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the diary of samuel pepys-第121章

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ith his credit he gives them。  After dinner Sir Robert led us up to his long gallery; very fine; above stairs; (and better; or such furniture I never did see。)  A most pleasant journey we had back。  Povy tells me by a letter he showed me; that the King is not; nor hath been of late; very well; but quite out of humour; and; as some think; in a consumption; and weary of every thing。  He showed me my Lord Arlington's house that he was born in; in a towne; called Harlington:  and so carried me through a most pleasant country to Brainford; and there put me into my boat; and good night。  So I wrapped myself warm; and by water got to Woolwich about one in the morning。

9th。  I was forced to get a bed at Captain Cocke's; where I find Sir W。 Doyly; 'Sir William Doyly; of Shottisham; Norfolk; knighted 1642; created Baronet 1663; M。P。 for Yarmouth。  Ob。 1677。  He and Mr。 Evelyn were at this time appointed Commissioners for the care of the sick and wounded seamen and prisoners of war。'  and he and Evelyn at supper; and I with them full of discourse of the neglect of our masters; the great officers of State; about all business; and especially that of money:  having now some thousands prisoners kept to no purpose at a great charge; and no money provided almost for the doing of it。 We fell to talk largely of the want of some persons understanding to look after businesses; but all goes to rack。  〃For;〃 says Captain Cocke; 〃my Lord Treasurer; he minds his ease; and lets things go how they will:  If he can have his 8000l。 per annum; and a game at l'ombre; he is well。  My Lord Chancellor he minds getting of money and nothing else; and my Lord Ashly will rob the Devil and the Alter; but he will get money if it be to be got。〃 But that which put us into this great melancholy; was news brought to…day; which Captain Cocke reports as a certain truth; that all the Dutch fleet; men…of…war and merchant East India ships; are got every one in from Bergen the 3rd of this month; Sunday last; which will make us all ridiculous。

10th (Lord's day)。  Walked home; being forced thereto by one of my watermen falling sick yesterday; and it was God's great mercy I did not go by water with them yesterday; for he fell sick on Saturday night; and it is to be feared of the plague。  So I sent him away to London with his family; but another boat come to me this morning。  My wife before I come out telling me the ill news that she hears that her father is very ill; and then I told her I feared of the plague; for that the house is shut up。  And so she much troubled; and did desire me to send them something and I said I would; and will do so。  But before I come out there happened news to come to me by an expresse from Mr。 Coventry; telling the most happy news of my Lord Sandwich's meeting with part of the Dutch; his taking two of their East India ships; and six or seven others; and very good prizes:  and that he is in search of the rest of the fleet; which he hopes to find upon the Well…bancke; with the loss only of the Hector; poor Captn。 Cuttle。  To Greenwich; and there sending away Mr。 Andrews; I to Captn。 Cocke's; where I find my Lord Brouncker and his mistress; 'Mrs。 Williams。' and Sir J。 Minnes。  Where we supped; (there was also Sir W。 Doyly and Mr。 Evelyn;) but the receipt of this news did put us all into such an extasy of joy; that it inspired into Sir J。 Minnes and Mr。 Evelyn such a spirit of mirth; that in all my life I never met with so merry a two hours as our company this night was。  Among other humours; Mr。 Evelyn's repeating of some verses made up of nothing but the various acceptations of MAY and CAN; and doing it so aptly upon occasion of something of that nature; and so fast; did make us all die almost with laughing; and did so stop the mouth of Sir J。 Minnes in the middle of all his mirth; (and in a thing agreeing with his own manner of genius) that I never saw any man so out…done in all my life; and Sir J。 Minnes's mirth too to see himself out…done; was the crown of all our mirth。  In this humour we sat till about ten at night; and so my Lord and his mistress home; and we to bed。

13th。  My Lord Brouncker; Sir J。 Minnes; and I took boat; and in my Lord's coach to Sir W。 Hickes's; 'Sir William Hickes; created a baronet 1619。  Ob。 1680; aged 84。  His country…seat was called Ruckholts; or Rookwood; at Layton; in Essex; where he entertained King Charles II。 after hunting。'  whither by and by my Lady Batten and Sir William comes。  It is a good seat; with a fair grove of trees by it; and the remains of a good garden; but so let to run to ruine; both house and every thing in and about it; so ill furnished and miserably looked after; I never did see in all my life。  Not so much as a latch to his dining…room door; which saved him nothing; for the wind blowing into the room for want thereof; flung down a great bow pott; that stood upon the side…table; and that fell upon some Venice glasses; and did him a crown's worth of hurt。  He did give us the meanest dinner; (of beef shoulder and umbles of venison which he takes away from the keeper of the Forest; 'Of which he was Ranger。'  and a few pigeons; and all in the meanest manner;) that ever I did see; to the basest degree。  I was only pleased at a very fine picture of the Queene…Mother; when she was young; by Vandike; a very good picture; and a lovely face。

14th。  To the Duke of Albemarle; where I find a letter of the 12th。 from Solebay; from my Lord Sandwich; of the fleet's meeting with about eighteen more of the Dutch fleet; and his taking of most of them; and the messenger says; they had taken three after the letter was wrote and sealed; which being twenty…one; and the fourteen took the other day; is forty…five sail; some of which are good; and others rich ships。  And having taken a copy of my Lord's letter; I away toward the 'Change; the plague being all thereabouts。  Here my news was highly welcome; and I did wonder to see the 'Change so full; I believe 200 people; but not a man or merchant of any fashion; but plain men all。  And Lord!  to see how I did endeavour all I could to talk with as few as I could; there being now no observation of shutting up of houses infected; that to be sure we do converse and meet with people that have the plague upon them。  I spent some thoughts upon the occurrences of this day; giving matter for as much content on one hand and melancholy on another; as any day in all my life。  For the first; the finding of my money and plate; and all safe at London; and speeding in my business of money this day。  The hearing of this good news to such excess; after so great a despair of my Lord's doing any thing this year; adding to that; the decrease of 500 and more; which is the first decrease we have yet had in the sickness since it begun:  and great hopes that the next week it will be greater。  Then; on the other side; my finding that though the Bill in general is abated; yet the City within the walls is encreased; and likely to continue so; and is close to our house there。  My meeting dead corpses of the plague; carried to be buried close to me at noon…day through the City in Fanchurch… street。  To see a person sick of the sores; carried close by me by Gracechurch in a hackney…coach。  My fin
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