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tamburlaine the great, pt 1-第3章

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Whereat the soldiers will conceive more joy

Than did the Macedonians at the spoil

Of great Darius and his wealthy host。

COSROE。 Well; since I see the state of Persia droop

And languish in my brother's government;

I willingly receive th' imperial crown;

And vow to wear it for my country's good;

In spite of them shall malice my estate。

ORTYGIUS。 And; in assurance of desir'd success;

We here do crown thee monarch of the East

Emperor of Asia and Persia;

Great lord of Media and Armenia;

Duke of Africa and Albania;

Mesopotamia and of Parthia;

East India and the late…discover'd isles;

Chief lord of all the wide vast Euxine Sea;

And of the ever…raging Caspian Lake。

ALL。 Long live Cosroe; mighty emperor!

COSROE。 And Jove may never let me longer live

Than I may seek to gratify your love;

And cause the soldiers that thus honour me

To triumph over many provinces!

By whose desires of discipline in arms

I doubt not shortly but to reign sole king;

And with the army of Theridamas

(Whither we presently will fly; my lords;)

To rest secure against my brother's force。

ORTYGIUS。 We knew; my lord; before we brought the crown;

Intending your investion so near

The residence of your despised brother;

The lords would not be too exasperate

To injury or suppress your worthy title;

Or; if they would; there are in readiness

Ten thousand horse to carry you from hence;

In spite of all suspected enemies。

COSROE。 I know it well; my lord; and thank you all。

ORTYGIUS。 Sound up the trumpets; then。

     'Trumpets sounded。'

ALL。 God save the king!


     SCENE II。


     AGYDAS; MAGNETES; LORDS; and SOLDIERS loaden with treasure。

TAMBURLAINE。 Come; lady; let not this appal your thoughts;

The jewels and the treasure we have ta'en

Shall be reserv'd; and you in better state

Than if you were arriv'd in Syria;

Even in the circle of your father's arms;

The mighty Soldan of Aegyptia。

ZENOCRATE。 Ah; shepherd; pity my distressed plight!

(If; as thou seem'st; thou art so mean a man;)

And seek not to enrich thy followers

By lawless rapine from a silly maid;

Who; travelling with these Median lords

To Memphis; from my uncle's country of Media;

Where; all my youth; I have been governed;

Have pass'd the army of the mighty Turk;

Bearing his privy…signet and his hand

To safe…conduct us thorough Africa。

MAGNETES。 And; since we have arriv'd in Scythia;

Besides rich presents from the puissant Cham;

We have his highness' letters to command

Aid and assistance; if we stand in need。

TAMBURLAINE。 But now you see these letters and commands

Are countermanded by a greater man;

And through my provinces you must expect

Letters of conduct from my mightiness;

If you intend to keep your treasure safe。

But; since I love to live at liberty;

As easily may you get the Soldan's crown

As any prizes out of my precinct;

For they are friends that help to wean my state

Till men and kingdoms help to strengthen it;

And must maintain my life exempt from servitude。

But; tell me; madam; is your grace betroth'd?

ZENOCRATE。 I am; my lord;for so you do import。

TAMBURLAINE。 I am a lord; for so my deeds shall prove;

And yet a shepherd by my parentage。

But; lady; this fair face and heavenly hue

Must grace his bed that conquers Asia;

And means to be a terror to the world;

Measuring the limits of his empery

By east and west; as Phoebus doth his course。

Lie here; ye weeds; that I disdain to wear!

This complete armour and this curtle…axe

Are adjuncts more beseeming Tamburlaine。

And; madam; whatsoever you esteem

Of this success; and loss unvalued;

Both may invest you empress of the East;

And these that seem but silly country swains

May have the leading of so great an host

As with their weight shall make the mountains quake;

Even as when windy exhalations;

Fighting for passage; tilt within the earth。

TECHELLES。 As princely lions; when they rouse themselves;

Stretching their paws; and threatening herds of beasts;

So in his armour looketh Tamburlaine。

Methinks I see kings kneeling at his feet;

And he with frowning brows and fiery looks

Spurning their crowns from off their captive heads。

USUMCASANE。 And making thee and me; Techelles; kings;

That even to death will follow Tamburlaine。

TAMBURLAINE。 Nobly resolv'd; sweet friends and followers!

These lords perhaps do scorn our estimates;

And think we prattle with distemper'd spirits:

But; since they measure our deserts so mean;

That in conceit bear empires on our spears;

Affecting thoughts coequal with the clouds;

They shall be kept our forced followers

Till with their eyes they view us emperors。

ZENOCRATE。 The gods; defenders of the innocent。

Will never prosper your intended drifts;

That thus oppress poor friendless passengers。

Therefore at least admit us liberty;

Even as thou hop'st to be eternized

By living Asia's mighty emperor。

AGYDAS。 I hope our lady's treasure and our own

May serve for ransom to our liberties:

Return our mules and empty camels back;

That we may travel into Syria;

Where her betrothed lord; Alcidamus;

Expects the arrival of her highness' person。

MAGNETES。 And wheresoever we repose ourselves;

We will report but well of Tamburlaine。

TAMBURLAINE。 Disdains Zenocrate to live with me?

Or you; my lords; to be my followers?

Think you I weigh this treasure more than you?

Not all the gold in India's wealthy arms

Shall buy the meanest soldier in my train。

Zenocrate; lovelier than the love of Jove;

Brighter than is the silver Rhodope;

Fairer than whitest snow on Scythian hills;

Thy person is more worth to Tamburlaine

Than the possession of the Persian crown;

Which gracious stars have promis'd at my birth。

A hundred Tartars shall attend on thee;

Mounted on steeds swifter than Pegasus;

Thy garments shall be made of Median silk;

Enchas'd with precious jewels of mine own;

More rich and valurous than Zenocrate's;

With milk…white harts upon an ivory sled

Thou shalt be drawn amidst the frozen pools;

And scale the icy mountains' lofty tops;

Which with thy beauty will be soon resolv'd:

My martial prizes; with five hundred men;

Won on the fifty…headed Volga's waves;

Shall we all offer to Zenocrate;

And then myself to fair Zenocrate。

TECHELLES。 What now! in love?

TAMBURLAINE。 Techelles; women must be flattered:

But this is she with whom I am in love。

     Enter a SOLDIER。

SOLDIER。 News; news!

TAMBURLAINE。 How now! what's the matter?

SOLDIER。 A thousand Persian horsemen are at hand;

Sent from the king to overcome us all。

TAMBURLAINE。 How now; my lords of Egypt; and Zenocrate!

Now must your jewels be restor'd again;

And I; that triumph'd so;
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