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the birds-第7章

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your shoulders。


    Then let us enter。 Xanthias and Manodorus; pick up our baggage。


    Hi! Epops! do you hear me?


    What's the matter?


    Take them off to dine well and call your mate; the melodious

Procne; whose songs are worthy of the Muses; she will delight our

leisure moments。


    Oh! I conjure you; accede to their wish; for this delightful

bird will leave her rushes at the sound of your voice; for the sake of

the gods; let her come here; so that we may contemplate the



    Let is be as you desire。 Come forth; Procne; show yourself to

these strangers。

                  (PROCNE appears; she resembles a young flute…girl。)


    Oh! great Zeus! what a beautiful little bird! what a dainty

form! what brilliant plumage! Do you know how dearly I should like

to get between her thighs?


    She is dazzling all over with gold; like a young girl。 Oh! how I

should like to kiss her!


    Why; wretched man; she has two little sharp points on her beak!


    I would treat her like an egg; the shell of which we remove before

eating it; I would take off her mask and then kiss her pretty face。


    Let us go in。


    Lead the way; and may success attend us。

    (EPOPS goes into the thicket; followed by PITHETAERUS and


  CHORUS (singing)

    Lovable golden bird; whom I cherish above all others; you; whom

I associate with all my songs; nightingale; you have come; you have

come; to show yourself to me and to charm me with your notes。 Come;

you; who play spring melodies upon the harmonious flute; lead off

our anapests。

                           (The CHORUS turns and faces the audience。)


    Weak mortals; chained to the earth; creatures of clay as frail

as the foliage of the woods; you unfortunate race; whose life is but

darkness; as unreal as a shadow; the illusion of a dream; hearken to

us; who are immortal beings; ethereal; ever young and occupied with

eternal thoughts; for we shall teach you about all celestial

matters; you shall know thoroughly what is the nature of the birds;

what the origin of the gods; of the rivers; of Erebus; and Chaos;

thanks to us; even Prodicus will envy you your knowledge。

    At the beginning there was only Chaos; Night; dark Erebus; and

deep Tartarus。 Earth; the air and heaven had no existence。 Firstly;

black…winged Night laid a germless egg in the bosom of the infinite

deeps of Erebus; and from this; after the revolution of long ages;

sprang the graceful Eros with his glittering golden wings; swift as

the whirlwinds of the tempest。 He mated in deep Tartarus with dark

Chaos; winged like himself; and thus hatched forth our race; which was

the first to see the light。 That of the Immortals did not exist

until Eros had brought together all the ingredients of the world;

and from their marriage Heaven; Ocean; Earth and the imperishable race

of blessed gods sprang into being。 Thus our origin is very much

older than that of the dwellers in Olympus。 We are the offspring of

Eros; there are a thousand proofs to show it。 We have wings and we

lend assistance to lovers。 How many handsome youths; who had sworn

to remain insensible; have opened their thighs because of our power

and have yielded themselves to their lovers when almost at the end

of their youth; being led away by the gift of a quail; a waterfowl;

a goose; or a cock。

    And what important services do not the birds render to mortals!

First of all; they mark the seasons for them; springtime; winter;

and autumn。 Does the screaming crane migrate to Libya;…it warns the

husbandman to sow; the pilot to take his ease beside his tiller hung

up in his dwelling; and Orestes to weave a tunic; so that the rigorous

cold may not drive him any more to strip other folk。 When the kite

reappears; he tells of the return of spring and of the period when the

fleece of the sheep must be clipped。 Is the swallow in sight? All

hasten to sell their warm tunic and to buy some light clothing。 We are

your Ammon; Delphi; Dodona; your Phoebus Apollo。 Before undertaking

anything; whether a business transaction; a marriage; or the

purchase of food; you consult the birds by reading the omens; and

you give this name of omen to all signs that tell of the future。

With you a word is an omen; you call a sneeze an omen; a meeting an

omen; an unknown sound an omen; a slave or an ass an omen。 Is it not

clear that we are a prophetic Apollo to you? (More and more rapidly

from here on。) If you recognize us as gods; we shall be your

divining Muses; through us you will know the winds and the seasons;

summer; winter; and the temperate months。 We shall not withdraw

ourselves to the highest clouds like Zeus; but shall be among you

and shall give to you and to your children and the children of your

children; health and wealth; long life; peace; youth; laughter;

songs and feasts; in short; you will all be so well off; that you will

be weary and cloyed with enjoyment。


    Oh; rustic Muse of such varied note; tiotiotiotiotiotinx; I sing

with you in the groves and on the mountain tops; tiotiotiotinx。 I

poured forth sacred strains from my golden throat in honour of the god

Pan; tiotiotiotinx; from the top of the thickly leaved ash; and my

voice mingles with the mighty choirs who extol Cybele on the

mountain tops; totototototototototinx。 'Tis to our concerts that

Phrynichus comes to pillage like a bee the ambrosia of his songs;

the sweetness of which so charms the ear; tiotiotiotinx。


    If there is one of you spectators who wishes to spend the rest

of his life quietly among the birds; let him come to us。 All that is

disgraceful and forbidden by law on earth is on the contrary

honourable among us; the birds。 For instance; among you it's a crime

to beat your father; but with us it's an estimable deed; it's

considered fine to run straight at your father and hit him; saying;

〃Come; lift your spur if you want to fight。〃 The runaway slave; whom

you brand; is only a spotted francolin with us。 Are you Phrygian

like Spintharus? Among us you would be the Phrygian bird; the

goldfinch; of the race of Philemon。 Are you a slave and a Carian

like Execestides? Among us you can create yourself fore…fathers; you

can always find relations。 Does the son of Pisias want to betray the

gates of the city to the foe? Let him become a partridge; the

fitting offspring of his father; among us there is no shame in

escaping as cleverly as a partridge。


    So the swans on the banks of the Hebrus; tiotiotiotiotiotinx;

mingle their voices to serenade Apollo; tiotiotiotinx; flapping

their wings the while; tiotiotiotinx; their notes reach beyond the

clouds of heaven; they startle the various
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