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the diary of samuel pepys-第150章

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at Boulogne; and our fleet come to St。 Ellen's。  We have got nothing; but have lost one ship; but he knows not what。  Thence to the Swan; and there drank; and so home; and find all well。  My Lord Brouncker; at Sir W。 Batten's; tells us the Generall is sent for up; to come to advise with the King about business at this juncture; and to keep all quiet; which is great honour to him; but I am sure is but a piece of dissimulation。  So home; and did give orders for my house to be made clean; and then down to Woolwich; and there find all well。 Dined; and Mrs。 Markham come to see my wife。  This day our Merchants first met at Gresham College; which; by proclamation; is to be their Exchange。  Strange to hear what is bid for houses; all up and down here; a friend of Sir W。 Rider's having 150l。 for what he used to let for 40l。 per annum。  Much dispute where the Custome…house shall be; thereby the growth of the City again to be foreseen。  My Lord Treasurer; they say; and others; would have it at the other end of the town。  I home late to Sir W。 Pen's; who did give me a bed; but without curtains or hangings; all being down。  So here I went the first time into a naked bed; only my drawers on; and did sleep pretty well:  but still both sleeping and waking had a fear of fire in my heart; that I took little rest。  People do all the world over cry out of the simplicity of my Lord Mayor in generall; and more particularly in this business of the fire; laying it all upon him。  A proclamation is come out for markets to be kept at Leadenhall and Mile…end…greene; and several other places about the town; and Tower…hill; and all churches to be set open to receive poor people。

8th。  I stopped with Sir G。 Carteret to desire him to go with us; and to enquire after money。  But the first he cannot do; and the other as little; or say 〃When we can get any; or what shall we do for it?〃  He; it seems; is employed in the correspondence between the City and the King every day; in settling of things。  I find him full of trouble; to think how things will go。  I left him; and to St。 James's; where we met first at Sir W。 Coventry's chamber; and there did what business we could; without any books。 Our discourse; as every thing else; was confused。  The fleet is at Portsmouth; there staying a wind to carry them to the Downes; or towards Boulogne; where they say the Dutch fleet is gone; and stays。  We concluded upon private meetings for a while; not having any money to satisfy any people that may come to us。  I bought two eeles upon the Thames; cost me six shillings。  Thence with Sir W。 Batten to the Cock…pit; whither the Duke of Albemarle is come。  It seems the King holds him so necessary at this time; that he hath sent for him; and will keep him here。  Indeed; his interest in the City; being acquainted; and his care in keeping things quiet; is reckoned that wherein he will be very serviceable。  We to him:  he is courted in appearance by every body。  He very kind to us; and I perceive he lays by all business of the fleet at present; and minds the City; and is now hastening to Gresham College; to discourse with the Aldermen。  Sir W。 Batten and I home; (where met by my brother John; come to town to see how things are done with us;) and then presently he with me to Gresham College; where infinity of people; partly through novelty to see the new place; and partly to find out and hear what has become one man of another。  I met with many people undone; and more that have extraordinary great losses。  People speaking their thoughts variously about the beginning of the fire; and the rebuilding of the City。  Then to Sir W。 Batten's and took my brother with me; and there dined with a great company of neighbours; and much good discourse; among others; of the low spirits of some rich men in the City; in sparing any encouragement to the poor people that wrought for the saving their houses。  Among others; Alderman Starling; a very rich man; without children; the fire at next door to him in our lane; after our men had saved his house; did give 2s。 6d。 among thirty of them; and did quarrel with some that would remove the rubbish out of the way of the fire; saying that they come to steal。  Sir W。 Coventry told me of another this morning in Holborne; which he showed the King:  that when it was offered to stop the fire near his house for such a reward that come but to 2s。 6d。 a man among the neighbours he would give but 18d。  Thence to Bednall Green by coach; my brother with me; and saw all well there; and fetched away my journall…book to enter for five days past。  I was much frighted and kept awake in my bed; by some noise I heard a great while below stairs; and the boys not coming up to me when I knocked。  It was by their discovery of some people stealing of some neighbours' wine that lay in vessels in the streets。  So to sleep; and all well all night。

9th。  Sunday。  Up; and was trimmed; and sent my brother to Woolwich to my wife; to dine with her。  I to church; where our parson made a melancholy but good sermon; and many and most in the church cried; specially the women。  The church mighty full; but few of fashion; and most strangers。  To church again; and there preached Dean Harding; 'Probably Nathaniel Hardy; Dean of Rochester。'  but; methinks a bad; poor sermon; though proper for the time; nor eloquent; in saying at this time that the City is reduced from a large folio to a decimo…tertio。  So to my office; there to write down my journall; and take leave of my brother; whom I send back this afternoon; though rainy:  which it hath not done a good while before。  To Sir W。 Pen's to bed; and made my boy Tom to read me asleep。

10th。  All the morning clearing our cellars; and breaking in pieces all my old lumber; to make room; and to prevent fire。  And then to Sir W。 Batten's; and dined; and there hear that Sir W。 Rider says that the town is full of the report of the wealth that is in his house; and would be glad that his friends would provide for the safety of their goods there。  This made me get a cart; and thither; and there brought my money all away。  Took a hackney…coach myself; (the hackney…coaches now standing at Allgate。)  Much wealth indeed there is at his house。  Blessed be God; I got all mine well thence; and lodged it in my office; but vexed to have all the world see it。  And with Sir W Batten; who would have taken away my hands before they were stowed。  But by and by comes brother Balty from sea; which I was glad of; and so got him; and Mr。 Tooker; and the boy; to watch with them all in the office all night; while I went down to my wife。

11th。  In the evening at Sir W。 Pen's at supper:  he in a mad; ridiculous; drunken humour; and it; seems there have been some late distances between his lady and him; as my wife tells me。 After supper; I home; and with Mr。 Hater; Gibson; 'Probably Clerk of the Cheque at Deptford in 1688。'  and Tom alone; got all my chests and money into the further cellar with much pains; but great content to me when done。  So very late and weary to bed。

12th。  Up; and with Sir W。 Batten and Sis W。 Pen to St。 James's by water; and there did our usual business with the Duke of York。

13th。  Up; and down to Tower Wharfe; and there; with Balty and labo
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