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the diary of samuel pepys-第130章

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more in it than yet they know; and if it should be denied; it would be of very ill consequence。 He says also; if it should in Parliament be enquired into the selling of Dunkirke; (though the Chancellor was the man that would have sold it to France; saying the King of Spain had no money to give for it;) yet he will be found to have been the greatest adviser of it; which he is a little apprehensive may be called upon by this Parliament。  Then I with the young ladies and gentlemen; who played on the guittar; and mighty merry; and anon to supper; and then my Lord going away to write; the young gentlemen to flinging of cushions; and other mad sports till towards twelve at night; and then being sleepy; I and my wife in a passage…room to bed; and slept not very well because of noise。

26th。  Called up about five in the morning; and my Lord up; and took leave; a little after six; very kindly of me and the whole company。  So took coach and to Windsor; to the Garter; and thither sent for Dr。 Childe:  'William Child; Doctor of Music; Organist of St。 George's Chapel; at Windsor。  Ob。 1696; aged 91。' who come to us; and carried us to St。 George's Chapel; and there placed us among the Knights' stalls; (and pretty the observation; that no man; but a woman may sit in a Knight's place; where any brass…plates are set;) and hither come! cushions to us; and a young singing…boy to bring us a copy of the anthem to be sung。  And here; for our sakes; had this anthem and the great service sung extraordinary; only to entertain us。  It is a noble place indeed; and a good Quire of voices。  Great bowing by all the people; the poor Knights in particularly; to the Alter。  After prayers; we to see the plate of the chapel; and the robes of Knights; and a man to show us the banners of the several Knights in being; which hang up over the stalls。  And so to other discourse very pretty; about the Order。  Was shown where the late King is buried; and King Henry the Eighth; and my Lady Seymour。  This being done; to the King's house; and to observe the neatness and contrivance of the house and gates:  it is the most romantique castle that is in the world。  But; Lord!  the prospect that is in the balcone in the Queene's lodgings; and the terrace and walk; are strange things to consider; being the best in the world; sure; and so giving a great deal of money to this and that man and woman; we to our tavern; and there dined; the Doctor with us; and so took coach and away to Eton; the Doctor with me。  At Eton I left my wife in the coach; and he and I to the College; and there find all mighty fine。  The school good; and the custom pretty of boys cutting their names in the shuts of the windows when they go to Cambridge; by which many a one hath lived to see himself a Provost and Fellow; that hath his name in the window standing。  To the Hall; and there find the boys' verses; 〃De Peste;〃 it being their custom to make verses at Shrove…tide。  I read several; and very good they were; better; I think; than ever I made when I was a boy; and in rolls as long and longer than the whole Hall; by much。  Here is a picture of Venice hung up; and a monument made of Sir H。 Wotton's giving it to the College。  Thence to the porter's; in the absence of the butler; and did drink of the College beer; which is very good; and went into the back fields to see the scholars play。  And so to the chapel; and there saw; among other things; Sir H。 Wotton's stone with this Epitaph:

  Hic jacet primus hujus sententiae Author:   Disputandi pruritus fit ecclesiae scabies。

But unfortunately the word 〃Author〃 was wrong writ; and now so basely altered that it disgraces the stone。

MARCH 1; 1665…6。  Blessed be God!  a good Bill this week we have; being but 257 in all; and 42 of the plague; and of them but six in the City:  though my Lord Brouncker says; that these six are most of them in new parishes where they were not the last week

3rd。  To Hales's; and there saw my wife sit; and I do like her picture mightily; and very like it will be; and a brave piece of work。  But he do complain that her nose hath cost him as much work as another's face; and he hath done it finely indeed。

5th。  News for certain of the King of Denmark's declaring for the Dutch; and resolution to assist them。  I find my Lord Brouncker and Mrs。 Williams; and they would of their own accord; though I had never obliged them (nor my wife neither) with one visit for many of theirs; go see my house and my wife; which I showed them; and made them welcome with wine and China oranges (now a great rarity since the war; none to be had。) My house happened to be mighty clean; and did me great honour; and they mightily pleased with it。

7th。  Up betimes; and to St。 James's; thinking Mr。 Coventry had lain there; but he do not; but at White Hall; so thither I went to him。  We walked an hour in the Matted Gallery:  he of himself begun to discourse of the unhappy differences between him and my Lord of Sandwich; and from the beginning to the end did run through all passages wherein my Lord hath; at any time gathered any dissatisfaction; and cleared himself to me most honourably; and in truth; I do believe he do as he says。  I did afterwards purge myself of all partiality in the business of Sir G。 Carteret; (whose story Sir W。 Coventry did also run over;) that I do mind the King's interest; notwithstanding my relation to him; all which he declares he firmly believes; and assures me he hath the same kindness and opinion of me as ever。  And when I said I was jealous of myself; that having now come to such an income as I am; by his favour; I should not be found to do as much service as might deserve it; he did assure me; he thinks it not too much for me; but thinks I deserve it as much as any man in England。 All this discourse did cheer my heart; and sets me right again; after a good deal of melancholy; out of fears of his disinclination to me; upon the difference with my Lord Sandwich and Sir G。 Carteret; but I am satisfied thoroughly; and so went away quite another man; and by the grace of God will never lose it again by my folly in not visiting and writing to him; as I used heretofore to do。  The King and Duke are to go to…morrow to Audly End; in order to the seeing and buying of it of my Lord Suffolke。

9th。  Made a visit to the Duke of Albemarle; and to my great joy find him the same man to me that heretofore; which I was in great doubt of; through my negligence in not visiting of him a great while; and having now set all to rights there; I shall never suffer matters to run so far backwards again as I have done of late; with reference to my neglecting him and Sir W。 Coventry。 The truth is; I do indulge myself a little the more in pleasure; knowing that this is the proper age of my life to do it; and out of my observation that most men that do thrive in the world; do forget to take pleasure during the time that they are getting their estate; but reserve that till they have got one; and then it is too late for them to enjoy it。

12th。  My Uncle Talbot Pepys died the last week。  All the news now is; that Sir Jeremy Smith is at Cales 'Cadiz。'  with his fleet; and Mings in the Elve。  The King is come this noon to town from Audly End; with the Du
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