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the birds-第12章

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you; his messenger; if you annoy me; I shall begin by getting

between your thighs; and even though you are Iris; you will be

surprised at the erection the old man can produce; it's three times as

good as the ram on a ship's prow!


    May you perish; you wretch; you and your infamous words!


    Won't you get out of here quickly? Come; stretch your wings or

look out for squalls!


    If my father does not punish you for your insults。。。

                                       (The Machine takes IRIS away。)


    Ha!。。。 but just you be off elsewhere to roast younger folk than us

with your lightning。

  CHORUS (singing)

    We forbid the gods; the sons of Zeus; to pass through our city and

the mortals to send them the smoke of their sacrifices by this road。


    It's odd that the messenger we sent to the mortals has never


    (The HERALD enters; wearing a golden garland on his head。)


    Oh! blessed Pithetaerus; very wise; very illustrious; very

gracious; thrice happy; very。。e; prompt me; somebody; do


    Get to your story!


    All peoples are filled with admiration for your wisdom; and they

award you this golden crown。


    I accept it。 But tell me; why do the people admire me?


    Oh you; who have founded so illustrious a city in the air; you

know not in what esteem men hold you and how many there are who burn

with desire to dwell in it。 Before your city was built; all men had

a mania for Sparta; long hair and fasting were held in honour; men

went dirty like Socrates and carried staves。 Now all is changed。

Firstly; as soon as it's dawn; they all spring out of bed together

to go and seek their food; the same as you do; then they fly off

towards the notices and finally devour the decrees。 The bird…madness

is so clear that many actually bear the names of birds。 There is a

halting victualler; who styles himself the partridge; Menippus calls

himself the swallow; Opuntius the one…eyed crow; Philocles the lark;

Theogenes the fox…goose; Lycurgus the ibis; Chaerephon the bat;

Syracosius the magpie; Midias the quail; indeed he looks like a

quail that has been hit hard on the head。 Out of love for the birds

they repeat all the songs which concern the swallow; the teal; the

goose or the pigeon; in each verse you see wings; or at all events a

few feathers。 This is what is happening down there。 Finally; there are

more than ten thousand folk who are coming here from earth to ask

you for feathers and hooked claws; so; mind you supply yourself with

wings for the immigrants。


    Ah! by Zeus; there's no time for idling。 (To some slaves) Go as

quick as possible and fill every hamper; every basket you can find

with wings。 Manes will bring them to me outside the walls; where I

will welcome those who present themselves。

  CHORUS (Singing)

    This town will soon be inhabited by a crowd of men。 Fortune

favours us alone and thus they have fallen in love with our city。

  PITHETAERUS (to the slave MANES; who brings in a basket full of


    Come; hurry up and bring them along。

  CHORUS (singing)

    Will not man find here everything that can please him…wisdom;

love; the divine Graces; the sweet face of gentle peace?

  PITHETAERUS (as MANES Comes in with another basket)

    Oh! you lazy servant! won't you hurry yourself?

  CHORUS (singing)

    Let a basket of wings be brought speedily。 Come; beat him as I do;

and put some life into him; he is as lazy as an ass。


    Aye; Manes is a great craven。

  CHORUS (singing)

    Begin by putting this heap of wings in order; divide them in three

parts according to the birds from whom they came; the singing; the

prophetic and the aquatic birds; then you must take care to distribute

them to the men according to their character。

  PITHETAERUS (to MANES; who is bringing in another basket)

    Oh! by the kestrels! I can keep my hands off you no longer; you

are too slow and lazy altogether。

    (He hits MANES; who runs away。 A young PARRICIDE enters。)

  PARRICIDE (singing)

    Oh! might I but become an eagle; who soars in the skies! Oh! might

I fly above the azure waves of the barren sea!


    Ha! it would seem the news was true; I hear someone coming who

talks of wings。


    Nothing is more charming than to fly; I am bird…mad and fly

towards you; for I want to live with you and to obey your laws。


    Which laws? The birds have many laws。


    All of them; but the one that pleases me most is that among the

birds it is considered a fine thing to peck and strangle one's father。


    Yes; by Zeus! according to us; he who dares to strike his

father; while still a chick; is a brave fellow。


    And therefore I want to dwell here; for I want to strangle my

father and inherit his wealth。


    But we have also an ancient law written in the code of the storks;

which runs thus; 〃When the stork father has reared his young and has

taught them to fly; the young must in their turn support the father。〃

  PARRICIDE (petulantly)

    It's hardly worth while coming all this distance to be compelled

to keep my father!


    No; no; young friend; since you have come to us with such

willingness; I am going to give you these black wings; as though you

were an orphan bird; furthermore; some good advice; that I received

myself in infancy。 Don't strike your father; but take these wings in

one hand and these spurs in the other; imagine you have a cock's crest

on your head and go and mount guard and fight; live on your pay and

respect your father's life。 You're a gallant fellow! Very well;

then! Fly to Thrace and fight。


    By Bacchus! You're right; I will follow your counsel。


    It's acting wisely; by Zeus。

    (The PARRICIDE departs; and the dithyrambic poet CINESIAS


  CINESIAS (singing)

    〃On my light pinions I soar off to Olympus; in its capricious

flight my Muse flutters along the thousand paths of poetry in turn。。。〃


    This is a fellow will need a whole shipload of wings。

  CINESIAS (singing)

    〃。。。and being fearless and vigorous; it is seeking fresh outlet。〃


    Welcome; Cinesias; you lime…wood man! Why have you come here

twisting your game leg in circles?

  CINESIAS (singing)

    〃I want to become a bird; a tuneful nightingale。〃


    Enough of that sort of ditty。 Tell me what you want。


    Give me wings and I will fly into the topmost airs to gather fresh

songs in the clouds; in the midst of the vapours and the fleecy snow。


    Gather songs in the clouds?


    'Tis on them the whole of our latter…day art depends。 The most

brilliant dithyram
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