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the diary of samuel pepys-第109章

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。  'This statement of a total prohibition of all trade; and for so long a period as eighteen months; by a government so essentially commercial as that of the United Provinces seems extraordinary。  The fact; as I am informed; was; that when in the beginning of the year 1665 the States General saw that the war with England was become inevitable; they took several vigorous measures; and determined to equip a formidable fleet; and with a view to obtain a sufficient number of men to man it; prohibited all navigation; especially in the great and small fisheries as they were then called; and in the Whale fishery。  This measure appears to have resembled the embargoes so commonly resorted to in this country on similar occasions; rather than a total prohibition of trade。'

27th。  Mr。 Slingsby; a very ingenious person about the Mint; tells me that the money passing up and down in business is 700;000l。  He also made me fully understand that the old law of prohibiting bullion to be exported; is; and ever was a folly and an injury; rather than good。

FEBRUARY 3; 1664…65。  To visit my Lady Sandwich; and she discoursed largely to me her opinion of a match; if it could be thought fit by my Lord; for my Lady Jemimah; with Sir G。 Carteret's eldest son; but I doubt he hath yet no settled estate in land。  But I will inform myself; and give her my opinion。 Then Mrs。 Pickering (after private discourse ended; we going into the other room) did; at my Lady's command; tell me the manner of a masquerade before the King and the Court the other day。  Where six women (my Lady Castlermaine and Duchesse of Monmouth being two of them;) and six men; (the Duke of Monmouth and Lord Avon and Monsieur Blanfort; 'Lewis Duras; Marquis de Blanquefort; naturalized 17th Charles II。; and created Baron Duras 1672 and K。G。 by James II。; whom he had attended in the sea…fight 1665; as Captain of the guard。'  being three of them) in vizards; but most rich and antique dresses; did dance admirably and most gloriously。  God give us cause to continue the mirth!

4th。  I to the Sun behind the 'Change; to dinner to my Lord Belasses; He told us a very handsome passage of the King's sending him his message about holding out the town of Newarke; of which he was then governor for the King。  This message he sent in a slugg…bullet; being writ in cipher; and wrapped up in lead and sealed。  So the messenger come to my Lord and told him he had a message from the King; but it was yet in his belly; so they did give him some physick; and out it come。  This was a month before the King's flying to the Scots; and therein he told him that at such a day; the 3rd or 6th of May; he should hear of his being come to the Scots; being assured by the King of France that in coming to them he should be used with all the liberty; honour; and safety; that could be desired。  And at the just day he did come to the Scots。  He told us another odd passage:  how the King having newly put out Prince Rupert of his generalship; upon some miscarriage at Bristol; and Sir Richard Willis of his governorship of Newarke; at the entreaty of the gentry of the County; and put in my Lord Bellasses; the great officers of the King's army mutinyed; and come in that manner with swords drawn; into the market…place of the town where the King was; which the King hearing says; 〃I must horse。〃  And there himself personally; when everybody expected they should have been opposed; the King come; and cried to the head of the mutineers; which was Prince Rupert; 〃Nephew I command you to be gone。〃  So the Prince; in all his fury and discontent; withdrew; and his company scattered。

6th。  One of the coldest days; all say; they ever felt in England。

9th。  Sir William Petty tells me that Mr。 Barlow 'Mr。 Pepys' predecessor as Clerk of the acts; to whom he paid part of the salary。' is dead; for which; God knows my heart; I could be as sorry as is possible for one to be for a stranger; by whose death he gets 100l。 per annum。

12th。  To Church to St。 Lawrence to hear Dr。 Wilkins; the great scholar; for curiosity; I having never heard him:  but was not satisfied with him at all。

15th。  At noon; with Creed to the Trinity…house; where a very good dinner among the old jokers; and an extraordinary discourse of the manner of the loss of the Royall Oake coming home from Bantam; upon the rocks of Scilly。  Thence with Creed to Gresham College; where I had been by Mr。 Povy the last week proposed to be admitted a member; and was this day admitted; by signing a book and being taken by the hand by the President; my Lord Brouncker; and some words of admittance said to me。  But it is a most acceptable thing to hear their discourse; and see their experiments; which were this day on fire; and how it goes out in a place where the ayre is not free; and sooner out where the ayre is exhausted; which they showed by an engine on purpose。  After this being done; they to the Crown Tavern; behind the 'Change; and there my Lord and most of the company to a club supper; Sir P。 Neale; 'Sir Paul Neile; of White Waltham; Berks; eldest son to Neile; Archbishop of York。'  Sir R。 Murrey; 'One of the Founders of the Royal Society; made a Privy Counsellor for Scotland after the Restoration。'  Dr。 Clerke; Dr。 Whistler; 'Daniel Whistler; Fellow of Merton College; took the degree of M。D。 at Leyden; 1645; and after practising in London; went as Physician to the Embassy; with Bulstrode Whitlock; into Sweden。  On his return he became Fellow; and at length President; of the College of Physicians。  Ob。 1684。'  Dr。 Goddard; 'Jonathan Goddard; M。D。; F。R。S。  He had been Physician to Cromwell。'  and others; of the most eminent worth。  Above all; Mr。 Boyle was at the meeting; and above him Mr。 Hooke; who is the most; and promises the least; of any man in the world that ever I saw。  Here excellent discourse till ten at night; and then home。

17th。  Povy tells me how my Lord Barkeley will say openly; that he hath fought more set fields than any man in England hath done。

18th。  At noon; to the Royall Oak taverne in Lombard Street; where Sir William Petty and the owners of the double…bottomed boat (the Experiment) did entertain my Lord Brouncker; Sir A。 Murrey; myself; and others; with marrow bones; and a chine of beef of the victuals they have made for this ship; and excellent company and good discourse:  but; above all; I do value Sir William Petty。  Thence home; and took my Lord Sandwich's draught of the harbour of Portsmouth down to Ratcliffe; to one Burston; to make a plate for the King; and another for the Duke; and another for himself; which will be very neat。

20th。  Rode into the beginning of my Lord Chancellor's new house; near St。 James's; which common people have already called Dunkirke…house; from their opinion of having a good bribe for the selling of that towne。  And very noble I believe it will be。 Near that is my Lord Barkeley beginning another one side; and Sir J。 Denham on the other。

21st。  My Lady Sandwich tells me how my Lord Castlemaine is coming over from France; and is believed will soon be made friends with his Lady again。  What mad freaks the Mayds of Honour at Court have:  that Mrs。 Jenings;  one of the Dutchesse's maids; the other day dressed herself li
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