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tamburlaine the great, pt 1-第18章

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From Barbary unto the Western India;

Shall pay a yearly tribute to thy sire;

And from the bounds of Afric to the banks

Of Ganges shall his mighty arm extend。

And now; my lords and loving followers;

That purchas'd kingdoms by your martial deeds;

Cast off your armour; put on scarlet robes;

Mount up your royal places of estate;

Environed with troops of noblemen;

And there make laws to rule your provinces:

Hang up your weapons on Alcides' post's';

For Tamburlaine takes truce with all the world。

Thy first…betrothed love; Arabia;

Shall we with honour; as beseems; entomb

With this great Turk and his fair emperess。

Then; after all these solemn exequies;

We will our rites of marriage solemnize。


 To the Gentlemen…readers; &c。' From the 8vo of 1592:  in the

4tos this address is worded here and there differently。  I have

not thought it necessary to mark the varioe lectiones of the

worthy printer's composition。

 histories' i。e。 dramas so called;plays founded on history。

 fond' i。e。 foolish。Concerning the omissions here alluded

to; some remarks will be found in the ACCOUNT OF MARLOWE AND




 censures' i。e。 judgments; opinions。

 Afric' So the 8vo。The 4to 〃Affrica。〃

 their' Old eds。 〃his。〃

 through' So the 4to。The 8vo 〃thorough。〃

 incivil' i。e。 barbarous。So the 8vo。The 4to 〃vnciuill。〃

 incontinent' i。e。 forthwith; immediately。

 chiefest' So the 8vo。The 4to 〃chiefe。〃

 rout' i。e。 crew。

 press' So the 8vo。The 4to 〃prease。〃

 you' So the 8vo。0mitted in the 4to。

 all' So the 4to。0mitted in the 8vo。

 mated' i。e。 confounded。

 pass not' i。e。 care not。

 regiment'  i。e。 rule; government。

 resolve' i。e。 dissolve。So the 8vo。The 4to 〃dissolue。〃

 ships' So the 4to。The 8vo 〃shippe。〃

 Pass' So the 8vo。The 4to 〃Hast。〃

 you' So the 8vo。The 4to 〃they。〃

 Ceneus' Here both the old eds。 〃Conerus。〃

 states' i。e。 noblemen; persons of rank。

 their' So the 8vo。The 4to 〃the。〃

 and Persia' So the 8vo。The 4to 〃and OF Persia。〃

 ever…raging' So the 8vo。The 4to 〃RIUER raging。〃

 ALL' So the 4to。Omitted in the 8vo。

 And Jove may; &c。' i。e。 And may Jove; &c。  This collocation

of words is sometimes found in later writers:  so in the Prologue

to Fletcher's WOMAN'S PRIZE;〃WHICH this may PROVE!〃

 knew' So the 8vo。The 4to 〃knowe。〃

 lords' So the 4to。The 8vo 〃Lord。〃

 injury' This verb frequently occurs in our early writers。

〃Then haue you INIURIED manie。〃  Lyly's ALEXANDER AND CAMPASPE;

sig。 D 4; ed。 1591。  It would seem to have fallen into disuse

soon after the commencement of the
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