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the birds-第14章

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then; and fear nothing; speak on。


    Then listen。


    I am listening; proceed!


    Zeus is done for。


    Ah! and since when; pray?


    Since you founded this city in the air。 There is not a man who now

sacrifices to the gods; the smoke of the victims no longer reaches us。

Not the smallest offering comes! We fast as though it were the

festivall of Demeter。 The barbarian gods; who are dying of hunger; are

bawling like Illyrians and threaten to make an armed descent upon

Zeus; if he does not open markets where joints of the victims are



    What! there are other gods besides you; barbarian gods who dwell

above Olympus?


    If there were no barbarian gods; who would be the patron of



    And what is the name of these gods?


    Their name? Why; the Triballi。


    Ah; indeed! 'tis from that no doubt that we derive the word



    Most likely。 But one thing I can tell you for certain; namely;

that Zeus and the celestial Triballi are going to send deputies here

to sue for peace。 Now don't you treat with them; unless Zeus

restores the sceptre to the birds and gives you Basileia in marriage。


    Who is this Basileia?


    A very fine young damsel; who makes the lightning for Zeus; all

things come from her; wisdom; good laws; virtue; the fleet; calumnies;

the public paymaster and the triobolus。


    Ah! then she is a sort of general manageress to the god。


    Yes; precisely。 If he gives you her for your wife; yours will be

the almighty power。 That is what I have come to tell you; for you know

my constant and habitual goodwill towards men。


    Oh; yes! it's thanks to you that we roast our meat。


    I hate the gods; as you know。


    Aye; by Zeus; you have always detested them。


    Towards them I am a veritable Timon; but I must return in all

haste; so give me the umbrella; if Zeus should see me from up there;

he would think I was escorting one of the Canephori。


    Wait; take this stool as well。

              (PROMETHEUS leaves。 PITHETAERUS goes into the thicket。)

  CHORUS (singing)

    Near by the land of the Sciapodes there is a marsh; from the

borders whereof the unwashed Socrates evokes the souls of men。

Pisander came one day to see his soul; which he had left there when

still alive。 He offered a little victim; a camel; slit his throat and;

following the example of Odysseus; stepped one pace backwards。 Then

that bat of a Chaerephon came up from hell to drink the camel's blood。

             (POSIDON enters; accompanied by HERACLES and TRIBALLUS。)


    This is the city of Nephelococcygia; to which we come as

ambassadors。 (To TRIBALLUS) Hi! what are you up to? you are throwing

your cloak over the left shoulder。 Come; fling it quick over the

right! And why; pray; does it draggle in this fashion? Have you ulcers

to hide like Laespodias? Oh! democracy! whither; oh! whither are you

leading us? Is it possible that the gods have chosen such an envoy?

You are undisturbed? Ugh! you cursed savage! you are by far the most

barbarous of all the gods。…Tell me; Heracles; what are we going to do?


    I have already told you that I want to strangle the fellow who

dared to wall us out。


    But; my friend; we are envoys of peace。


    All the more reason why I wish to strangle him。

    (PITHETAERUS comes out of the thicket; followed by slaves; who are

      carrying various kitchen utensils; one of them sets up a table

      on which he places poultry dressed for roasting。)


    Hand me the cheese…grater; bring me the silphium for sauce; pass

me the cheese and watch the coals。


    Mortal! we who greet you are three gods。


    Wait a bit till I have prepared my silphium pickle。


    What are these meats?


    These are birds that have been punished with death for attacking

the people's friends。


    And you are going to season them before answering us?

  PITHETAERUS (looking up from his work for the first time)

    Ah! Heracles! welcome; welcome! What's the matter?


    The gods have sent us here as ambassadors to treat for peace。

  PITHETAERUS (ignoring this)

    There's no more oil in the flask。


    And yet the birds must be thoroughly basted with it。


    We have no interest to serve in fighting you; as for you; be

friends and we promise that you shall always have rain…water in your

pools and the warmest of warm weather。 So far as these points go we

are plenipotentiaries。


    We have never been the aggressors; and even now we are as well

disposed for peace as yourselves; provided you agree to one

equitable condition。 namely; that Zeus yield his sceptre to the birds。

If only this is agreed to; I invite the ambassadors to dinner。


    That's good enough for me。 I vote for peace。


    You wretch! you are nothing but a fool and a glutton。 Do you

want to dethrone your own father?


    What an error。 Why; the gods will be much more powerful if the

birds govern the earth。 At present the mortals are hidden beneath

the clouds; escape your observation; and commit perjury in your

name; but if you had the birds for your allies; and a man; after

having sworn by the crow and Zeus; should fail to keep his oath; the

crow would dive down upon him unawares and pluck out his eye。


    Well thought of; by Posidon!


    My notion too。


    And you; what's your opinion?




    D'you see? he also approves。 But listen; here is another thing

in which we can serve you。 If a man vows to offer a sacrifice to

some god; and then procrastinates; pretending that the gods can

wait; and thus does not keep his word; we shall punish his stinginess。


    Ah! and how?


    While he is counting his money or is in the bath; a kite will

relieve him; before he knows it; either in coin or in clothes; of

the value of a couple of sheep; and carry it to the god。


    I vote for restoring them the sceptre。


    Ask Triballus。


    Hi Triballus; do you want a thrashing?


    Sure; bashum head withum stick。


    He says; 〃Right willingly。〃


    If that be the opinion of both of you; why; I consent too。


    Very well! we accord you the sceptre。


    Ah! I was nearly forgetting another condition。 I will leave Here

to Zeus; but only if the young Basileia is
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