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tamburlaine the great, pt 1-第12章

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And be reveng'd for her disparagement。


     SCENE II。


     ZENOCRATE; ANIPPE; two MOORS drawing BAJAZETH in a cage;

     and ZABINA following him。

TAMBURLAINE。 Bring out my footstool。

     'They take BAJAZETH out of the cage。'

BAJAZETH。 Ye holy priests of heavenly Mahomet;

That; sacrificing; slice and cut your flesh;

Staining his altars with your purple blood;

Make heaven to frown; and every fixed star

To suck up poison from the moorish fens;

And pour it in this glorious tyrant's throat!

TAMBURLAINE。 The chiefest god; first mover of that sphere

Enchas'd with thousands ever…shining lamps;

Will sooner burn the glorious frame of heaven

Than it should so conspire my overthrow。

But; villain; thou that wishest this to me;

Fall prostrate on the low disdainful earth;

And be the footstool of great Tamburlaine;

That I may rise into my royal throne。

BAJAZETH。 First shalt thou rip my bowels with thy sword;

And sacrifice my heart to death and hell;

Before I yield to such a slavery。

TAMBURLAINE。 Base villain; vassal; slave to Tamburlaine;

Unworthy to embrace or touch the ground

That bears the honour of my royal weight;

Stoop; villain; stoop! stoop; for so he bids

That may command thee piecemeal to be torn;

Or scatter'd like the lofty cedar…trees

Struck with the voice of thundering Jupiter。

BAJAZETH。 Then; as I look down to the damned fiends;

Fiends; look on me! and thou; dread god of hell;

With ebon sceptre strike this hateful earth;

And make it swallow both of us at once!

     'TAMBURLAINE gets up on him into his chair。'

TAMBURLAINE。 Now clear the triple region of the air;

And let the Majesty of Heaven behold

Their scourge and terror tread on emperors。

Smile; stars that reign'd at my nativity;

And dim the brightness of your neighbour lamps;

Disdain to borrow light of Cynthia!

For I; the chiefest lamp of all the earth;

First rising in the east with mild aspect;

But fixed now in the meridian line;

Will send up fire to your turning spheres;

And cause the sun to borrow light of you。

My sword struck fire from his coat of steel;

Even in Bithynia; when I took this Turk;

As when a fiery exhalation;

Wrapt in the bowels of a freezing cloud;

Fighting for passage; make's' the welkin crack;

And casts a flash of lightning to the earth:

But; ere I march to wealthy Persia;

Or leave Damascus and th' Egyptian fields;

As was the fame of Clymene's brain…sick son

That almost brent the axle…tree of heaven;

So shall our swords; our lances; and our shot

Fill all the air with fiery meteors;

Then; when the sky shall wax as red as blood;

It shall be said I made it red myself;

To make me think of naught but blood and war。

ZABINA。 Unworthy king; that by thy cruelty

Unlawfully usurp'st the Persian seat;

Dar'st thou; that never saw an emperor

Before thou met my husband in the field;

Being thy captive; thus abuse his state;

Keeping his kingly body in a cage;

That roofs of gold and sun…bright palaces

Should have prepar'd to entertain his grace?

And treading him beneath thy loathsome feet;

Whose feet the kings of Africa have kiss'd?

TECHELLES。 You must devise some torment worse; my lord;

To make these captives rein their lavish tongues。

TAMBURLAINE。 Zenocrate; look better to your slave。

ZENOCRATE。 She is my handmaid's slave; and she shall look

That these abuses flow not from her tongue。

Chide her; Anippe。

ANIPPE。 Let these be warnings; then; for you; my slave;

How you abuse the person of the king;

Or else I swear to have you whipt stark nak'd。

BAJAZETH。 Great Tamburlaine; great in my overthrow;

Ambitious pride shall make thee fall as low;

For treading on the back of Bajazeth;

That should be horsed on four mighty kings。

TAMBURLAINE。 Thy names; and titles; and thy dignities

Are fled from Bajazeth; and remain with me;

That will maintain it 'gainst a world of kings。

Put him in again。

     'They put him into the cage。'

BAJAZETH。 Is this a place for mighty Bajazeth?

Confusion light on him that helps thee thus!

TAMBURLAINE。 There; whiles he lives; shall Bajazeth be kept;

And; where I go; be thus in triumph drawn;

And thou; his wife; shalt feed him with the scraps

My servitors shall bring thee from my board;

For he that gives him other food than this;

Shall sit by him; and starve to death himself:

This is my mind; and I will have it so。

Not all the kings and emperors of the earth;

If they would lay their crowne before my feet;

Shall ransom him; or take him from his cage:

The ages that shall talk of Tamburlaine;

Even from this day to Plato's wondrous year;

Shall talk how I have handled Bajazeth:

These Moors; that drew him from Bithynia

To fair Damascus; where we now remain;

Shall lead him with us wheresoe'er we go。

Techelles; and my loving followers;

Now may we see Damascus' lofty towers;

Like to the shadows of Pyramides

That with their beauties grace the Memphian fields。

The golden stature of their feather'd bird;

That spreads her wings upon the city…walls;

Shall not defend it from our battering shot:

The townsmen mask in silk and cloth of gold;

And every house is as a treasury;

The men; the treasure; and the town are ours。

THERIDAMAS。 Your tents of white now pitch'd before the gates;

And gentle flags of amity display'd;

I doubt not but the governor will yield;

Offering Damascus to your majesty。

TAMBURLAINE。 So shall he have his life; and all the rest:

But; if he stay until the bloody flag

Be once advanc'd on my vermilion tent;

He dies; and those that kept us out so long;

And; when they see me march in black array;

With mournful streamers hanging down their heads;

Were in that city all the world contain'd;

Not one should scape; but perish by our swords。

ZENOCRATE。 Yet would you have some pity for my sake;

Because it is my country and my father's。

TAMBURLAINE。 Not for the world; Zenocrate; if I have sworn。

Come; bring in the Turk。




     with streaming colours。

SOLDAN。 Methinks we march as Meleager did;

Environed with brave Argolian knights;

To chase the savage Calydonian boar;

Or Cephalus; with lusty Theban youths;

Against the wolf that angry Themis sent

To waste and spoil the sweet Aonian fields。

A monster of five hundred thousand heads;

Compact of rapine; piracy; and spoil;

The scum of men; the hate and scourge of God;

Raves in Aegyptia; and annoyeth us:

My lord; it is the bloody Tamburlaine;

A sturdy felon; and a base…bred thief;

By murder raised to the Persian crown;

That dare control us in our territories。

To tame the pride of this p
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