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the diary of samuel pepys-第122章

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。  To see a person sick of the sores; carried close by me by Gracechurch in a hackney…coach。  My finding the Angel tavern; at the lower end of Tower…bill; shut up; and more than that; the alehouse at the Tower…stairs; and more than that; that the person was then dying of the plague when I was last there; a little while ago; at night。  To hear that poor Payne; my waiter; had buried a child; and is dying himself。  To hear that a labourer I sent but the other day to Dagenhams; to know how they did there; is dead of the plague; and that one of my own watermen; that carried me daily; fell sick as soon as he had landed me on Friday morning last; when I had been all night upon the water; (and I believe he did get his infection that day at Brainford) and is now dead of the plague。  To hear that Captain Lambert and Cuttle are killed in the taking these ships; and that Mr。 Sidney Montague is sick of a desperate fever at my Lady Carteret's; at Scott's…hall。  To hear that Mr。 Lewes hath another daughter sick。 And; lastly; that both my servants; W。 Hewer; and Tom Edwards; have lost their fathers; both in St。 Sepulchre's parish of the plague this week; do put me into great apprehension of melancholy; and with good reason。

17th。  To Gravesend in the Bezan Yacht; and there come to anchor for all night。

18th。  By break of day we come to within sight of the fleet; which was a very fine thing to behold; being above 100 ships; great and small; with the flag ships of each squadron; distinguished by their several flags on their main; fore; or mizen masts。  Among others; the Soveraigne; Charles; and Prince; in the last of which my Lord Sandwich was。  And so we come on board; and we and my Lord Sandwich newly up in his night…gown very well。  He received us kindly; telling us the state of the fleet; lacking provisions; having no beer at all; nor have had most of them these three weeks or month; and but few days' dry provisions。  and indeed he tells us that he believes no fleet was ever set to sea in so ill condition of provision; as this was when it went out last。  He did inform us in the business of Bergen; so as to let us see how the judgment of the world is not to be depended on in things they know not; it being a place just wide enough; and not so much hardly; for ships to go through to it; the yard…armes sticking in the very rocks。  He do not; upon his best enquiry; find reason to except against any part of the management of the business by Teddiman; he having staid treating no longer than during the night; whiles he was fitting himself to fight; bringing his ship a…breast; and not a quarter of an hour longer; (as it is said); nor could more ships have been brought to play; as is thought。  Nor could men be landed; there being 10;000 men effectively always in armes of the Danes; nor; says he; could we expect more from the Dane than he did; it being impossible to set fire on the ships but it must burn the towne。 But that wherein the Dane did amisse; is that he did assist them; the Dutch; all the time; while he was treating with us; when he should have been newtrall to us both。  But; however; he did demand but the treaty of us; which is; that we should not come with more than five ships。  A flag of truce is said; and confessed by my Lord; that he believes it was hung out; but while they did hang it out; they did shoot at us; so that it was not seen; or perhaps they would not cease upon sight of it; while they continued actually in action against us。  But the main thing my Lord wonders at; and condemns the Dane for; is; that the blockhead; who is so much in debt to the Hollander; having now a treasure more by much than all his Crowne was worth; and that which would for ever have beggared the Hollander; should not take this time to break with the Hollander; and thereby pay his debt which must have been forgiven him; and have got the greatest treasure into his hands that ever was together in the world。  By and by my Lord took me aside to discourse of his private matters; who was very free with me touching the ill condition of the fleet that it hath been in; and the good fortune that he hath had; and nothing else that these prizes are to be imputed to。  He also talked with me about Mr。 Coventry's dealing with him in sending Sir W。 Pen away before him; which was not fair nor kind; but that he hath mastered and cajoled Sir W。 Pen; that he hath been able to do nothing in the fleet; but been obedient to him; but withal tells me he is a man that is but of very mean parts; and a fellow not to be lived with; so false and base he is; which I know well enough to be true; and did; as I had formerly done; give my Lord my knowledge of him。  By and by was called a Council of Warr on board; when comes Sir W。 Pen there; and Sir Christopher Mings; 'The son of a shoemaker; bred to the sea service; and rose to the rank of an Admiral。  He was killed in the naval action with the Dutch; June 1666。'  Sir Edward Spragg; Sir Jos。 Jordan; 'Distinguished himself as an admiral in the battle of Soleby; and on other Occasions。'  Sir Thomas Teddiman; and Sir Roger Cuttance。  So to our Yacht again; having seen many of my friends there; and continued till we come into Chatham river。

20th。  To Lambeth。  But; Lord!  what a sad time it is to see no boats upon the River; and grass grows all up and down White Hall court; and nobody but poor wretches in the streets!  and; which is worst of all; the Duke showed us the number of the plague this week; brought in the last night from the Lord Mayor; that it is encreased about 600 more than the last; which is quite contrary to our hopes and expectations; from the coldness of the late season。  For the whole general number is 8297; and of them the plague 7165; which is more in the whole by above 50; than the biggest Bill yet:  which is very grievous to us all。

21st。  To Nonsuch; to the Exchequer; by appointment and walked up and down the house and park; and a fine place it hath heretofore been; and a fine prospect about the house。  A great; walk of an elme and a walnutt set one after another in order。  And all the house on the outside filled with figures of stories; and good painting of Rubens' or Holben's doing。  And one great thing is; that most of the house is covered; I mean the post; and quarters in the walls; with lead; and gilded。  I walked also into the ruined garden。

22nd。  At Blackwell。  Here is observable what Johnson tells us; that in digging the late Docke; they did 12 feet under ground find perfect trees over…covered with earth。  Nut trees; with the branches and the very nuts upon them; some of whose nuts he showed us。  Their shells black with age; and their kernell; upon opening; decayed; but their shell perfectly hard as ever。  And a yew tree; (upon which the very ivy was taken up whole about it;) which upon cutting; with an addes we found to be rather harder than the living tree usually is。  Among other discourse concerning long life; Sir J。 Minnes saying that his great…grand… father was alive in Edward the Vth。's time; my Lord Sandwich did tell us how few there have been of his family since King Harry the VIIIth。 that is to say; the then Chiefe Justice; 'Sir Edward Montagu; ob。 1556。' and his son and the Lord Montagu; w
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