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the diary of samuel pepys-第165章

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r coming hither; and great thanks to Mr。 Howard; did do it in the worst manner in the world。

14th。  Sir W。 Batten tells me the Lords do agree at last with the Commons about the word 〃Nusance〃 in the Irish Bill; and do desire a good correspondence between the two Houses; and that the King do intend to prorogue them the last of this month。

16th。  Sir W。 Coventry came to me aside in the Duke's chamber to tell that he had not answered part of a late letter of mine; because LITTERA SCRIPTA MANET。  About his leaving the office; he tells me; it is because he finds that his business at Court will not permit him to attend it; and then he confesses that he seldom of late could come from it with satisfaction; and therefore would not take the King's money for nothing。  I professed my sorrow for it; and prayed the continuance of his favour; which he promised; I do believe he hath acted like a very wise man in reference to himself; but I doubt it will prove ill for the King; and for the office。  Prince Rupert; I hear; is very ill; yesterday given over; but better to…day。  Sir Stephen Fox; among other things; told me his whole mystery in the business of the interest he pays as Treasurer for the Army。  They give him 12d。 per pound quite through the Army; with condition to be paid weekly; This he undertakes for his own private credit; and to be paid by the King at the end of every four months。  If the King pay him not at the end of every four months; then; for all the time he stays longer; my Lord Treasurer by agreement allows him eight per cent。 per annum for the forbearance。  So that; in fine; he hath about twelve per cent。 from the King; and the Army; for fifteen or sixteen months' interest; out of which he gains soundly; his expense being about 130;000l。 per annum; and hath no trouble in it; compared (as I told him) to the trouble I must have to bring in an account of interest。  Talk there is of a letter to come from Holland; desiring a place of treaty; but I do doubt it。 This day I observe still in many places the smoking remains of the late fire:  the ways mighty bad and dirty。  This night Sir R。 Ford told me how this day; at Christ church Hospital; they have given a living of 200l。 per annum to Mr。 Sanchy; my old acquaintance; which I wonder at; he commending him mightily; but am glad of it。  He tells me too how the famous Stillingfleete was a Blue…coat boy。

18th。  This morning come Captain Cocke to me; and tells me that the King comes to the House this day to pass the Poll Bill and the Irish Bill; and that; though the Faction is very froward in the House; yet all will end well there。  But he says that one had got a Bill ready to present in the House against Sir W。 Coventry for selling of places; and says he is certain of it; and how he was withheld from doing it。  He says that the Vice…chamberlaine is now one of the greatest men in England again; and was he that did prevail with the King to let the Irish Bill go with the word 〃Nusance。〃  He told me that Sir G。 Carteret's declaration of giving double to any man that will prove that any of his people have demanded or taken any thing for forwarding the payment of the wages of any man; (of which he sent us a copy yesterday; which we approved of;) is set up; among other places; upon the House of Lords' door。  I do not know how wisely this is done。 Sir W。 Pen told me this night how the King did make them a very sharp speech in the House of Lords to…day; saying that he did expect to have had more Bills; that he purposes to prorogue them on Monday come se'nnight; that whereas they have unjustly conceived some jealousys of his making a peace; he declares he knows of no such thing or treaty:  and so left them。  But with so little effect; that as soon as he came into the house; Sir W。 Coventry moved; that now the King hath declared his intention of proroguing them; it would be loss of time to go on with the thing they were upon when they were called to the King; which was the calling over the defaults of Members appearing in the House; for that before any person could now come or be brought to town; the House would be up。  Yet the Faction did desire to delay time; and contend so as to come to a division of the House; where; however it was carried by a few voices that the debate should be laid by。 But this shows that they are not pleased; or that they have not any awe over them from the King's displeasure。

20th。  I was sorry to hear of the heat the House was in yesterday about the ill management of the Navy; though I think they were well answered both by Sir G。 Carteret and Sir W。 Coventry; as he informs me the substance of their speeches。  I to church; and there beyond expectation find our seat and all the church crammed by twice as many people as used to be:  and to my great joy find Mr。 Frampton in the pulpit; and I think the best sermon; for goodness and oratory; without affectation or study; that ever I heard in my life。  The truth is; he preaches the most like an apostle that ever I heard man; and it was much the best time that ever I spent in my life at church。

21st To the Swede's…Resident's in the Piazza; to discourse with him about two of our prizes。  A cunning fellow。  He lives in one of the great houses there; but ill…furnished; and come to us out of bed in his furred mittins and furred cap。  Up to the Lords' House; and there come mighty seasonably to hear the Solicitor about my Lord Buckingham's pretence to the title of Lord Rosse。 Mr。 Atturny Montagu is also a good man; and so is old Sir P。 Ball 'Sir Peter Bell; the Queen's attorney。'  but the Solicitor; and Scroggs 'Sir William Scroggs; King's Serjeant 1669; and made a Judge 1676。'  after him; are excellent men。  This night at supper comes from Sir W。 Coventry the Order of Councill for my Lord Brouncker to do all the Controller's part relating to the Treasurer's accounts; and Sir W。 Pen all relating to the Victualler's; and Sir J。 Minnes to do the rest。  This; I hope; will do much better for the King; and I think will give neither of them ground to over…top me; as I feared they would; which pleases me mightily。  This evening Mr。 Wren and Captain Cocke called upon me at the office; and there told me how the House was in better temper to…day; and hath passed the Bill for the remainder of the money; but not to be passed finally till they have done some other things which they will have passed with it; wherein they are very open; what their meaning is; which was but doubted before; for they do in all respects doubt the King's pleasing them。

23rd。  My Lord Brouncker and I walking into the Park; I did observe the new buildings:  and my Lord seeing I had a desire to see them; they being the place for the priests and friers; he took me back to my Lord Almoner; 'Cardinal Howard of Norfolk; the Queen's Almoner。'  and he took us quite through the whole house and chapel; and the new monastery; showing me most excellent pieces in wax…worke:  a crucifix given by a Pope to Mary Queene of Scotts; where a piece of the Cross is; two bits set in the manner of a cross in the foot of the crucifix:  several fine pictures; but especially very good prints of holy pictures。  I saw the dortoire 'Dormitory。'  and the cells of the priests; and we 
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