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the diary of samuel pepys-第118章

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 tide of ebb so far spent as the horse…boat could not get off on the other side the river to bring away the coach。  So we were fain to stay there in the unlucky Isle of Doggs; in a chill place; the morning cool; and wind fresh; above two if not three hours to our great discontent。  Yet being upon a pleasant errand; and seeing that it could not be helped; we did bear it very patiently; and it was worth my observing; to see how upon these two scores; Sir G。 Carteret; the most passionate man in the world; and that was in greatest haste to be gone; did bear with it; and very pleasant all the while; at least not troubled much so as to fret and storm at it。  Anon the coach comes:  in the mean time there coming a news thither with his horse to go over; that told us he did come from Islington this morning; and that Proctor the vintner of the Miter in Wood…street; and his son; are dead this morning there; of the plague; he having laid out abundance of money there; and was the greatest vintner for some time in London for great entertainments。  We; fearing the canonicall hour would be past before we got thither; did with a great deal of unwillingness send away the licence and wedding…ring。  So that when we come; though we drove hard with six horses; yet we found them gone from home; and going towards the church; met them coming from church; which troubled us。  But; however; that trouble was soon over; hearing it was well done:  they being both in their old clothes; my Lord Crewe giving her; there being three coach fulls of them。 The young lady mighty sad; which troubled me; but yet I think it was only her gravity in a little greater degree than usual。  All saluted her; but I did not till my Lady Sandwich did ask me whether I had saluted her or no。  So to dinner; and very merry we were; but in such a sober way as never almost any thing was in so great families:  but it was much better。  After dinner company divided; some to cards; others to talk。  My Lady Sandwich and I up to settle accounts; and pay her some money。  And mighty kind she is to me; and would fain have had me gone down for company with her to Hinchingbroke; but for my life I cannot。  At night to supper; and so to talk; and which; methought; was the most extraordinary thing; all of us to prayers as usual; and the young bride and bridegroom too:  and so after prayers soberly to bed; only I got into the bridegroom's chamber while he undressed himself; and there was very merry; till he was called to the bride's chamber; and into bed they went。  I kissed the bride in bed; and so the curtaines drawne with the greatest gravity that could be; and so good night。  But the modesty and gravity of this business was so decent; that it was to me indeed ten times more delightful than if it had been twenty times more merry and jovial。  Thus I ended this month with the greatest joy that ever I did any in my life; because I have spent the greatest part of it with abundance of joy; and honour; and pleasant journeys; and brave entertainments; and without cost of money; and at last live to see the business ended with great content; on all sides。  Thus we end this month; as I said; after the greatest glut of content that ever I had; only under some difficulty because of the plague; which grows mightily upon us; the last week being about 1700 or 1800 of the plague。  My Lord Sandwich at sea with a fleet of about 100 sail; to the Northward; expecting De Ruyter; or the Dutch East India fleet。  My Lord Hinchingbroke coming over from France; and will meet his sister at Scott's…hall。  Myself having obliged both these families in this business very much; as both my Lady and Sir G。 Carteret and his Lady do confess exceedingly; and the latter do also now call me cozen; which I am glad of。  So God preserve us all friends long; and continue health among us。

AUGUST 3; 1665。  To Dagenhams。  All the way people; citizens; walking to and fro; enquire how the plague is in the City this week by the Bill; which by chance; at Greenwich; I had heard was 2020 of the plague; and 3000 and odd of all diseases。  By and by met my Lord Crewe returning; Mr。 Marr telling me by the way how a maid…servant of Mr。 John Wright's (who lives thereabouts) falling sick of the plague; she was removed to an out…house; and a nurse appointed to look to her; who; being once absent; the maid got out of the house at the window; and run away。  The nurse coming and knocking; and having no answer; believed she was dead; and went and told Mr。 Wright so; who and his lady were in great strait what to do to get her buried。  At last resolved to go to Burntwood; hard by; being in the parish; and there get people to do it。  But they would not; so he went home full of trouble; and in the way met the wench walking over the common; which frighted him worse than before; and was forced to send people to take her; which he did; and they got one of the pest coaches and put her into it to carry her to a pest house。  And passing in a narrow lane; Sir Anthony Browne 'He commanded a troop of horse in the Train…bands。  1662。'  with his brother and some friends in the coach; met this coach with the curtains drawn close。  The brother being a young man; and believing there might be some lady in it that would not be seen; and the way being narrow; he thrust his head out of his own into her coach; and to look; and there saw somebody look very ill; and in a sick dress; and stunk mightily; which the coachman also cried out upon。  And presently they come up to some people that stood looking after it; and told our gallants that it was a maid of Mr。 Wright's carried away sick of the plague; which put the young gentle man into a fright had almost cost him his life; but is now well again。

5th。  I am told of a great ryott upon Thursday last in Cheapside; Colonel Danvers; a delinquent; having been taken; and in his way to the Tower was rescued from the captain of the guard; and carried away; one only of the rescuers being taken。

8th。  To my office a little; and then to the Duke of Albemarle's about some business。  The streets empty all the way; now even in London; which is a sad sight。  And to Westminster Hall; where talking; hearing very sad stories from Mrs。 Mumford; among others; of Mr。 Michell's son's family。  And poor Will; that used to sell us ale at the Hall…door; his wife and three children died; all; I think; in a day。  So home through the City again; wishing I may have taken no ill in going; but I will go; I think; no more thither。  The news of De Ruyter's coming home is certain; and told to the great disadvantage of our fleet; and the praise of De Ruyter; but it cannot be helped。

10th。  By and by to the office; where we sat all the morning; in great trouble to see the Bill this week rise so high; to above 4000 in all; and of them above 3000 of the plague。  Home; to draw over anew my will; which I had bound myself by oath to dispatch by tomorrow night; the town growing so unhealthy; that a man cannot depend upon living two days。

12th。  The people die so; that now it seems they are fain to carry the dead to be buried by day…light; the nights not sufficing to do it in。  And my Lord Mayor commands people to be within at nine at night all; as they say; that the 
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