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I left him。 Staid at Sir G。 Carteret's chamber till the Council rose; and then he and I; by agreement this morning; went forth in his coach by Tiburne; to the park; discoursing of the state of the Navy as to money; and the state of the Kingdom too; how ill able to raise more: and of our office; as to the condition of the officers; he giving me caution as to myself; that there are those that are my enemies as well as his; and by name my Lord Brouncker who hath said some odd speeches against me。 So that he advises me to stand on my guard; which I shall do; and unless my too…much addiction to pleasure undo me; will be acute enough for any of them。
25th。 A gentleman arrived here this day; Mr。 Brown of St。 Maloes; among other things tells me the meaning of the setting out of dogs every night out of the town walls; which are said to secure the city: but it is not so; but only to secure the anchors; cables; and ships that lie dry; which might otherwise in the night be liable to be robbed。 And these dogs are set out every night; and called together in; every morning by a man with a horne; and they go in very orderly。
29th。 Home this evening; but with great trouble in the streets by bonfires; it being the King's birth…day and day of Restoration; but Lord! to see the difference how many there were on the other side; and so few ours; the City side of the Temple; would make one wonder the difference between the temper of one sort of people and the other: and the difference among all between what they do now; and what it was the night when Monk came into the City。 Such a night as that I never think to see again; nor think it can be。
30th。 I find the Duke gone out with the King to…day on hunting。
31st。 A public Fast…day appointed to pray for the good success of the fleet。 But it is a pretty thing to consider how little a matter they make of this keeping of a Fast; that it was not so much as declared time enough to be read in the churches; the last Sunday; but ordered by proclamation since: I suppose upon some sudden news of the Dutch being come out。 As to public business; by late tidings of the French fleet being come to Rochell; (how true; though; I know not) our fleet is divided; Prince Rupert being gone with about thirty ships to the Westward as is conceived to meet the French; to hinder their coming to join with the Dutch。 My Lord Duke of Albemarle lies in the Downes with the rest; and intends presently to sail to the Gunfleete。
June 2; 1666。 Up; and to the office; where certain news is brought us of a letter come to the King this morning from the Duke of Albemarle; dated yesterday at eleven o'clock; as they were sailing to the Gunfleete; that they were in sight of the Dutch fleet; and were fitting themselves to fight them; so that they are ere this certainly engaged: besides; several do averr they heard the guns yesterday in the afternoon。 This put us at the Board into a tosse。 Presently come orders for our sending away to the fleet a recruite of 200 soldiers。 So I rose from the table; and to the Victualling…office; and thence upon the River among several vessels; to consider of the sending them away; and lastly; down to Greenwich; and there appointed two yachts to be ready for them; and did order the soldiers to march to Blackewall。 Having set all things in order against the next flood; I went on shore with Captain Erwin at Greenwich; and into the parke; and there: we could hear the guns from the fleete most plainly。 We walked to the water…side; and there seeing the King and Duke come down in their barge to Greenwich…house; I to them; and did give them an account what I was doing。 They went up to the park to hear the guns of the fleet go off。 All our hopes now are that Prince Rupert with his fleet is coming back and will be with the fleet this even: a message being sent to him for that purpose on Wednesday last; and a return is come from him this morning; that he did intend to sail from St。 Ellen's point about four in the afternoon yesterday; which gives us great hopes; the wind being very fair; that he is with them this even; and the fresh going off of the guns makes us believe the same。 Down to Blackewall; and there saw the soldiers (who were by this time gotten most of them drunk) shipped off。 But; Lord! to see how the poor fellows kissed their wives and sweet…hearts in that simple manner at their going off; and shouted; and let off their guns; was strange sport。 In the evening come up the River the Katharine yacht; Captain Fazeby; who hath brought over my Lord of Alesbury 'Robert Bruce; created Earl of Aylesbury; 1663。 Ob。 1685。' and Sir Thomas Liddall 'Of Ravensworth Castle; Durham; succeeded his grandfather; the first Baronet; 1650。 He had three daughters。 Ob。 1697。' (with a very pretty daughter; and in a pretty travelling…dress) from Flanders; who saw the Dutch fleet on Thursday; and ran from them; but from that hour to this hath not heard one gun; nor any news of any fight。 Having put the soldiers on board; I home。
3rd (Lord's…day; Whit…sunday)。 Up; and by water to White Hall; and there met with Mr。 Coventry; who tells me the only news from the fleet is brought by Captain Elliott; of the Portland; which; by being run on board by the Guernsey; was disabled from staying abroad: so is come in to Albrough。 That he saw one of the Dutch great ships blown up; and three on fire。 That they begun to fight on Friday; and at his coming into port; could make another ship of the King's coming in; which he judged to be the Rupert: that he knows of no other hurt to our ships。 With this good news I home by water again。 The Exchange as full of people; and hath been all this noon as of any other day; only for news。 To White Hall; and there met with this bad news farther; that the Prince come to Dover but at ten o'clock last night; and there heard nothing of a fight; so that we are defeated of all our hopes of his help to the fleet。 It is also reported by some Victuallers that the Duke of Albemarle and Holmes 'Sir Robert Holmes。' their flags were shot down; and both fain to come to anchor to renew their rigging and sails。 A letter is also come this afternoon; from Harman in the Henery; which states; that she was taken by Elliott for the Rupert; that being fallen into the body of the Dutch fleet; he made his way through them; was set on by three fire…ships one after another; got two of them off; and disabled the third; was set on fire himself; upon which many of his men leapt into the sea and perished; among others; the parson first。 Have lost above 100 men; and a good many women; (God knows what is become of Balty 'Balthazar St。 Michel; Mrs。 Pepys's brother; employed in the office for sick and hurt at Deal afterwards; and in 1686 Commissioner at Woolwich and Deptford。' ) and at last quenched his own fire and got to Albrough; being; as all say; the greatest hazard that ever any ship escaped; and so bravely managed by him。 The mast of the third fire ship fell into their ship on fire; and hurt Harman's leg; which makes him lame now; but not dangerous。 I to Sir G。 Carteret; who told me there hath been great bad management in all this; that the King's orders that went on Friday for calling b