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Hearken; ye people! Hoplites; pick up your weapons and return to
your firesides; do not fail to read the decrees of dismissal we have
CHORUS (singing)
Man is a truly cunning creature; but nevertheless explain。 Perhaps
you are going to show me some good way to extend my power; some way
that I have not had the wit to find out and which you have discovered。
Speak! 'tis to your own interest as well as to mine; for if you secure
me some advantage; I will surely share it with you。
But what object can have induced you to come among us? Speak
boldly; for I shall not break the truce;…until you have told us all。
I am bursting with desire to speak; I have already mixed the dough
of my address and nothing prevents me from kneading it。。。。Slave! bring
the chaplet and water; which you must pour over my hands。 Be quick!
Is it a question of feasting? What does it all mean?
By Zeus; no! but I am hunting for fine; tasty words to break
down the hardness of their hearts。 (To the CHORUS) I grieve so much
for you; who at one time were kings。。。
We kings? Over whom?
。。。of all that exists; firstly of me and of this man; even of Zeus
himself。 Your race is older than Saturn; the Titans and the Earth。
What; older than the Earth!
By Phoebus; yes。
By Zeus; but I never knew that before!
That's because you are ignorant and heedless; and have never
read your Aesop。 He is the one who tells us that the lark was born
before all other creatures; indeed before the Earth; his father died
of sickness; but the Earth did not exist then; he remained unburied
for five days; when the bird in its dilemma decided; for want of a
better place; to entomb its father in its own head。
So that the lark's father is buried at Cephalae。
Hence; if they existed before the Earth; before the gods; the
kingship belongs to them by right of priority。
Undoubtedly; but sharpen your beak well; Zeus won't be in a
hurry to hand over his sceptre to the woodpecker。
It was not the gods; but the birds; who were formerly the
masters and kings over men; of this I have a thousand proofs。 First of
all; I will point you to the cock; who governed the Persians before
all other monarchs; before Darius and Megabazus。 It's in memory of his
reign that he is called the Persian bird。
For this reason also; even to…day; he alone of all the birds wears
his tiara straight on his head; like the Great King。
He was so strong; so great; so feared; that even now; on account
of his ancient power; everyone jumps out of bed as soon as ever he
crows at daybreak。 Blacksmiths; potters; tanners; shoemakers; bathmen;
corndealers; lyre…makers and armourers; all put on their shoes and
go to work before it is daylight。
I can tell you something about that。 It was the cock's fault
that I lost a splendid tunic of Phrygian wool。 I was at a feast in
town; given to celebrate the birth of a child; I had drunk pretty
freely and had just fallen asleep; when a cock; I suppose in a greater
hurry than the rest; began to crow。 I thought it was dawn and set
out for Halimus。 I had hardly got beyond the walls; when a footpad
struck me in the back with his bludgeon; down I went and wanted to
shout; but he had already made off with my mantle。
Formerly also the kite was ruler and king over the Greeks。
The Greeks?
And when he was king; he was the one who first taught them to fall
on their knees before the kites。
By Zeus! that's what I did myself one day on seeing a kite; but at
the moment I was on my knees; and leaning backwards with mouth
agape; I bolted an obolus and was forced to carry my meal…sack home
The cuckoo was king of Egypt and of the whole of Phoenicia。 When
he called out 〃cuckoo;〃 all the Phoenicians hurried to the fields to
reap their wheat and their barley。
Hence no doubt the proverb; 〃Cuckoo! cuckoo! go to the fields;
ye circumcised。〃
So powerful were the birds that the kings of Grecian cities;
Agamemnon; Menelaus; for instance; carried a bird on the tip of
their sceptres; who had his share of all presents。
That I didn't know and was much astonished when I saw Priam come
upon the stage in the tragedies with a bird; which kept watching
Lysicrates to see if he got any present。
But the strongest proof of all is that Zeus; who now reigns; is
represented as standing with an eagle on his head as a symbol of his
royalty; his daughter has an owl; and Phoebus; as his servant; has a
By Demeter; the point is well taken。 But what are all these
birds doing in heaven?
When anyone sacrifices and; according to the rite; offers the
entrails to the gods; these birds take their share before Zeus。
Formerly men always swore by the birds and never by the gods。
And even now Lampon swears by the goose whenever he wishes to
deceive someone。
Thus it is clear that you were once great and sacred; but now
you are looked upon as slaves; as fools; as Maneses; stones are thrown
at you as at raving madmen; even in holy places。 A crowd of
bird…catchers sets snares; traps; limed twigs and nets of all sorts
for you; you are caught; you are sold in heaps and the buyers finger
you over to be certain you are fat。 Again; if they would but serve you
up simply roasted; but they rasp cheese into a mixture of oil; vinegar
and laserwort; to which another sweet and greasy sauce is added; and
the whole is poured scalding hot over your back; for all the world
as if you were diseased meat。
CHORUS (singing)
Man; your words have made my heart bleed; I have groaned over
the treachery of our fathers; who knew not how to transmit to us the
high rank they held from their forefathers。 But 'tis a benevolent
Genius; a happy Fate; that sends you to us; you shall be our deliverer
and I place the destiny of my little ones and my own in your hands
with every confidence。
But hasten to tell me what must be done; we should not be worthy
to live; if we did not seek to regain our royalty by every possible
First I advise that the birds gather together in one city and that
they build a wall of great bricks; like that at Babylon; round the
plains of the air and the whole region of space that divides earth
from heaven。
Oh; Cebriones! oh; Porphyrion! what a terribly strong place!
Then; when