesend; which is a wonder。  But a wonderful thing it is that to this day we have not one word yet from Brouncker; or Peter Pett; or J。 Minnes; of any thing at Chatham。 The people that come hither to hear how things go; make me ashamed to be found unable to answer them:  for I am left alone here at the office; and the truth is; I am glad my station is to be here; near my own home and out of danger; yet in a place of doing the King good service。  I have this morning good news from Gibson; three letters from three several stages; that we was safe last night as far as Royston at between nine and ten at night。 The dismay that is upon us all; in the business of the kingdom and Navy at this day; is not to be expressed otherwise than by the condition the citizens were in when the City was on fire; nobody knowing which way to turn themselves; while everything concurred to greaten the fire; as here the easterly gale and spring…tides for coming up both rivers; and enabling them to break the chaine。  D。 Gauden did tell me yesterday; that the day before at the Council they were ready to fall together by the ears at the Council…table; arraigning one another of being guilty of the counsel that brought us into this misery; by laying up all the great ships。  Mr。 Hater tells me at noon that some rude people have been; as he hears; at my Lord Chancellor's; where they have cut down the trees before his house and broke his windows; and a gibbet either set up befo
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