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tamburlaine the great, pt 1-第15章

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In prime and glory of his loving joy;

Embraceth now with tears of ruth and blood

The jealous body of his fearful wife;

Whose cheeks and hearts; so punish'd with conceit;

To think thy puissant never…stayed arm

Will part their bodies; and prevent their souls

From heavens of comfort yet their age might bear;

Now wax all pale and wither'd to the death;

As well for grief our ruthless governor

Hath thus refus'd the mercy of thy hand;

(Whose sceptre angels kiss and Furies dread;)

As for their liberties; their loves; or lives!

O; then; for these; and such as we ourselves;

For us; for infants; and for all our bloods;

That never nourish'd thought against thy rule;

Pity; O; pity; sacred emperor;

The prostrate service of this wretched town;

And take in sign thereof this gilded wreath;

Whereto each man of rule hath given his hand;

And wish'd; as worthy subjects; happy means

To be investers of thy royal brows

Even with the true Egyptian diadem!

TAMBURLAINE。 Virgins; in vain you labour to prevent

That which mine honour swears shall be perform'd。

Behold my sword; what see you at the point?

FIRST VIRGIN。 Nothing but fear and fatal steel; my lord。

TAMBURLAINE。 Your fearful minds are thick and misty; then;

For there sits Death; there sits imperious Death;

Keeping his circuit by the slicing edge。

But I am pleas'd you shall not see him there;

He now is seated on my horsemen's spears;

And on their points his fleshless body feeds。

Techelles; straight go charge a few of them

To charge these dames; and shew my servant Death;

Sitting in scarlet on their armed spears。

VIRGINS。 O; pity us!

TAMBURLAINE。 Away with them; I say; and shew them Death!

     'The VIRGINS are taken out by TECHELLES and others。'

I will not spare these proud Egyptians;

Nor change my martial observations

For all the wealth of Gihon's golden waves;

Or for the love of Venus; would she leave

The angry god of arms and lie with me。

They have refus'd the offer of their lives;

And know my customs are as peremptory

As wrathful planets; death; or destiny。

     Re…enter TECHELLES。

What; have your horsemen shown the virgins Death?

TECHELLES。 They have; my lord; and on Damascus' walls

Have hoisted up their slaughter'd carcasses。

TAMBURLAINE。 A sight as baneful to their souls; I think;

As are Thessalian drugs or mithridate:

But go; my lords; put the rest to the sword。

     'Exeunt all except TAMBURLAINE。'

Ah; fair Zenocrate!divine Zenocrate!

Fair is too foul an epithet for thee;

That in thy passion for thy country's love;

And fear to see thy kingly father's harm;

With hair dishevell'd wip'st thy watery cheeks;

And; like to Flora in her morning's pride;

Shaking her silver tresses in the air;

Rain'st on the earth resolved pearl in showers;

And sprinklest sapphires on thy shining face;

Where Beauty; mother to the Muses; sits;

And comments volumes with her ivory pen;

Taking instructions from thy flowing eyes;

Eyes; when that Ebena steps to heaven;

In silence of thy solemn evening's walk;

Making the mantle of the richest night;

The moon; the planets; and the meteors; light;

There angels in their crystal armours fight

A doubtful battle with my tempted thoughts

For Egypt's freedom and the Soldan's life;

His life that so consumes Zenocrate;

Whose sorrows lay more siege unto my soul

Than all my army to Damascus' walls;

And neither Persia's sovereign nor the Turk

Troubled my senses with conceit of foil

So much by much as doth Zenocrate。

What is beauty; saith my sufferings; then?

If all the pens that ever poets held

Had fed the feeling of their masters' thoughts;

And every sweetness that inspir'd their hearts;

Their minds; and muses on admired themes;

If all the heavenly quintessence they still

From their immortal flowers of poesy;

Wherein; as in a mirror; we perceive

The highest reaches of a human wit;

If these had made one poem's period;

And all combin'd in beauty's worthiness;

Yet should there hover in their restless heads

One thought; one grace; one wonder; at the least;

Which into words no virtue can digest。

But how unseemly is it for my sex;

My discipline of arms and chivalry;

My nature; and the terror of my name;

To harbour thoughts effeminate and faint!

Save only that in beauty's just applause;

With whose instinct the soul of man is touch'd;

And every warrior that is rapt with love

Of fame; of valour; and of victory;

Must needs have beauty beat on his conceits:

I thus conceiving; and subduing both;

That which hath stoop'd the chiefest of the gods;

Even from the fiery…spangled veil of heaven;

To feel the lovely warmth of shepherds' flames;

And mask in cottages of strowed reeds;

Shall give the world to note; for all my birth;

That virtue solely is the sum of glory;

And fashions men with true nobility。

Who's within there?

     Enter ATTENDANTS。

Hath Bajazeth been fed to…day?

ATTEND。 Ay; my lord。

TAMBURLAINE。 Bring him forth; and let us know if the town be


     'Exeunt ATTENDANTS。'


TECHELLES。 The town is ours; my lord; and fresh supply

Of conquest and of spoil is offer'd us。

TAMBURLAINE。 That's well; Techelles。  What's the news?

TECHELLES。 The Soldan and the Arabian king together

March on us with such eager violence

As if there were no way but one with us。

TAMBURLAINE。 No more there is not; I warrant thee; Techelles。

     ATTENDANTS bring in BAJAZETH in his cage; followed by


     Exeunt ATTENDANTS。

THERIDAMAS。 We know the victory is ours; my lord;

But let us save the reverend Soldan's life

For fair Zenocrate that so laments his state。

TAMBURLAINE。 That will we chiefly see unto; Theridamas;

For sweet Zenocrate; whose worthiness

Deserves a conquest over every heart。

And now; my footstool; if I lose the field;

You hope of liberty and restitution?

Here let him stay; my masters; from the tents;

Till we have made us ready for the field。

Pray for us; Bajazeth; we are going。

     'Exeunt all except BAJAZETH and ZABINA。'

BAJAZETH。 Go; never to return with victory!

Millions of men encompass thee about;

And gore thy body with as many wounds!

Sharp forked arrows light upon thy horse!

Furies from the black Cocytus' lake;

Break up the earth; and with their fire…brands

Enforce thee run upon the baneful pikes!

Vollies of shot pierce through thy charmed skin;

And every bullet dipt in poison'd drugs!

Or roaring cannons sever all thy joints;

Making thee mount as high as eagles soar!

ZABINA。 Let all the swords and lances in the field

Stick in his breast as in their proper rooms!

At every pore let blood come dropping forth;

That lingering pains may massacre his heart;

And madness send his damned soul to hell!

BAJAZETH。 Ah; fair 
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