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He eyed her disgustedly。 Was there anything equal to a woman for folly?
‘‘We've got to make the most of what little we have;'' said he。
‘‘I tell you I don't know anything about those things;'' repeated she。 ‘‘You'll have to look after them。 Mildred and I aren't like the women you've been used to。 We are ladies。''
Presbury's rage boiled over again at the mention of Mildred。 ‘‘That daughter of yours!'' he cried。 ‘‘What's to be done about her? I've got no money to waste on her。''
‘‘You miserable Tammany THING!'' exclaimed she。 ‘‘Don't you dare SPEAK of my daughter except in the most respectful way。''
And once more she opened out upon him; wreaking upon him all her wrath against fate; all the pent…up fury of two yearsfury which had been denied such fury's usual and natural expression in denunciations of the dead bread…winner。 The generous and ever…kind Henry Gower could not be to blame for her wretched plight; and; of course; she herself could not be to blame for it。 So; until now there had been no scapegoat。 Presbury therefore received the whole burden。 He; alarmed lest a creature apparently so irrational; should in wild rage drive him away; ruin him socially; perhaps induce a sympathetic court to award her a large part of his income as alimony; said not a word in reply。 He bade his wrath wait。 Later on; when the peril was over; when he had a firm grip upon the situationthen he would take his revenge。
They gave up the expensive suite at the Waldorf that very day and returned to Hanging Rock。 They alternated between silence and the coarsest; crudest quarrelings; for neither had the intelligence to quarrel wittily or the refinement to quarrel artistically。 As soon as they arrived at the Gower house; Mildred was dragged into the wrangle。
‘‘I married this terrible man for your sake;'' was the burden of her mother's wail。 ‘‘And he is a beggar wants to sell off everything and dismiss the servants。''
‘‘You are a pair of paupers;'' cried the old man。 ‘‘You are shameless tricksters。 Be careful how you goad me!''
Mildred had anticipated an unhappy ending to her mother's marriage; but she had not knowledge enough of life or of human nature to anticipate any such horrors as now began。 Every day; all day long the vulgar fight raged。 Her mother and her stepfather withdrew from each other's presence only to think up fresh insults to fling at each other。 As soon as they were armed they hastened to give battle again。 She avoided Presbury。 Her mother she could not avoid; and when her mother was not in combat with him; she was weeping or wailing or railing to Mildred。
It was at Mildred's urging that her mother acquiesced in Presbury's plans for reducing expenses within income。 At first the girl; even more ignorant than her mother of practical affairs; did not appreciate the wisdom; not to say the necessity; of what he wished to do; but soon she saw that he was right; that the servants must go; that the horses and carriages and the motors must be sold。 When she was convinced and had convinced her mother; she still did not realize what the thing really meant。 Not until she no longer had a maid did she comprehend。 To a woman who has never had a maid; or who has taken on a maid as a luxury; it will seem an exaggeration to say that Mildred felt as helpless as a baby lying alone in a crib before it has learned to crawl。 Yet that is rather an understatement of her plight。 The maid left in the afternoon。 Mildred; not without inconveniences that had in the novelty their amusing side; contrived to dress that evening for dinner and to get to bed; but when she awakened in the morning and was ready to dress; the loss of Therese became a tragedy。 It took the girl nearly four hours to get herself together presentablyand then; never had she looked so unkempt。 With her hair; thick and soft; she could do nothing。
‘‘What a wonderful person Therese was!'' thought she。 ‘‘And I always regarded her as rather stupid。'' Her mother; who had not had a maid until she was about thirty and had never become completely dependent; fared somewhat better; though; hearing her moans; you would have thought she was faring worse。
Mildred's unhappiness increased from day to day; as her wardrobe fell into confusion and disrepair。 She felt that she must rise to the situation; must teach herself; must save herself from impending dowdiness and slovenliness。 But her brain seemed to be paralyzed。 She did not know how or where to begin to learn。 She often in secret gave way to the futility of tears。
There were now only a cook and one housemaid and a man of all workall three newcomers; for Presbury insistedmost wiselythat none of the servants of the luxurious; wasteful days would be useful in the new circumstances。 He was one of those small; orderly men who have a genius for just such situations as the one he now proceeded to grapple with and solve。 In his pleasure at managing everything about that house; in distributing the work among the three servants; in marketing; and; in inspecting purchases and nosing into the garbage…barrel; in looking for dust on picture… frames and table…tops and for neglected weeds in the garden walksin this multitude of engrossing delights he forgot his anger over the trick that had been played upon him。 He still fought with his wife and denounced her and met insult with insult。 But that; too; was one of his pleasures。 Also; he felt that on the whole he had done well in marrying。 He had been lonely as a bachelor; had had no one to talk with; or to quarrel with; nothing to do。 The marriage was not so expensive; as his wife had brought him a houseand it such a one as he had always regarded as the apogee of elegance。 Living was not dear in Hanging Rock; if one understood managing and gave time to it。 And socially he was at last established。
Soon his wife was about as contented as she had ever been in her life。 She hated and despised her husband; but quarreling with him and railing against him gave her occupation and aimtwo valuable assets toward happiness that she had theretofore lacked。 Her living shelter; food; clothing enoughwas now secure。 But the most important factor of all in her content was the one apparently too trivial to be worthy of record。 From girlhood she could not recall a single day in which she had not suffered from her feet。 And she had been ashamed to say anything about ithad never let anyone; even her maid; see her feet; which were about the only unsightly part of her。 None had guessed the cause of her chronic ill…temper until Presbury; that genius for the little; said within a week of their marriage:
‘‘You talk and act like a woman with chronic corns。''
He did not dream of the effect this chance thrust had upon his wife。 For the first time he had really ‘‘landed。'' She concealed her fright and her shame as best she could and went on quarreling more viciously than ever。 But he presently returned to the attack。 Said he:
‘‘Your feet hurt you。 I'm sure they do。 Now that I think of it; you walk that way。''
‘‘I suppose I deserve my fate;'' said she。 ‘‘When a woman marries beneath her she must expect insult and low conversation。''
‘‘You must cure your f