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Howard; asking how the Prince did; the Duke of Albemarle answering 〃Pretty well;〃 the other replied; 〃But not so well as to go to sea again。〃〃 How!〃 says the Duchesse; 〃what should he go for; if he were well; for there are no ships for him to command? And so you have brought your hogs to a fair market;〃 said she。 It was pretty to hear the Duke of Albemarle himself to wish that they would come on our ground (meaning the French); for that he! would pay them so as to make them glad to go back to France again; which was like a general; but not like an admiral。 One at the table told an odd passage in this late plague: that at Petersfield (I think he said) one side of the street had every house almost infected through the town; and the other; not one shut up。 I made Sir G。 Carteret merry with telling him how many land…admirals we are to have this year: Allen at Plymouth; Holmes at Portsmouth; Spragge for Medway; Teddiman at Dover; Smith to the Northward; and Harman to the Southward。 With Sir Stephen Fox talking of the sad condition of the King's purse; and affairs thereby; and how sad the King's life must be; to pass by his officers every hour; that are four years behind hand unpaid。 Sir W。 Coventry tells me plainly; that to all future complaints of lack of money he will answer but with the shrug of the shoulder; which methought did come to my heart; to see him to begin to abandon the King's affairs; and let them sink or swim。 My wife had been to day at White Hall to the Maunday; it being Maunday Thursday; but the King did not wash the poor people's feet himself; but the Bishop of London did it for him。
5th。 Mr。 Young was talking about the building of the City again: and he told me that those few churches that are to be new built are plainly not chosen with regard to the convenience of the City; they stand a great many in a cluster about Cornhill: but that all of them are either in the gift of the Lord Archbishop; or Bishop of London; or Lord Chancellor; or gift of the City。 Thus all things; even to the building of churches; are done in this world! This morning come to me the collectors for my Poll… money; for which I paid for my title as Esquire and place of Clerk of Acts; and my head and wife's servants'; and their wages; 40l。 17s。 And though this be a great deal; yet it is a shame I should pay no more: that is; that I should not be assessed for my pay; as in the victualling business and Tangier; and for my money; which of my own accord I had determined to charge myself with 1000l。 money; till coming to the Vestry; and seeing nobody of our ablest merchants; as Sir Andrew Rickard; 'A leading man in the East India Company; who was committed in 1668 by the House of Lords; during their proceedings on the petition of Skinner; VIDE JOURNALS; He purchased the advowson of his parish; St。 Olave; Hart Street; and left it to trustees IN PERPETUUM; who still present the Rector。 He was knighted by Charles II;。 July 10th; 1662。' to do it; I thought it not decent for me to do it。
7th。 To White Hall; and there saw the King come out of chapel after prayers in the afternoon; which he is never at but after having received the Sacrament: and the Court; I perceive; is quite out of mourning; and some very fine; among others; my Lord Gerard; in a very rich vest and coate。 Here I met with my Lord Bellasses: and it is pretty to see what a formal story he tells me of his leaving his place upon the death of my Lord Cleveland; 'Thomas Wentworth Earl of Cleveland。' by which he is become Captain of the Pensioners; and that the King did leave it to him to keep the other or take this; whereas I know the contrary; that they had a mind to have him away from Tangier。 Into Moor…fields; and did find houses built two stories high; and like to stand; and must become a place of great trade till the City be built; and the street is already paved as London streets used to be。
8th。 Away to the Temple; to my new bookseller's; and there I did agree for Rycaut's 'This book is in the Pepysian Library。' late History of the Turkish Policy; which cost me 55s。: whereas it was sold plain before the late fire for 8s。; and bound and coloured as this is for 20s。; for I have bought it finely bound and truly coloured all the figures; of which there was but six books done so; whereof the King and Duke of York and Duke of Monmouth; and Lord Arlington; had four。 The fifth was sold; and I have bought the sixth。
9th。 Towards noon I to the Exchange; and there do hear mighty cries for peace; and that otherwise we shall be undone; and yet do suspect the badness of the peace we shall make。 Several do complain of abundance of land flung up by tenants out of their hands for want of ability to pay their rents; and by name; that the Duke of Buckingham hath 6000l。 so flung up。 And my father writes that Jasper Trice; upon this pretence of his tenants' dealing with him; is broke up house…keeping; and gone to board with his brother; Naylor; at Offord; which is very sad。 To the King's house; and there saw 〃The Tameing of a Shrew;〃 which hath some very good pieces in it; but generally is but a mean play; and the best part 〃Sawny;〃 done by Lucy; and hath not half its life; by reason of the words; I suppose; not being understood; at least by me。
10th。 I began to discourse with Sir W。 Coventry the business of Tangier; which by the removal of my Lord Bellasses is now to have a new Governor; and did move him; that at this season all the business of reforming the garrison might be considered; while nobody was to be offended。 And I told him it is plain that we do overspend our revenue: that it is of no more profit to the King than it was the first day; nor in itself of better credit; no more people of condition willing to live there; nor any thing like a place likely to turn his Majesty to account: that it hath been hitherto; and for aught I see likely only to be used as a jobb to do a kindness to some lord; or he that can get to be Governor。 Sir W。 Coventry agreed with me so as to say; that unless the King hath the wealth of the Mogull; he would be a beggar to have his businesses ordered in the manner they now are: that his garrison must be made places only of convenience to particular persons: that he hath moved the Duke of York in it: and that it was resolved to send no Governor thither till there had been Commissioners sent to put the garrison in order; so as that he that goes may go with limitations and rules to follow; and not to do as he please; as the rest have hitherto done。 That he is not afraid to speak his mind; though to the displeasure of any man; and that I know well enough。 But that when it is come (as it is now); that to speak the truth in behalf of the King plainly do no good but all things bore down by other measures than by what is best for the King; he hath no temptation to be perpetually fighting of battles; it being more easy to him on those terms to suffer things to go on without giving any man offence; than to have the same thing done; and he contract the displeasure of all the world; as he must do; that will be for the King。 To the King's little chapel; and afterwards to see the King heal the King's Evil (wherein no pleasure; I having seen