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the diary of samuel pepys-第110章

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r at Court have:  that Mrs。 Jenings;  one of the Dutchesse's maids; the other day dressed herself like an orange wench; and went up and down and cried oranges; till falling down; or by some accident her fine shoes were discerned; and she put to a great deal of shame; that such as these tricks being ordinary; and worse among them; thereby few will venture upon them for wives: my Lady Castlemaine will in merriment say; that her daughter (not above a year old or two) will be the first mayd in the Court that will be married。  'Frances; daughter of Richard Jennings; Esq。; of Sandridge; near St。 Alban's; and eldest sister of Sarah; Duchess of Marlborough; married 1st; George Hamilton; afterwards knighted; and in the French service; and 2ndly; Richard Talbot; Created Duke of Tyrconnel。   She died in Ireland; 1730。  The anecdote here related will be found in the 〃Memoires de Grammont。〃'  This day my Lord Sandwich writ me word from the Downes; that he is like to be in town this week。

22nd。  At noon to the 'Change; busy; where great talk of a Dutch ship in the North put on shore; and taken by a troop of horse。

25th。  At noon to the 'Change; where just before I come; the Swede that had told the King and the Duke so boldly a great lie of the Dutch flinging our men back to back into the sea at Guinny; so particularly; and readily; and confidently; was whipt; round the 'Change:  he confessing it a lie; and that he did it in hopes to get something。

27th。  We to a Committee of the Council to discourse concerning pressing of men; but Lord!  how they meet; never sit down:  one comes; now another goes; then comes another; one complaining that nothing is done; another swearing that he hath been there these two hours and nobody come。  At last my Lord Annesly 'Created Earl of Anglesea。'  says; 〃I think we must be forced to get the King to come to every committee; for I do not see that we do any thing at any time but when he is here。〃 And I believe he said the truth: and very constant he is on council…days; which his predecessors; it seems; very rarely were。  To Sir Philip Warwick's; and there he did contract with me a kind of friendship and freedom of communication; wherein he assures me to make me understand the whole business of the Treasurer of the Navy; that I shall know as well as Sir G。 Carteret what money he hath; and will needs have me come to him sometimes; or he meet me; to discourse of things tending to the serving the King:  and I am mighty proud and happy in becoming so known to such a man。  And I hope shall pursue it。

MARCH 1; 1664…65。  To Gresham College; where Mr。 Hooke read a second very curious lecture about the late Comet; among other things proving very probably that this is the very same Comet that appeared before in the year 1618; and that in such a time probably it will appear again; which is a very new opinion; but all will be in print。  Then to the meeting; where Sir G。 Carteret's two sons; his own; and Sir N。 Slaning; 'Sir Nicholas Slaning K。B。; married a daughter of Sir George Carteret。'  were admitted of the society:  and this day I did pay my admission money; 40s。 to the society。

4th。  William Howe come to see me; being come up with my Lord from sea:  he is grown a discreet; but very conceited fellow。  He tells me how little respectfully Sir W。 Pen did carry it to my Lord on board the Duke's ship at sea; and that Captain Minnes; a favourite of Prince Rupert's; do show my Lord little respect; but that every body else esteems my Lord as they ought。  This day was proclaimed at the 'Change the war with Holland。

5th。  To my Lord Sandwich's and dined with my Lord; it being the first time he hath dined at home since his coming from sea:  and a pretty odd demand it was of my Lord to my Lady before me:  〃How do you; sweetheart?  How have you done all this week?〃  himself taking notice of it to me; that he had hardly seen her the week before。 At dinner he did use me with the greatest solemnity in the world; in carving for me; and nobody else; and calling often to my Lady to cut for me; and all the respect possible。

6th。  With Sir J。 Minnes to St。 James's; and there did our business with the Duke。  Great preparations for his speedy return to sea。  I saw him try on his buff coat and hat…piece covered with black velvet。  It troubles me more to think of his venture; than of any thing else in the whole warr。

8th。  This morning is brought me to the office the sad news of The London; in which Sir J。 Lawson's men were all bringing her from Chatham to the Hope; and thence he was to go to sea in her; but a little on this side the buoy of the Nower; she suddenly blew up。  About 21 men and a woman that were in the round…house and coach saved; the rest; being about 300; drowned:  the ship breaking all in pieces; with 80 pieces of brass ordnance。  She lies sunk; with her round…house above water。  Sir J。 Lawson hath a great loss in this of so many good chosen men; and many relations among them。  I went to the 'Change; where the news taken very much to heart。

10th。  At noon to the 'Change; where very hot; people's proposal of the City giving the King another ship for The London; that is lately blown up。  It would be very handsome; and if well managed; might be done; but I fear if it be put into ill hands; or that the courtiers do solicit it; it will never be done。

13th。  This day my wife begun to wear light…coloured locks; quite white almost; which; though it makes her look very pretty; yet not being natural; vexes me; that I will not have her wear them。 This day I saw my Lord Castlemaine at St。 James's; lately come from France。

17th。  The Duke did give us some commands; and so broke up; not taking leave of him。  But the best piece of newes is; that instead of a great many troublesome Lords; the whole business is to be left; with the Duke of Albemarle to act as Admirall in his stead; which is a thing that do cheer my heart。  For the other would have vexed us with attendance; and never done the business。

19th。  Mr。 Povy and I in his coach to Hyde Parke; being the first day of the tour there。  Where many brave ladies; among others; Castlemaine lay impudently upon her back in her coach asleep; with her mouth open。  There was also my Lady Kerneguy; 'Daughter of William Duke of Hamilton; wife of Lord Carnegy; who became Earl of Southesk on his father's death。  She is frequently mentioned in the 〃Memoires de Grammont。〃'  once my Lady Anne Hambleton。

20th。  Creed and I had Mr。 Povy's coach sent for us; and we to his house; where we did some business in order to the work of this day。  Povy and I to my Lord Sandwich; who tells me that the Duke is not only a friend to the business; but to me; in terms of the greatest love and respect。  The Duke did direct Secretary Bennet to declare his mind to the Tangier committee; that he approves of me for treasurer; and with a character of me to be a man whose industry and discretion he would trust soon as any man's in England:  and did; the like to my Lord Sandwich。  So to White Hall to the Committee of Tangier where there were present; my Lord of Albemarle; my Lord Peterborough; Sandwich; Barkeley; FitzHarding; Secretary Bennet; Sir Thomas Ingram; Sir John Lawson; Povy and I。  Whe
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