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tamburlaine the great, pt 1-第21章

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 gat' So the 8vo。The 4to 〃got。〃

 pilling' i。e。 plundering。

 British' So the 4to。The 8vo 〃brightest。〃

 martial' So the 8vo。The 4to 〃materiall。〃

 Awake; ye men of Memphis!' These words are put into the

mouth of Judas; in Fletcher's BONDUCA; at the commencement of

act ii。; and in Fletcher's WIT WITHOUT MONEY; act v。 sc。 2。 we

find 〃thou man of Memphis。〃

 basilisks' Pieces of ordnance so called。  They were of

immense size; see Douce's ILLUST。 OF SHAKESPEARE; i。 425。

 monstrous' To be read as a trisyllable。

 Or ever…drizzling' So the 4to。The 8vo 〃Or drisling。〃

 should' So the 4to。The 8vo 〃shal。〃

 he devil' So the 8vo。The 4to 〃he THE deuill。〃

 Arabian king' Scil。 Alcidamus:  see p。 10; l。 9; sec。 col。


 it' So the 4to。Omitted in the 8vo。

 it should' So the 4to。The 8vo 〃should it。〃

 this' So the 8vo。The 4to 〃it。〃

 into' So the 4to。The 8vo 〃vnto。〃

 heart' So the 4to。The 8vo 〃soul。〃

 stoop' Qy。 〃stoop; STOOP〃?

 your' Old eds。 〃their。〃Compare the tenth line of the


 to' So the 8vo。The 4to 〃on。〃

 brent' i。e。 burnt。  So the 8vo。The 4to 〃burnt。〃

 kings' So the 8vo。The 4to 〃king。〃

 from' So the 4to。The 8vo 〃in。〃

 then; for you' So the 4to。The 8vo 〃for you then。〃

 stark nak'd' Compare (among many passages which might be

cited from our early poets);

                        〃rather on Nilus' mud

    Lay me STARK NAK'D; and let the water…flies

    Blow me into abhorring!〃

        Shakespeare's ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA; act v。 sc。 2。 (where

        the modern editors print 〃naked。〃)

 dignities' So the 8vo。The 4to 〃dignitie。〃

 whiles' So the 8vo。The 4to 〃while。〃

 shalt' So the 4to。The 8vo 〃shal。〃

 grace' Olds eds。 〃grac'd。〃

 stature' So the 8vo。The 4to 〃statue:〃 but again; in the

SECOND PART of this play; act ii。 sc。 4; we have; according to

the 8vo

   〃And here will I set up her STATURE。〃

and; among many passages that might be cited from our early

authors; compare the following;

   〃The STATURES huge; of Porphyrie and costlier matters made。〃

        Warner's ALBIONS ENGLAND; p。 303。 ed。 1596。

   〃By them shal Isis STATURE gently stand。〃

        Chapman's BLIND BEGGER OF ALEXANDRIA; 1598; sig。 A 3。

   〃Was not Anubis with his long nose of gold preferred before

    Neptune; whose STATURE was but brasse?〃

        Lyly's MIDAS; sig。 A 2。 ed。 1592。

 bird' i。e。 the ibis。

 are' Old eds。 〃is。〃

 country' Old eds。 〃countries。〃

 King of Arabia' i。e。 Alcidamus; see p。 10; l。 9; sec。 col。


 Calydonian' So the 8vo。The 4to 〃Calcedonian。〃

 lusty' So the 8vo。Omitted in the 4to。

 and' So the 4to。0mitted in the 8vo。

 Renowmed' See note ||。 p。 11。  So the 8vo。

The 4to 〃Renow
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