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tamburlaine the great, pt 1-第2章

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For it requires a great and thundering speech:

Good brother; tell the cause unto my lords;

I know you have a better wit than I。

COSROE。 Unhappy Persia;that in former age

Hast been the seat of mighty conquerors;

That; in their prowess and their policies;

Have triumph'd over Afric; and the bounds

Of Europe where the sun dares scarce appear

For freezing meteors and congealed cold;

Now to be rul'd and govern'd by a man

At whose birth…day Cynthia with Saturn join'd;

And Jove; the Sun; and Mercury denied

To shed their influence in his fickle brain!

Now Turks and Tartars shake their swords at thee;

Meaning to mangle all thy provinces。

MYCETES。 Brother; I see your meaning well enough;

And through your planets I perceive you think

I am not wise enough to be a king:

But I refer me to my noblemen;

That know my wit; and can be witnesses。

I might command you to be slain for this;

Meander; might I not?

MEANDER。 Not for so small a fault; my sovereign lord。

MYCETES。 I mean it not; but yet I know I might。

Yet live; yea; live; Mycetes wills it so。

Meander; thou; my faithful counsellor;

Declare the cause of my conceived grief;

Which is; God knows; about that Tamburlaine;

That; like a fox in midst of harvest…time;

Doth prey upon my flocks of passengers;

And; as I hear; doth mean to pull my plumes:

Therefore 'tis good and meet for to be wise。

MEANDER。 Oft have I heard your majesty complain

Of Tamburlaine; that sturdy Scythian thief;

That robs your merchants of Persepolis

Trading by land unto the Western Isles;

And in your confines with his lawless train

Daily commits incivil outrages;

Hoping (misled by dreaming prophecies)

To reign in Asia; and with barbarous arms

To make himself the monarch of the East:

But; ere he march in Asia; or display

His vagrant ensign in the Persian fields;

Your grace hath taken order by Theridamas;

Charg'd with a thousand horse; to apprehend

And bring him captive to your highness' throne。

MYCETES。 Full true thou speak'st; and like thyself; my lord;

Whom I may term a Damon for thy love:

Therefore 'tis best; if so it like you all;

To send my thousand horse incontinent

To apprehend that paltry Scythian。

How like you this; my honourable lords?

Is it not a kingly resolution?

COSROE。 It cannot choose; because it comes from you。

MYCETES。 Then hear thy charge; valiant Theridamas;

The chiefest captain of Mycetes' host;

The hope of Persia; and the very legs

Whereon our state doth lean as on a staff;

That holds us up and foils our neighbour foes:

Thou shalt be leader of this thousand horse;

Whose foaming gall with rage and high disdain

Have sworn the death of wicked Tamburlaine。

Go frowning forth; but come thou smiling home;

As did Sir Paris with the Grecian dame:

Return with speed; time passeth swift away;

Our life is frail; and we may die to…day。

THERIDAMAS。 Before the moon renew her borrow'd light;

Doubt not; my lord and gracious sovereign;

But Tamburlaine and that Tartarian rout

Shall either perish by our warlike hands;

Or plead for mercy at your highness' feet。

MYCETES。 Go; stout Theridamas; thy words are swords;

And with thy looks thou conquerest all thy foes。

I long to see thee back return from thence;

That I may view these milk…white steeds of mine

All loaden with the heads of killed men;

And; from their knees even to their hoofs below;

Besmear'd with blood that makes a dainty show。

THERIDAMAS。 Then now; my lord; I humbly take my leave。

MYCETES。 Theridamas; farewell ten thousand times。

     'Exit THERIDAMAS。'

Ah; Menaphon; why stay'st thou thus behind;

When other men press forward for renown?

Go; Menaphon; go into Scythia;

And foot by foot follow Theridamas。

COSROE。 Nay; pray you; let him stay; a greater 'task'

Fits Menaphon than warring with a thief:

Create him pro…rex of all Africa;

That he may win the Babylonians' hearts;

Which will revolt from Persian government;

Unless they have a wiser king than you。

MYCETES。 Unless they have a wiser king than you!

These are his words; Meander; set them down。

COSROE。 And add this to them;that all Asia

Lament to see the folly of their king。

MYCETES。 Well; here I swear by this my royal seat

COSROE。 You may do well to kiss it; then。

MYCETES。 Emboss'd with silk as best beseems my state;

To be reveng'd for these contemptuous words!

O; where is duty and allegiance now?

Fled to the Caspian or the Ocean main?

What shall I call thee? brother? no; a foe;

Monster of nature; shame unto thy stock;

That dar'st presume thy sovereign for to mock!

Meander; come:  I am abus'd; Meander。

     'Exeunt all except COSROE and MENAPHON。'

MENAPHON。 How now; my lord! what; mated and amaz'd

To hear the king thus threaten like himself!

COSROE。 Ah; Menaphon; I pass not for his threats!

The plot is laid by Persian noblemen

And captains of the Median garrisons

To crown me emperor of Asia:

But this it is that doth excruciate

The very substance of my vexed soul;

To see our neighbours; that were wont to quake

And tremble at the Persian monarch's name;

Now sit and laugh our regiment to scorn;

And that which might resolve me into tears;

Men from the farthest equinoctial line

Have swarm'd in troops into the Eastern India;

Lading their ships with gold and precious stones;

And made their spoils from all our provinces。

MENAPHON。 This should entreat your highness to rejoice;

Since Fortune gives you opportunity

To gain the title of a conqueror

By curing of this maimed empery。

Afric and Europe bordering on your land;

And continent to your dominions;

How easily may you; with a mighty host;

Pass into Graecia; as did Cyrus once;

And cause them to withdraw their forces home;

Lest you subdue the pride of Christendom!

     'Trumpet within。'

COSROE。 But; Menaphon; what means this trumpet's sound?

MENAPHON。 Behold; my lord; Ortygius and the rest

Bringing the crown to make you emperor!

     Re…enter ORTYGIUS and CENEUS; with others; bearing a


ORTYGIUS。 Magnificent and mighty prince Cosroe;

We; in the name of other Persian states

And commons of this mighty monarchy;

Present thee with th' imperial diadem。

CENEUS。 The warlike soldiers and the gentlemen;

That heretofore have fill'd Persepolis

With Afric captains taken in the field;

Whose ransom made them march in coats of gold;

With costly jewels hanging at their ears;

And shining stones upon their lofty crests;

Now living idle in the walled towns;

Wanting both pay and martial discipline;

Begin in troops to threaten civil war;

And openly exclaim against their king:

Therefore; to stay all sudden mutinies;

We will invest your highness emperor;

Whereat the soldiers will conceive more joy

Than did the Macedonians at the spoil

Of great Darius and his 
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